Quest complete!

"Did you hear about Moonlight clearing the A Class dungeon?" Mike asked Noah as they walked to class. They were on their way to the new survival classes the school had added. Noah had been separated from Alice and Kira since they were put in a different group, so he was now stuck with Mike.

"I did," Noah answered as he looked out the window watching Alice walk to another building.

"Moonlight is on a different level, Bloodhood and Fallen heroes just started B Class dungeons, but they already did an A Class dungeon. The animations recreating the battles were epic, seeing Valerie King block this black all-encompassing death beam with a shield and Seiko Fox slash with a lightning covered sword! I now have a crush on both of them," Mike gushed on about Moonlight, as he talked about all the other members.

"What did you think about the Silver Druid?" Noah asked. Mike hadn't spoken about him yet.

"Him? Uhmm... I don't know much about him... he had cool equipment, I guess?" Mike said unsure. Silver Druid wasn't a member of Moonlight plus didn't have any cool animations, so he didn't know much about him.

Noah nodded expecting this type of reaction. For people who hadn't yet entered the Eternal Battlefield, they didn't care about the Silver Druid. Moonlight mainly showcased their own members in the spotlight, but they had given credit where credit was due, and clearly said they couldn't have done it without him. But that wasn't significant to most of the population.

It was the exact opposite of this for people who had entered the Eternal Battlefield, all of them had gotten the sudden system announcement and had been surprised seeing a non Moonlight member. They had thought the members of Moonlight in the limelight were the peak of the Eternal Battlefield. So having someone else come out and be on a similar level opened the possibility for more hidden experts to exist.

As for the man in question, no one knew his identity; people were still discussing it. Noah had checked earlier and found they had only confirmed that he wasn't in any large guild. Other than that many people talked about seeing him fly around on a staff through towns and cities. It was unlikely they would make more progress than this.

The Rose Foxes also gained popularity, Moonlight had announced their clear of the C Class associate dungeon. They were now thought of as one of the top adventure groups.

"I can't wait till I enter the Eternal Battlefield. I can already see myself sending monsters away with a punch!" Mike punched as he walked.

"That's nice and all, but what if you get stuck with a bad talent?" Noah asked.

"Wow... you just killed my mood with that reality check..." Mike said with his expression going glum. Data collected on Awakened Talents showed that there was almost a ninety-nine per cent probability of getting a lower than D Class talent.

"Only people with a higher than D Class talent can become official members at Moonlight now. If I get D Class or higher I'm joining it. But if I get lower... I guess I'll have to make it work." Mike said with his hand holding his chin, "I'll probably get a non-combat focused job and run dungeons with friends."

The Protected Zone was managed by residents of the Eternal Battlefield and the system, but they only gave the minimum amount of staff needed to run the towns for the beginning mana waves when the population was low. This was all to leave jobs open for Earthlings for the later stages.

Now that the Eternal Battlefield had a high population of earthlings, there was a high number of people who weren't fond of combat and looked for other things to do. To help them there were other jobs available from which they could earn money. It was why, the system had generated so many empty buildings, other than for housing, they were for businesses. People had already started opening shops, restaurants and other simple businesses.

"If I'm not lucky, you'll help me in the Eternal Battlefield, right?" Vince said looking at Noah with a pleading look.

"How can you know I'll be able to help you?" Noah asked back with a raised eyebrow.

"Dude, you took down that terrorist group leader like you were part of the special forces, even if you end up with the trashiest talents I'm sure you'll be stronger than everyone in this school."

"I'll think about it," Noah answered with a smile as they entered the classroom.


Class finished so Noah got up, he spoke to Mike who sat with him, "I'll be going now, see you tomorrow."

Noah then walked to the other building where Alice's group was having their class. The students were also leaving. Noah saw Alice talking with Kira, he then jumped in and hugged her from behind.

Alice ignored it as she continued walking and talking with Kira, At the gate, they separated. With such late classes, they didn't train together anymore.

"Why so sticky today?" Alice asked as Noah had hugged her.

"I probably won't be able to see you the whole day in the Eternal Battlefield, so I'm making up for it now," Noah answered.

"Did something happen?"

"I'm doing a quest and can't leave the area I'm in for 24 hours, I'll only be able to leave by nighttime."

"Oh..." Alice looked a bit disappointed. They had decided Noah wouldn't do dungeons with them anymore, but now she wouldn't even be able to see him. She then hugged back, "You should have told me earlier, now how am I suppose to make up for the time I won't be seeing you?"

They both walked back home. Noah still hadn't gotten his car back.


In the Eternal Battlefield Noah woke up. He had wrapped up into a fetal position as he slept on the ground. He streached and stood up. He checked the time with the system and saw that he had slept for three hours.

Opening his Explorer Map he noticed that other than the Snail he didn't have any other monster in its view.

"There are almost no monsters in this dungeon," Noah thought. He knew why, this dungeon was so large that all monsters were spread out, so it was hard to run into them. Just as he had thought, he slept perfectly fine without getting found for a few hours as well.

Noah turned to the rubble blocking the cave, the snail was still behind it in its cave. Flash Step! He appeared in the cave again. The snail that had recoiled back into its shell came out sensing Noah.

It shot crystal fluid that Noah dodged, he then continued striking with his Cursed Requiem. The previous wounds he had formed had grown by only a few centimeters after 3 hours. The snail was still perfectly fine.

Noah hacked at the snail, he would have to layer it completely with wounds. Its shell was tough but so was its internal body.

He spent six hours wounding it more, he had drunk who knows how many mana potions just to keep the attacks on for so long. He then teleported out of the cave.

'At this rate, I'll end up spending all of my time here on this snail, I'll just explore as I wait for the corruption to spread further,' Noah thought. He injured it enough now. The rate he was making wounds was equal to the rate at which the corruption spread, so it was better to not fight and just wait for it to weaken to the point he could kill it with a few hits.

Noah teleported deep into the dungeon. He finally started to feel the heat as he got closer to the core of the planet. The precious stones were now of D Class on the surface. Even a few large C Class ones had grown.

As Noah moved he sensed a monster flying in his direction, it was small and fast. Before he knew it, the monster had flown past him.

[Exotic Jewel Bat]

A Class

Level 90

It was a colourful jewel-encrusted bat. It had all types of jewels make up its body. What really got his attention was that the bat when flapping its wings was also disturbing space. It wasn't teleporting but rather compressing space to move faster in a single flap.

Noah teleported near but the bat was already out of his range again. He chased after, he used Lock On and shot. Even with Lock On the bat had the bullets hit the walls or stone outcroppings in the cave as it moved on uninjured.

Activating Death's Dance, Noah increased his speed further. He appeared next to the bat and slashed at it. But missed as it slid past.

This continued for a while. Determined to kill it Noah chased it around ignoring all other monsters he ran into.

The bat was finally cornered by him, the moment it saw that it had no place to run Noah stabbed his sword through it and killed it, skewering it against the wall. Only one item dropped.

[Spatial Jewel Pouch]

D Class

4x4x4 meters volume spatial pouch. augmented with a spatial jewel.

"It was worth it," Noah looked at the small leather made pouch with a translucent silver jewel as a button. He opened it up and saw a screen pop in front of him. It was completely blank. Noah pouch of items he wore and took out a healing potion, he then put it into the blank screen.

The tube was sucked in. It then showed its image in a small square. Noah then put everything else. The potions and stone he had all stacked up. Unlike the inventory the system gave, this spatial pouch was more of a game inventory. He put the old pouch away and hung this one to his waist.

"The snail should be close to dying now." Noah thought, with the time it would take for him to travel back he would only have some time left to kill the snail before the 24 hours were up.


Back to the snail, Noah saw its entire body was covered in web-like cracks. He pulled up the flintlock and shot seed bullets this time they were able to lodge into the crevices.



Multiple explosions happed on the snail, the cracks expanded and connected then its whole shell and body shattered. Items fell to the ground. Noah saw a large chunks of crystal drop, he put them all into his newly gotten pouch.

[You have 30s before you are teleported.]

The system notified. He quickly stuffed all the items that dropped as he broke into light.