Forming of a guild

In the Eternal Battlefield, a group of nine people walked out of a dungeon B Class.

Among the group, Alice wore black leather armour. Her boots were feathered with small black wings on them. She had two daggers hung on the back of her waist, one black and the other silver. The silver dagger, longer than the black and had a curved handle. The aura it gave off was of a D Class weapon.

Her purple eyes shined as she unclipped her long black hair. She no longer wore a mask, revealing her beauty to her world. After Noah became famous as the Silver Druid, random strangers would constantly pester her about where she had bought a similar mask from. She asked Noah and he agreed it wasn't necessary anymore so she took it off.

Her fearsome aura was unleashed without the Hide Aura skill, looking at her gave the same feeling as confronting an Apex predator. She had improved her technique, now she could kill a normal B Class monster instantly. Turning invisible using the Assassination skill was now instinct to her, with the training she had done in Online Martial Arena she was no different to a skilled Assassin in her style of fighting.

No longer did she hold herself back in going all out. She had forged an Iron will through her experiences on earth and here in the Eternal Battlefield. Walking with finesse and confidence, she asked, "Leona, so have they passed?" Alice asked in a low voice. Now that the Rose Foxes were famous, they had gotten messages from all over asking them to join. Leona had filtered them and had the best of them come for a trial run.

The best was a team of three, they were young 16/17 years old. They had come to the Eternal Battlefield at the beginning of the month but they were already completing C Class Dungeons. It was because all the members had special talents.

Leona looked back, a young girl skipped as she walked. Talking with a boy beside her.

Her name was Maria, she had the Talent 'Monster Whisperer'. With her skill, Summoning Contract, she was able to recruit monsters to fight for her. Currently, she only had one, a C Class Rock Shell Turtle. It could not attack at all but it had a defence that could rival B Class monsters.

The boy next to her was, Theo. While another boy walking a little more to the side lost in thought was Leon. They both were twins with a talent that made the two stronger when they worked together. Theo was the older of the two twins and fought at range with a hunting rifle. While Leo used a sword. Both of them were skilled for the amount of time they had at using their weapons.

"What do you think of them?" Leona asked back. She already had decided on the answer but wanted Alice's opinion.

"I think they did well in a B Class Dungeon considering it was their first time, it's just that they are amateurish," Alice replied.

"I agree, although Maria's contract monster is strong she herself is weak. If a Dungeon Lord ever attacks her, she won't be able to take even a single hit. If we can't fix this, she'll only be a liability in high-rank dungeons. As for Theo and Leo, they coordinate well with each other, but not with the whole team." Leona responded.

"For Maria, I don't think it'll be hard to fix. We just need to give her better equipment. She choose Wand Mastery, so we also need to give her some good defensive spells. All magic focused classes are weak physically at first like I was," Sofia added. "While Theo and Leo are bad now they'll get better in time, they have potential worth investing in."

Leona nodded, "That's exactly what I think as well, I had decided on letting them join the moment I called them. There is another reason as well. I have something to show you back in the city so lets speed up."


"Hey, don't you think Alice is really pretty," A young girl with light brown hair said to the young man next to her.

Theo nodded, "She is, but aren't all members of the Rose Foxes pretty."

"No, she has this vibe to her, you know this deadliness. When she took off her mask after the battle, I was just like... Wow." Maria said reenacting her stunned face. "Look at Leo over there he's fallen completely head over heels for already, it's like he's lost his soul." She whispered lightly. Theo looked at his brother who was aimlessly walking while staring at Alice's back. He just shook his head in disappointment.

"So what do you think of the rest?" Maria asked. "I think Leona and Kira are kind of scary, they both don't aren't very approachable. Especially Kira she seems like a military drill instructor. Sofia's nice, she even helped me during the fight. I also like Tasha she reminds me of my big sister. While Sol is too playful and is like my younger sister. Every time I made a mistake she would be holding herself from bursting into laughter."


While the two were having their conversation, they seem to have forgotten that talking lightly in a group of people with increased senses wasn't going to help. Everyone could hear them.

Tasha laughed with her hand covering her mouth, Sol who was next to her had her mouth twitch hearing Maria's opinion of her. She was 23 years old, yet she was compared to someone more than a decade younger.

"These new members, they're really funny," Tasha said.

"They really are," Sol said back.


The group of nine got into a carriage waiting for them to take them to the nearest town.

Sol looked towards Leona, "So are we letting Maria and the twins join?"

The three had their ears perk up as they waited for an answer.

Leona looked at the others and saw that they nodded, she smiled, "Welcome, to our newest members!"

"Yay!" Maria jumped up, "thank you! Please take care of me!"

The boys celebrated as well.

"Now that we have 10 members, I have something to show everyone, it's something I've wanted to do with the Rose Foxes," Leona said.

"What is it?" Tasha asked.

"It's a surprise," Leona answered.

The others insisted and Leona couldn't hold back either, "We're establishing a guild! The Rose Foxes isn't actually recognised by the system, but as a guild, we'll be official. I've already bought a guild residence and got a guild token from the city council. We all just need to gather at the residence and do the final step of establishing it!"

The girls were excited! They all wanted to form a guild. As it was recognised by the system, it had certain perks to it.

"Wait, did you tell Noah?" Alice asked, Noah was still out exploring and they couldn't contact him.

"I did, he came a few days ago asking me to set up a guild. But I just happened to be one step ahead of him. So I had told him about my plan then."

Maria raised her hand, "Excuse me, who's Noah?"

"He's another member of the Rose Foxes, you'll meet him soon," Leona answered.


Leona brought the members to an old run down tavern, she then pushed the door open and walked in. It was specially made for guilds. It had two floors the bottom had tables and chairs set up like a restaurant. There was even what seemed like an empty bar.

Inside Leona took out a token and places it on the tavern counter.

"You guys can look around while I start the process," Leona said as she looked at the system screen that formed in front of her. It was asking her to start filling in the details of the guild.

The others nodded and looked around. They were surprised by how spacious it was. "Leona, did you pay for this yourself? It must have been expensive!" Sol said.

"We should've pitched in as well, you didn't use all your money on this, right?" Tasha asked.

"This was one of the cheaper locations, I have been money up for a while so I could easily buy it."

The door opened as a man walked in wearing silver-green armour, a Silver Deer mask, and three staffs on his back.

"Good now everyone's here." Leona saw Noah enter she finished the process.

[The Guild 'Rose Foxes' has been established!]

[You are now a member of the Rose Foxes Guild! Please use the free emblem the system has given to you to show that you are a member. (Changing placement later will cost 10 gold)]

All the members heard the system, a circular emblem that looked like a deep red rose was in front of them. Taking a better look you would notice that it was actually a fox running in a circle where its numerous tails behind spiralled and formed the rose petals. Giving the illusion the emblem was a rose.

Given the choice to put the emblem anywhere from armour to skin, Noah put it on his left shoulder on his skin. He had to make sure it was covered by armour when he was dressed as Void.

Alice put it on the back of her gloves for everyone to see, she then ran to Noah. The two hugged and gave a greeting kiss. Noah had his arm around Alice as he looked at the new members. he had been going all out with his search for S Class monsters so he hadn't seen that them yet.

"What's their relationship?" Maria asked Tasha.

"He's Alice's Boyfriend."

Maria turned to look at Leo. 'Poor him, his crush that just started ended. He has no chance against someone like the Silver Druid.' She shook her head, seeing the hurt in Leo's face.

Noah walked forward and greeted all of them. He saw that Leo looked at him weirdly. As they shook hands, Leo wanted to squeeze Noah's hand but Noah's grip was too strong that he couldn't even move.

"Nice to meet you." Noah nodded and turned away. He didn't 't know why Leo looked at him like that and he didn't care either. He could tell that Leo wasn't dangerous so it wouldn't compromise the safety of the guild. Greeting the other three Noah looked at them with Investigate and didn't see anything special.

He then sat down with Alice.

"I heard you were in on the guild forming."

"I've wanted the Rose Foxs to make one for a while. Because of this." Noah opened a screen showing 'Guild Item Shop'. He then bought two green crystals for 300 gold. That appeared in front of Alice and him.

"I wanted access to communication crystals, now we'll be able to talk to each other where ever we are," Noah said giving one to Alice. He had been wanting them since Valerie had given him one to contact moonlight with.

"Really?" Alice's eyes lit up, she picked up the crystal.

[Guild Communication Crystal]

Able to contact other guild members through this crystal.

"I might be out for a longer time from now on, so we'll still be able to talk even if we don't see each other," Noah said.

After that, they started helping with the cleanup and decorating of the guild. They bought a guild sign they put up outside the building. As well as objects with the emblem around.

Noah left when most of the work was done to go back to his search.