Peak of Life

Out of the restaurant, Kira spoke on the phone as she walked. An expensive black car came and stopped in front to pick her up.

"Wait, Kira!" Vince called out.

She stopped, ended the call and looked back as she stood in front of the open car door.

He took off the gold medal her wore and it gave to her.

"Kira you're an amazing person, strong, honest and beautiful. When I first saw you I felt like I had opened my eyes world for the first time. My whole world changed as I had you on my mind day and night. I would walk through hell and comeback just to make you happy. I know I'm still not stronger than you, but I'll work hard. Will you please accept this medal and go out with me?" He had a whole speech prepared but he was in a hurry said whatever came to mind.

Kira looked at it, "I won't accept it."

Vince's heart cracked again.

"The medal won't mean to me as much it means to you, so keep it. I'll go out with you though. See you tomorrow." Kira answered as she walked into the car. She closed the door and it drove off.

Vince stood stunned by the casual response. It made the whole thing seem not as significant. However, that didn't matter to him at the moment, "Did she just accept my confession..."

He stood still on the city sidewalk. After a while, he blankly walked back into the restaurant.

"What happened why'd you take so long?"

"Nothing. I just said something to Kira and came back." Vince answered. He still felt unsure that they were going out. His phone buzzed. It was a message from Kira explaining she had to go see her parents, which was why she left so suddenly.

Reading the message, Vince was dazed, 'We really are dating now.' It was actually happening. He hadn't dated before so he didn't know what to do so just responded back first as he started to smile uncontrollably.

The person next to him watched uncomfortably.

After dinner, Vince reached home. He went straight to his bedroom, jumping onto his bed. He opened his phone again and read Kira's last message again.

"Goodnight. She said goodnight! Will I be able to get such messages every day now?!" Vince laid back he was tired he hugged his phone. He had already changed his phone background and screensaver to a picture of Kira. He soon fell asleep hoping for good dreams.



Vince watches Kira leave stunned. He wasn't expecting her to answer so easily.


Vince opened his eyes, he was standing in the centre of a bustling city. Building all around as people rode by in horses and carriages. Everyone dressed in weird clothes. It seemed as if all of them were cosplaying as adventures with the armour and weapons they wore.

He noticed a shadow projected over part of the city from above, a large cathedral floating on clouds blessed the city with its presence.

He looked at the holographic screen in front of him.

[Welcome to the Eternal Battlefield!

An infinitely large spatial zone, home to countless races. You have appeared in Protected Zone #6083781 through the 6th mana wave of planet integration. Your task is to to complete the Protected Zone and enter the real battlefield. Prepare well here, as you will need to battle other races to climb the Eternal Tower.

Hello, Human, I'm System! I am an S.A.I (Supreme Artificial Intelligence) and have the duty of assisting all Highly intelligent Races in the Eternal Battlefield. You may ask me all questions I will answer them to the best of my ability.

This is the start of your fight for survival!

I wish you luck!]

'Status Page.' He realised what was happening. His body went jittery as he thought the words.



Name: Vince Rowell

Age: 18

Race: Human


[Strength 8] [Agility 8] [Physique 7] [Intelligence 7] [Willpower 5] [Sense 7] [Mana 1]

(Bonus Attribute Points: 0)

Awakened Talents-

Wings of Freedom (B Class)


[Hardworking] [Charming] [Narssisistic]


[Gale Spear (C Class)]

(Skill Points: 0)


'Yes!' He internally celebrated seeing the B Class talent and C Class skill. He knew how valuable they were, with a B Class talent it meant that he could easily join any guild. As for the C Class skill it gave him a higher edge compared to others. He asked for information on his talent.

[Wings of Freedom (B Class): You have large wings that cannot be restrained, you fly freely through the sky. As a friend of the wind, it listens to your commands. Enjoy the sky as you dance through the clouds.

Effect 1- Summon wings that are immune to movement restrictions

Effect 2- high affinity to wind magic]

Vince thought about forming the wings but nothing came out. He didn't know how he was supposed to do it. 'People said it that it takes time to fully understand your talent, then you can use it as you please. Looks like it's true.'

Taking a look at the surroundings again, 'This should be Everlasting Light City, I've read that it's the only city with a floating building. That means Moonlight should be around here.'

Vince started walking. The system had changed him into beginner clothes that gave no attributes. He wasn't given a weapon either. With nothing on him, he needed to join a guild to help start off.

As he walked he couldn't help but smile, 'Things are finally going my way, I won the competition, I am going out with Kira, now I've entered the Eternal Battlefield and have a good talent. I'll probably never have a better day in my life.'

The city was busier than ever, he saw many people dressed the same way as him asking around and exploring the city. Vince strolled along, he wanted to find the guild building for Moonlight, he had read how to get there from the city centre, which was where he appeared, but had gotten lost.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where Moonlight is located?" Vince asked an armoured man, after stopping him he saw that the man had the Moonlight emblem on his armour.

"Go back and take a left from there, it's the building with an emblem like this on it. If you still get lost, follow one of the people wearing similar clothes to you, they're probably going there as well." The man pointed at his armour.

"Thanks." Vince followed the directions and saw it, Moonlight had this mansion-like building. With large banners on it showing its emblem. People continuously entered while a few who were members left.

Inside he went to an information desk, "Where should I go to join?"

A woman sitting nodded, "Your name?"

"Vince Rowell."

"Vince Rowell?" The woman repeated in surprise, she then remembered that she had just read that name. She looked at the notes she had made when waking up here in the Eternal Battlefield. 'He's the winner of the national taekwondo competition from country S I had just noted!'

"Moonlight has been thinking of contacting you, how about you go directly in you see Mister Stein who'll measure your talent." The lady said with a smile. Moonlight kept tabs on all people that had a chance of having high ranking talents. This meant all sports competitions around the world were evens of interest. So the competition in country S was monitored well. This was how they were able to rise so quickly and stay as number one.

"Thanks," Vince walked into the room the lady had directed to. A muscular bearded man sat with a crystal ball.

"Come touch the crystal ball. It'll tell me the rank of your talent," Stein said.

Vince put his hand on it. He felt something slip out from his body and get absorbed into the crystal ball. The ball glowed bright light green with a holographic screen showing B Class above it.

"B Class wind element talent! You'll be joining as an elite member! Here put this on." Stein was surprised anything above D Class was rare. C Class was enough to impress him. As for B Class, he knew only a few in the guild and they were the best of the best.

[Where would you like to place the insignia?]

Vince chose his arm. The emblem formed. It was white with a full moon with clouds and rays of light coming off it.

[You have joined the guild 'Moonlight']

"Go meet Bianca in room 9, she'll give you equipment and a rundown of everything you need to do."

Leaving the room Vince moved to another. A lady wearing glasses sat on a desk reading reports on the new recruits. She heard Vince knock, "Come in."

"Yes, you are?"

"I'm Vince Rowell."

"Your talent?"

"B Class."

Bianca was interested, "So your a new elite member?"


"Sit down, I'll explain everything you need to do." She then took out a communication crystal, "Send me equipment for a new elite member."

"So first is deciding on Weapon Mastery, have you already decided on one?"

"Spear Mastery," Vince answered he had chosen it on earth. He hadn't used any type of weapon before but the spear was what he decided it. He thought it was rather heroic to charge at monsters with a spear in hand, when he was able to summon his wings, then he would be able to fly and kill them.

"You'll be put into a group with four other new elite members, you all will be training at the Titan's Training Ground. You'll also have an instructor from Moonlight with you for assistance. With the training, you'll form a team of six and go dungeon running in 3 F Class dungeons every day. When you gain your Mastery skill after seven days we will have you join one of the nine elite teams. Which team you join will depend on the score your instructor gives you, so try to do your best."

"Any questions?"

"What are the elite teams and what's the difference?" He hadn't heard of them on earth before.

"The elite teams are the teams that are directly under the nine members who ran the A Class dungeon. Each member has a team with them that they run B Class dungeons with. So joining them you'll immediately get the best equipment and skills you can get."

"The teams are ranked from one to nine. They compete with each other for goals the guild has set up. The team with the most goals completed gets the highest rank and is rewarded. Team number one is under the guild leader and has always stayed on the top, so the competition is for rank two. You can find out more about the rewards when you join the elite team."

Vince nodded.

"You can wait here, someone will bring your equipment, then after that, an instructor will come to take you to the Titan's Training Ground with the other four members."

Bianca then walked out of the room.

Vince relaxed on his chair, "Things are finally going my way." He wondered if Kira had entered as well. It would be perfect if she had. They could fight in Moonlight together.