First day of school

Early in the morning Noah changed and got ready for school. The process of his transfer had been taken care of. He just had to go to school now.

He wore the uniform, it was a navy blue and maroon checked trousers with a white shirt, a maroon emblem on it. A maroon tie. He then wore a blazer on top. He made his hair. He wore the watch he always wore. Underneath his shirt he still had the two lockets hanging.

Alice wore her uniform as well. She wore similar to his trousers, maroon and navy blue checked skirt. A white shirt and a maroon tie. She put on a pair of glasses and got up to leave.

The two ate breakfast and then walked down holding their bags.

Noah came down and walked to a nearby car, he pulled open the door open for Alice to sit. This was the car his butler had bought with his money and arranged for him. He sat in the driving seat himself.

"When did you buy the car?"

"I had this car arranged for today, it arrived yesterday night. I'll drive you everywhere you want now."

Noah reversed out from the parking spot and drove to the school.


At the school Noah helped Alice out of the car, opening the front to take out their bags. He then held Alice's hand as they walked into the school.

Walking among the crowd the two walked to the school building from the gate. With only a few students in the surrounding, he was able to walk into the school building uninterrupted although people had already started noticing him.

The class was about to start, Noah had to go greet the teacher first.

"Alice you sit down first I'll come back in a second," Noah said as he gave Alice her bag.

He then walked to the staff room.


Alice held her bag outside the classroom, it had been so long since she had entered it. Normally she would have been incredibly intimidated and would start regretting coming at this moment but right now she didn't care.

She walked in. Many of the students who were talking seemed to notice her paused for a moment.

Alice ignored everything that was happening around her and walked to the back of the classroom and sat where she normally would sit.

A minute later the teacher walked in.

"Settle down everyone. Before we begin, we will be having a new student join us. Come in and introduce yourself."

Noah walked in and stood next to the teacher.

"I'm Noah Sinfero." Noah casually said with a smile.

Everyone paused after seeing him. A few girls stood up and screamed. The whole class knew who he was, they quickly pulled out their phones and started taking pictures.

"Stop, all of you stop. You're not allowed those pictures. Noah will be a fellow classmate, respect his privacy, please. Noah, you can go sit down."

Noah went to the back of the class and sat down right next to Alice.

Everyone sat down again, but people were still secretly taking photos. Noah noticed this but didn't mind. He had gotten used to this long ago. He simply sat next to Alice.

While he listened to the teacher talk, Noah wasn't paying much attention, he had already studied everything ahead of time, so what he was being taught in class wasn't useful. With his education and background, he could've graduated a long time ago but had purposely delayed it as his schedule was already packed with modelling, acting and training.

Naturally, he still had to stay at the top of his class no matter the circumstance and he had always done so. The reason he had joined Alice's school wasn't to study. It was mainly to just be with Alice.

Noah looked around the class and the teacher felt his mouth distaste. He already firmly disliked everyone in the school. Knowing what happened to Alice, his first impression was ruined. All he could think about when he saw anyone in the school was that they blinded themselves to obvious bullying.

From his perspective, the teachers were the same as they failed to find the truth in the situation or didn't help a struggling student.

He naturally hated the bullies themselves the most from everyone in the school. The people that were directly involved with Alice's suffering he would deal with them all.

The first class ended, the two then moved to their next class. Noah got up with Alice and walked out with her. The whole class looked in his direction. A few people looked like they wanted to approach him but stopped after seeing him stick to Alice as he left.

Noah reached out his hand to grab Alice's as they walked to their next class, but was slapped away.

"People are around, everyone will be able to see," Alice said as she walked faster.

Noah followed behind her quickly and sat in his next class.

An old man wearing reading glasses walked in. He looked at the class and started teaching.

Noah was now completely uninterested in the class, he just observed Alice as she took notes.

She sat with her back straight and her hands typing on her laptop. Her overgrown hair coming down onto her glasses covered eyes. She regularly moved her hair so she could see. She was completely engrossed in the class and didn't seem to care about anything else.

Noah watching her struggle with her hair reached his hand out and pushed back her hair for her. He already knew Alice purposefully hadn't tied her hair and let cover her face. It was like she wanted to hide.

Alice was surprised and looked at Noah who just smiled at her. She didn't mind Noah holding her hair back and typed faster.

The old man teaching saw what was happening. He didn't mind at first but then he saw that he wasn't the only one to notice them. A lot of students were distracted from seeing them.

In the middle of his explanation, he stopped and pointed a laser pointer at Noah, "You stand up and explain the statement I just made."

Noah wasn't paying attention but he heard the statement. He stood up and casually explained it.

The old man was impressed, they still hadn't covered this part so he nodded.

"Well done! You should be the new student everyone's excited about. What's your name?"

"Noah Sinfero."

"I'll make sure to remember that. It seems that you have already studied this, that doesn't mean you can sit around and flirt in my class. Sit back down and pay attention."

He then went back to explaining.

Noah was a bit surprised that the teacher didn't recognise him. It was hard to find people that didn't know who he was, he didn't care too much, he knew he was in the wrong for not paying attention.

Noah looked in his bag and took out a handkerchief, "Can I make your hair?"

"Not now, It'll disturb the class again." Alice quickly said.

Noah nodded and waited for the class to end. The moment it did, he got up and used the handkerchief to hold the hair coming on her face back. He felt so much better now, he could now see Alice's face.

She looked incredibly pretty as her purple eyes could finally be seen. With glasses, she had this added elegance that made her seem mature.

Alice had been packing up her bag while Noah had made her hair. She used her phone as a mirror and felt weird having her face completely revealed in school.

After everything had happened in school she felt having a pretty face wasn't a good thing. She was only under constant envy from the girls and as a trophy to the guys around her. At one point she just felt like covering her face and staying unnoticed. She had just wanted to blend in with the crowd.

Now that she had Noah with her she didn't mind changing, it would be uncomfortable for a while. She was sure Noah would help her through it.

The classes went on until they had lunch in the middle of the day.

"Where do you normally eat lunch?" Noah asked Alice as they walked down a hall.

"I don't eat lunch."

"Then what do you do during the break?"

"I go to the restroom and use my phone." Alice casually said.

Noah stopped for a moment and grabed her hand, "Let's go have lunch. I packed some this morning," Noah said with a smile. The fastest way to make some feel better was through good tasting food.

"Okay follow me." Alice then led Noah up a staircase to a locked door. She pulled out some tools from her bag and picked the lock for the roof in a few quick movements,

"I come here whenever I want to be alone." She led Noah in.

Noah was surprised to see her open the door, "When did you learn that?"

"I learned it online, luckily the door uses a simple lock that can be easily picked."

Noah had lunch with Alice then went back to class. The school day soon ended Noah thought about what happened the whole day and how people treated Alice. They treated her like she was the plague and didn't get close to her much less talk. Her existence was ignored by the whole class.

As for the people who bullied Alice, they hadn't come to school today. He wasn't able to see them.

Nobody had really gotten close to him as well. A few people had asked for his number at most. However, he could understand people not getting too close to him so quickly, although he was a celebrity his image wasn't exactly that approachable in real life.

He had a strong presence and an intimidating gaze. Unless he was talking to Alice he would reveal a lion-like presence. You could admire him but it was another thing to get close to him

With the school day over he didn't directly go home he had a place to stop before that.