Black Estoc

After working out for the day Noah planned on what they should do today. They still had horse riding practice, so it was what to do the rest of the day.

After thinking of a few things he couldn't decide. He always came to the conclusion that Alice wouldn't be comfortable with it. In the end, he decided to ask Alice.

Alice was sitting and watching a show on her laptop. She had woken up earlier today, and seen Noah was out. Alone in the house, she decided to catch up on the series she had missed in the past two weeks.

"Alice, I just came back from the gym. When did you wake up?"

"An hour ago."

"Let me just take a shower first. Then I'll make breakfast." Noah answered.

After a while, Noah sat with Alice who was intently watching her show.

"Alice what should we do today? We should do something you're interested in today."

"I'm interested in not leaving the house."

"I want a serious answer. Something you wanted to do. It can be anything, I want to do something you like doing together."

"How about you watch this with me?"

Noah looked at the video playing and recognised it. It was currently the most popular show in the country. He had even acted with a few of the actors and actually had been asked to act in the show himself. It was just that he had given up acting by then. The worst was he actually already knew what would happen. He wasn't sure if he could get into it, but seeing Alice ask him so eagerly he couldn't say no.

In the end, Alice and Noah went and came back from horse riding practice. Alice had improved a lot and was able to gallop along with Noah.

They spent the rest of the day on the couch, ordering food and watching the show on TV.


Back in the eternal Battlefield Noah left the house while Alice was asleep and explored the town. The trip to the forest took two days, they returned home yesterday from the forest. In the town again Noah wanted to see more of it.

His goal was the town smithy, he wanted to make something out of the Mutated spider leg he had gotten from the Mutated Spider Queen.

He found the building and entered. The shop was filled with weapons all around. These weapons were different to the ones the store sold. These seemed all custom made and unique while the store sold mass-produced weapons. He sadly couldn't check their attributes, could only tell what their class was. All of them were F rank.

Noah walked up to the blacksmith.

"Hello, young man what can I do for ya?" A large tanned man in a husky voice asked him. The man wore gloves and dusty clothes stained with oil.

"I want to make a sword out of this," Noah said as he took the mutated spider leg out of his inventory.

The blacksmith picked it up and looked at it from multiple directions.

"It's a little thin, but it's usable what type of sword do you want? Something heavy and strong or light and fast."

"I would prefer something fast and sharp."

"I see. This isn't enough to make the whole sword, I'll need to alloy it with other metals. I currently have two metals to choose from, mana steel and black iron."

"Can you tell me the difference?" He hadn't heard of both of them.

"Mana steel is a very balanced metal. Using it to forge your sword will give it balanced attributes. Black Iron is more on the dense side. It is used to focus on one point in particular in weapon forging. If you want to get a weapon high in one particular attribute I recommend Black Iron. But Black Iron is twice as expensive then Mana Steel."

"I'll go with Black Iron, will I be sacrificing anything in return to get high attributes?"

"Not much, if black iron is alloyed with a material that isn't compatible it will give a poor quality product that you can shatter with your hands. This material you gave me seems compatible, it's also why I gave you the option of it. Mana steel doesn't have any compatible issue and is the same with all materials, if you want to be on the safer side you can choose mana steel."

"No I'll stick with Black Iron, I want to get a high agility attribute on the weapon."

"Agility? I told you that Black Iron is dense, so it'll make the weapon heavy and slower, you'll need a high strength attribute to even use it. If you have high agility from the weapon but your strength attribute is low since you are low level, you won't be able to even carry the weapon. I recommend you make a strength-based weapon. If you want an agility one, the best metal is blue iron, sadly you can't find it here."

"It'll be fine if it is heavy. I want black iron focused on agility."

"Okay, it'll cost you 5 silver in total." Noah nodded and paid him, 500 copper. He had enough money from the dungeon running yesterday.

"Come back after 12 hours."


Noah and Alice set out again to clear dungeons. Noah used the rest of his money to buy a dungeon map of the area from the store. His Explorer Map was updated and had all the details from the Map added on to it.

With it, Noah was able to now locate all dungeons he had seen on the map in the area. So they went to the closest one.

It was also a cave, like the metallic spider dungeon. In it, the monsters were large green lizards.

Noah and Alice went through it. These monsters were fast and agile. It was similar to the spider dungeon. However, they weren't as defensive. What was annoying was that the monsters were able to spit acid.

The Dungeon Lord was a large Lizard that could spray acid. Its body wasn't strong so Noah kept agro using his gun and dodged the acid from a distance while Alice silently attacked it with her dagger quickly damaging it.

They killed the monster and it dropped 5 objects other than copper coins.

It dropped two enhancers, both were the same.

[Fast Blade (Bronze): Increase the speed of your strikes.]

Other than that it dropped three basic agility stones.

They kept everything and went back to town. The Green Lizard dungeon took a while to complete because they had to kill each green lizard individually, or they wouldn't be able to keep up with the onslaught of acid.


Noah went to the smithy to collect his completed weapon.

The weapon was a black sword. Its blade was thin only the width of two fingers. Its sharpness concentrated to the tip of the blade. The guard barely stretched out and almost blended in with the blade, making it seem like a long black stick if seen from far.

[Black Estoc] (E Class)

Strength +23, Agility +30, Physique +10, Sense +10

Passive skill 1: [Armor Piercing] The blade of the sword can pierce through armour.

Passive skill 2: [Corrupting Wound] injuries caused by the sword is corrupted with a certain type of energy and are harder to heal.

"Young man you got lucky. An F Class material forming an E Class weapon. It was my first time in such a situation. That black energy inside seemed to be quite strong. If you find materials you could reforge it and strengthen the sword."

Noah held the blade and waved it around a bit. His stats had increased immensely because of it.



Name: Noah Sinfero

Age: 18

Race: Human



[Strength 15] [Agility 19] [Physique 9] [Intelligence 15] [Willpower 15] [Sense 20] [Mana 6]


[Strength 38] [Agility 49] [Physique 19] [Intelligence 15] [Willpower 15] [Sense 30] [Mana 6]

(Bonus Attribute Points: 0)

Awakened Talents-

Guardian of Love (C++ Class)

Blessed Mind (A+ Class)

Truth Seeker (E Class)

Spatial Sense (A Class)

Genius Martial Combat Body (D+ Class)


[Ambidextrous] [Insomnia] [Explorer]


[Lv.1 Flash Step (B+ Class)]

[Lv.1 Secret of the Four Seasons: Winter Style (D++ Class)]

[Lv.2 Strength Boost (F Class)]

(Skill Points: 0)


"My attributes, aren't they a little too high? The increase in attributes from the Steel Metal Gun hasn't been removed either."

Noah was sure that you could only gain attributes from one weapon.

"Can you gain attributes from two weapons at once?" Noah asked the blacksmith.

"You can if you have certain traits or talents. You can even gain enhancers like dual-wielding to also be able to properly equip two weapons."

"I see, thank you." Noah then left. It should be ambidextrous that allows me to equip two weapons. It seemed like he hadn't noticed before since he had never held the black pistol and the steel magic gun together. It was his belief that he could only equip one weapon that he hadn't even tried.

Along the way back he learned the enhancer [Fast Blade]. It was added to sword mastery. With it, Sword Mastery became an E Class skill.

(E Class)

You have gained proficiency in using the sword allowing the mana in your body to connect with it.

Increase damage of Swords strikes by 30%

Increase speed of Sword Strikes by 10%

*Attack do additional magic damage

Enhancers {3/6}

[Mana Edge (Silver]

[Razor Blade (Bronze)]

[Fast Blade (Bronze)]