You’ve done well!

Having looked through all the items Noah couldn't help but be satisfied by his harvest. He then walked out of the Cave.

On the ground, he activated Ice Skating. Cold energy came from under his shoes as he floated up. He had silver blades form underneath each. Noah moved lightly but he appeared 10 meters away.

"Woo," He whistled seeing how fast he moved. This was without the help of Mana, qi or skills. He then started skating. He swerved and slid through the trees and jumped over a stream doing a spin. Landing a ten, he continued skating.

It was incredibly fast, and a lot easier compared to running, horse or the levitation Staff. To monsters around, he was a lightning bolt.

He made it through the forest and reached a town. He passed through and teleported to Eternal Flame City.

He deactivated Ice Skating and started walking to the Dwarven Blacksmith Association.

As a member, he was able to see Albert free of cost. He walked straight into the office.

"What brings you here this time?" Albert said.

"The reason why you came to this place," Noah answered vaguely as he walked to the table.

"I came here for, S Class items unless you've got those..." Albert noticed the boots Noah wore, he then immediately used a skill to break Noah's aura hiding skills and noticed it had turned monstrous. His mouth gaped as he covered it with his hand, "You were the one-"

Noah nodded as he started taking the items out.

Albert naturally knew about the killing of the first S Class monster. However, he hadn't thought it would be Noah. Killing an S Class monster in the protected zone was an incredible feat. He had seen them in other protected zones and knew how the system scaled them. They were made to be impossible to be killed by one person.

The system had never announced it was a solo kill, however, Albert could tell. This was the reason why he was so surprised. He already knew Noah liked to work alone, to a skilled craftsman the personality of his customers was obvious through their equipment. What really made him sure was the momentous change to Noah's aura, such a change wasn't possible unless you had overcome a strong adversary. It was hard to see such changes in group fights.

Sure he had asked Noah to kill an A+ Class monster in a quest, but there was an incredible leap between the two. Plus the A+ Class he had chosen was on the weaker side. It was a weaker A Class monster that had turned into an A+ one through living its life in hibernation.

Albert looked at the items Noah took out as his body turned jittery.

Noah placed two crystals, one blue, one whitish-blue and a cerulean scale, "I have multiple of these, what can you make with them?"

Albert looked at them, "S Class materials... I finally get a chance to work with them." Albert felt them and nodded.

"Humm... The scales would normally work well for armour or shields. They're light and delicate, so it won't be a defensive one for sure, but it will still be better than the one you are wearing. These crystal shards just need to be added and don't have a restriction to equipment type. Wait, did you bring the corpse?"

"I did."

"Quickly, show it to me," Albert said as he hurried Noah outside.

Outside with more space, Noah placed the large serpent body on the ground.

Albert nodded he just needed one look to analyse completely, he then waved his hand and a black coffin floated above him. It opened up and sucked in the corpse, then closed.

"Well done! You came to me early, all that talk about the importance of materials hadn't gone to waste." Albert said as he walked back with Noah to the office.

"So let me explain. Normal corpses aren't worth keeping but this one is different. You should know the monster you killed was not a real S Class monster. It is only one in the Protected Zone. Outside of here, it's actually on the weaker side of monsters. A real S Class monster could freeze the entire Protected Zone with a breath, this monster doesn't even approach that level of strength."

"However, the system does bestow the monster with a tiny slither of an S Class monster's energy which is why they are much stronger than normal. This slither is stored in its body, after it dies nothing is holding that energy into its body so it starts to trickle out into the world. Normal spatial storages can slow the process, but to completely halt it you need something like the coffin I used. It'll preserve the corpse in its best state so I can later take it out and use the S Class monster's energy in forging."

Back near the table in his office, Albert continued, "Take out everything you've got."

Noah did, he took out all the scales and crystals.

"Enough to make a sword..." He whispered to himself in a low voice, he then picked up a scale and looked at Noah, "I said that these scales would be best for an armour, but sadly I'm not good at forging armour, especially the type of design to work with the properties of the scales."

"Even with the S Class crystals and scales, I'm still lacking to make an S Class equipment. Simply put even if you give me the actual bones of an S Class monster I'll never be able to form S Class equipment. Only one blacksmith among the dragon race can currently make S Class equipment. He's now just a legend since people haven't seen him for thousands of years."

"With good supporting materials, these materials have the potential to make an A Class equipment. You'll need to go to the higher races for that. I'm just a B Class Blacksmith, with my powers sealed all I can normally make is D Class in the Protected Zone."

Noah listened silently.

"My speciality is swords. My awakened talent 'Limitless Sword Creator' is whats helped me create a few of the strongest B Class swords, rivalling the works of angels and demons. So among the dwarfs, I won't say I'm the best blacksmith, but I am the best Swordsmith. Just so you know the dwarfs are a behemoth in the Blacksmithing world, only losing to the top five races in crafting. So I'm not the best among some no names, I'm the best of the best, one of the few at the pinnacle of blacksmithing in the secular world."

Noah understood Albert wanted him to trust him. Albert told him the reason why next.

"Give me full creative freedom and control over these materials. If you were thinking of reforging them into some other equipment- don't bother, it would only waste them. Only by making a new piece of equipment will you make something worthy of their rarity and power." Albert ended his speech. He then looked at Noah for an answer.

Noah wasn't ready to answer yet, he asked a question instead, "What about the supporting materials?"

"The corpse is large and I should be able to harvest almost everything I need from it. I'll add my own for everything else."

Noah started thinking. He didn't need a sword, the Cursed Requiem was enough for him till the end of the Protected Zone. He would gain more from forging D Class armour to replace the E Class pieces he was wearing. That is if he wanted to forge something now.

Albert knew this as well, which was why he persuading him. Through this whole explanation, Albert was simply saying that he wasn't the best person to work with the materials. However if Noah gave him the right to do whatever he wanted with them he could make something amazing, so he needed Noah's trust.

From what Albert had shown until now, Noah had enough reason to trust him. It was just hearing Albert talk he finally started to understand the real value of these materials. Weapons of S Class and A Class were currently incomprehensible to him. So he wasn't sure what he would be losing out by not saving the materials and choosing to let Albert use them now.

To get the most value, he needed to save them. It was the logical decision.

Noah hesitated again, his instincts told him it would be better to trust Albert. Thinking of the new S Class skill he got Noah finally said, "Can you make sure the sword will let me use ice magic better?"

"Can't make any promises, but I'll try," Albert said shaking his head, he wasn't sure what he would create.

Letting out a sigh, Noah nodded, "You can take everything."

"Haha!" Albert laughed happily. He put all the items in a special spatial bag. "Come back in a week, Anything else?" he asked.


"Come let me escort you out." His stubby dwarf legs moved quickly as he brought Noah to the reception.

After saying goodbye to Noah and sending him away, he turned to the dwarf sitting in the reception.

"Delay all the orders I was working on and tell everyone who comes for me I'm no longer here. No one is allowed to disturb me for the next seven days." Albert said seriously.

The dwarf nodded.

Albert then walked back feeling the excitement. He was going to make a masterpiece!