Don't Need Your Approval

Alice looked at Noah who was sitting beside her eating breakfast.

"Why didn't you pick up my calls in the Eternal Battlefield?" She asked as she ate.

"I've entered a special building that blocks communication to the outside. I'm stuck inside for now and it might take a few days till I can walk out so you won't be able to call me for a while."

"Do you need my help? Should I use Summon Guardian to bring you out?" Alice asked.

"No it's fine, the place isn't dangerous. It's a good training spot." Noah answered.

Alice nodded.


After school Noah, Alice and Kira were training in building D.

Alice sat on the side as she watched Noah and Kira spar. Their hands moved quickly as they attacked each other.

Kira kicked up which Noah caught, expecting this, her body twisting as her other leg pulled up with incredible strength and speed. It went straight for Noah's head. Fighting him she didn't need to pull back her punches, even if she went all out he would be able to take it. Especially now with mana on earth.

Noah caught the other leg, his hand glowed red. It was so light the girls didn't notice. Kira tried to break free but couldn't, she couldn't understand how Noah was able to grip both her ankles so tightly. She was holding her body up at the moment, and putting all the force she could muster onto Noah but he was easily able to hold her up.

'When did he get so strong?' Kira thought. She pulled back and landed on the ground. She then ran up and set a spinning kick, Noah dodged it by bringing his head back.

She then had her foot land and her legs lower as she sent a lightning-fast palm strike at his chest.

Noah let it hit red energy came and protected the spot Kira hit. Kira expecting Noah to be injured saw he was completely fine.

He moved in grabbing her, in a smooth movement she was on the floor.

Alice watched in shock, "Noah are you fine? That attack hit you straight on." She said as she moved in closer. She knew how strong Kira's palm strikes were, it wasn't something the human body could take.

"I'm fine. I have something to show both of you." Noah then pulled out a metal sheet.

Kira got up and watched with interest.

"Watch this." Noah threw the sheet up. The girls followed the sheet as it went up. Noah got into proper stance as a red glow covered his hand.

The moment the sheet reached in front of him, he punched,


Alice and Kira had their jaws drop. Noah's hand had gone straight through it blasting a hole in it.

Kira moved close, "What is this a magic trick?" She noticed how the hole had metal sticking out. "What is this metal plate made of?" She could punch through softer metals.

"Its 5mm thick sheet of steel."

"No way," She pulled it off Noah's hand to see. "Are you using a skill?"

"Not a skill. Alice, remember how you once asked if I could take on a tank? I could take one on easily now." Noah said as his hand glowed red. He punched to the side. Boom! It sent a burst of wind by how strong it was.

"How did you do this now?" Kira asked. She already knew Noah was able to reach incredible speeds because of some secret technique he wasn't willing to talk about how he was able to do this.

"It's called Qi. It's something I'm going to teach both of you." Noah said.

Alice furrowed her brows, "I can learn it as well?" Noah said it wasn't a skill so it meant that it was something that needed a high amount of training to achieve. Qi seemed related to martial arts so she could see why Kira could learn it but she had barely learned any martial arts.

"You can, its related to martial arts, but is based on a few key concepts. It'll take a while to understand them, when you do you should be able to form Qi as well. For now, I want to focus on Kira, she is already close to forming it." Noah said as he glanced at Kira. She was even closer than him at forming Qi. It probably wouldn't take her long to form it herself.

"I am?"

"You are, with mana here it'll be easier to form." Noah then started explaining the process. Kira listened intently trying to engrave each word.


Vince walked out of the MMA club. His eyes went to his phone, 'It's late, Kira should have left by now.'

Since they started going out Kira would wait and leave with him. She didn't call today so he thought she hadn't waited. He was about to call her when the instructor called him.

"Vince before you leave, can you put this projector back in building D." The instructor carried a long stick with what seemed like a camera on top.

Vince took the stick and said goodbye to the instructor he then walked to building D. He passed the main entrance, that door was locked. At the side of the building was another entrance to a small viewing platform above. He found the metal staircase leading up.

He climbed it and opened the door. This one was usually unlocked. Walking in he put the projector to the side.

About to leave he heard the sound of people talking and movements.

'Someone is inside...?' He walked forward and reached the railing looking down. As he did he saw Noah and Kira sparing. Noah caught Kira's fist and threw her to the ground, Kira landed and on her feet and took a deep breath. Her punch glowed a little white. Noah caught it and smiled.

Kira then started smiling brightly, much more than he had ever seen her. She then jumped to hug Noah.

The way Kira looked at Noah, he had never seen her look at anyone else like that.

Vince felt weird. He then noticed that Noah looked in his direction. He hid.

He didn't know why but he instinctively did. He then started running. Now that he had hidden he started running. He ran out the door down the stairs out of the building.

Even after joining Moonlight and training there for so long he still wasn't close to winning against Kira. While Noah was able to casually fight her on the same level.

'Kira said her type was someone stronger than her, Does Kira like Noah?' His mind started to go crazy with thoughts.

Ever since they started going out not much had changed. They would now text each other and had gone out together once. In school, they were in different classes and Kira spent her time with Alice and Noah. They would only sometimes meet after school where they would get to talk face to face.

It didn't feel like they were going out. Almost everything was the same. The part that hurt them the most was Kira hadn't told anyone about their relationship yet. He followed her lead and hadn't told anyone else as well. He hadn't given much thought to why she hadn't told anyone yet, now he was having second thoughts.

"Is she just playing with me?" Vince thought as he bent down gasping for air.


Noah was astonished as he caught Kira's fist. It had taken her half an hour to awaken it. This was without any external help.

'She's was a lot closer to forming Qi than I was.' Noah smiled.

Kira felt the white energy form, power filled her entire body as she felt the Qi course through it. In excitement, she hugged Noah who was closest to her.

"Thanks, Noah!" She squeezed him.

Noah hugged her back, he was about to say something when he saw Vince. 'Did he just hide?'

Kira let Noah go and ran to Alice who was nearby hugging her as well. She had stagnated in her martial art skills for a while so forming Qi had let her breakthrough. Which was why she was so excited.

As the two girls jumped in excitement Alice noticed Noah staring at something.

"Is something there?" She looked in that direction as well.

Kira tilted her head to see.

"I think just saw Vince standing over there. After we made eye contact he hid." Noah said.

Kira hearing this reached for her phone. She still hadn't told them about Vince and her going out. She then texted him.

[Where are you?]

[I'm on my way home.]

[Really? Noah said he just saw you.] Kira saw that she didn't get a reply.

[I'm coming out to see you don't leave.]

"I'm leaving," Kira picked up her bag and ran out. Noah and Alice nodded Kira had been leaving early for a few days so they didn't think much.

Noah turned to Alice starting to explain everything to her.


Kira found Vince near the school gate.

"Did you see us training? Why didn't you say hi?" Kira said smiling, her mood was still great.

"Why are you hiding the fact we're dating?" Vince was the complete opposite. His tone was serious.

"Hiding? I'm not hiding it." Kira answered feeling something was wrong.

"Have you told anyone?"

Kira was silent for a moment. She hadn't told anyone yet. She didn't think she needed to make her personal life public. Plus she didn't hang out with anyone other than Alice and Noah. Alice was quite nosy and figured it out. However, she still hadn't said anything clearly to the two of them.

Kira hesitated, "Alice knows but I haven't told Noah... he doesn't like you."

"Is that why your hiding it? You don't want Noah to find out?" Vince said snarkily. What Kira said only made him misunderstand more.

Kira was confused further and was angered by what he was insinuating, "I'm not hiding it. I was just waiting for a good moment to tell him. If you didn't like him not knowing then you should have told me, I would have told Noah already."

Vince hearing this stopped. He then slowly said, "Kira do you even like me?"

"I do, why else would I say yes to your confession."

"It doesn't feel like you do," Vince said as he turned around and walked away.

Kira watched him leave thinking about what he said. She liked Vince. She might not be as lovey-dovey as Noah and Alice but she felt she was pretty obvious with it. Did Vince not see it the same way?

She turned back to go to building D.

Seeing Alice and Noah she walked in, "I have something to tell you."

They looked at her. They both had just stopped to rest.

"I'm going out with Vince."


Noah spat all the water he was drinking onto her. Alice was also surprised not by what Kira said but by Noah.

"Noah!" Alice shouted as she ran to Kira with a towel. Helping her dry.

Kira wiped the water off her face.

Noah moved forward as well giving her another towel. "Sorry, you can't just say something like that out of nowhere."

He had thought there was a chance of something like this happening, but now that it was happening it was still surprising.

"What do you like about him?" Noah asked.

"I like everything about him-"

"HaHa... I'm sorry that's just hilarious," Noah felt like he had heard the funniest thing in the world.

Kira took a deep breath, she had already expected Noah to react similarly to this. This was why she didn't want to tell him. She was a little hurt by seeing how unsupportive he was. She felt like she was being genuine. Vince wasn't perfect but she accepted those flaws as well. Now they were going out she got to know him better and only saw him as a better person.

"Stop it, this isn't necessary," Alice felt like Noah was going overboard, with how Kira was this might turn into a fight.

"Alice, you're okay with this?" Noah turned to her.

"I am, so there is no reason for you to not be," Alice answered.

Noah pulled Alice into his arms and looked into her eyes, his eyes transmitting, 'are you really okay with this?'

Seeing Alice was unwavering Noah pulled away.

"Fine, I'll stop." Noah could understand how Alice was feeling. She didn't want to be an obstacle between Kira and Vince. The only reason Kira was second-guessing was because Vince had gotten involved with her. If that never happened, Kira and Vince would have nothing stopping them.

Noah didn't feel the same, Vince would have tripped up eventually. It didn't matter if Alice was there or not. He let it go since if Vince was like he thought, the relationship between Kira and him would soon fail.

He turned to Kira about to say something.

Kira smiled at Alice then spoke before he could, "Noah, I don't know who you think you are to me, but I don't need your approval on who I go out with. I just wanted to tell you not to mess with him or you'll be messing with me."

Noah glared back at Kira's threat. He then turned around not saying anything starting to train with Alice again.


Vince sat on his bed looking at the floor. He remembered the conversation he had with Kira. He ended up saying something he didn't mean because of the weakness he felt.

"No matter how strong Noah is if I go all out he won't be able to defeat me," Vince whispered as wind started to spin in his hand forming a small twister.