Curse Temple (2)

Noah woke up in the Curse Temple, he stood up and stretched.

Looking up he could still sense the five Cursed Creations above. He opened his inventory and took out everything he needed.

He first wore the Ancient Magic Wood Flintlock. The bullets from the Helleborus were resisted so he needed to change to something else. He then took out the staffs and hung them. Only his skills were restricted he could still use his items freely.

Holding both weapons he had the levitation staff fly under him. It then floated up bringing him to the next step. Five beams of black energy came at him together. Crystal Shield!

Blocking them Noah jumped off the staff as Ice Skating activated. The blades of ice let him slide on the ground speedily. He hadn't used it before since he wasn't used to skating and fighting but it was time to get used to it.

His sword brandished as seed bullets shot out. He zoomed past the five injuring them all. He raised his gun, "Bloom."


All of them had five explosions on their body they took the attack well but it was damaging. Noah continued to fight.

In the end, it wasn't as easy but using all his skills he was able to defeat them after a long time. He then moved on to the next step. Fighting them for a while he stopped and took a break on the floor below.

He got into a rhythm and started training his curse skills. Finding the best way to use them and how.


On earth, Noah walked towards building C with Alice and Kira.

"Noah, where are we going?" Alice asked. They normally spent their breaks on the roof or outside.

"I got a letter asking me to come here," Noah answered. He already guessed who sent it.

"A letter?"

Kira had a bad feeling.

Pushing the door open the three walked into the large indoor basketball court. A few people were hanging around sitting near the edge talking. Others stood on the second-floor watching.

In the middle, Vince stood waiting. He saw Noah enter, Vince walked towards him. People at the side who weren't attention before were interested now.

"Noah, I challenged you to a duel!"


Everyone around was stunned by the sudden challenge. With the Eternal Battlefield, duelling wasn't rare, but it was something that happened over there not on earth. They started texting everyone talking about what was happening here.

Noah about to answer was interrupted by a Kira.

"Vince, what are you doing?"

"Kira, I am challenging Noah. Stay out of it," Vince said still glaring at Noah.

"I get you're mad, but fighting Noah won't do anything. Let's talk it out." Kira didn't want Vince to fight Noah. She hated to admit it but it would be completely one-sided. Noah would destroy him.

"I need to do this to see something for myself. So don't stop me."

While Kira spoke with Vince, Alice turned to Noah. She had to stop him as well. But before she could do anything Noah grabbed her hand and lightly said, "Are you going to stop me?"

Alice looked away in frustration, being so gentle and asking kindly. She couldn't go against him when he acted like this and he knew it, "No."

Noah smiled and hugged her. He then walked forward, "I accept the duel."

Kira shook her head as she walked with Alice to the side to watch.

"You know Kira warned me not to do anything to you, yet you came to me on your own accord. I've never seen anyone so dumb." Noah whispered to Vince as he passed, he then continued walking to his position.

Vince was shocked by the hostility. Kira had told him Noah didn't like him, he also felt like that was the case, but this was the first time Noah had shown it so openly.

People poured in to watch. Soon filling the whole area. A crowd formed around as Noah and Vince stood a set distance apart in the centre of the court.

"Come," Noah said signalling Vince to attack.

Vince launched forward. Noah smoothly blocked his attack letting him pass by.

"What are you a bull? I still can't tell what Kira sees in you," Noah said as looked back at Vince. Beating Vince to a pulp would only make him gain Kira's ire. So he would use his words to do the damage he couldn't.

Vince charged again. This time better, he kicked up but Noah moved back letting it pass by. Vince swept with his leg but Noah jumped over it. He continued his barrage of fists and kicks but Noah was easily able to dodge them all.

Vince was quite fast, it was just Noah that had gotten that much stronger after defeating the Ancient Water Serpent.

"I thought this would be entertaining..." Noah said as he stopped dodging. Vince's leg hit him however he showed no reaction. "This already got boring."

Shaking his head Noah moved forward. His leg swept as he grabbed Vince and let him land on the ground.

The people around were surprised by how easy Noah had defeated Vince. Everyone knew Vince was the strongest in school, Noah's skill in martial arts wasn't that well known.

Noah turned to leave.

Vince stood up, "You haven't won yet..."

Wind started to breeze around him then violently spin. Noah turned around to see the twister and was surprised. Fighting Vince he had already guessed Vince had entered the Eternal Battlefield, now it seemed like Vince had good talent in the wind element. This level of magic required high affinity, something even he couldn't do.

Alice and Kira were shocked as well. Vince had told her about his talent she didn't think he would use it to attack.

The audience had their phones recording the turn of events.

"Vince has entered the Eternal Battlefield!"

"Does this mean Noah's going to lose?" A fan of Noah said as she covered her mouth.

Vince pushed forward, the wind around him came straight for Noah.

Noah had his right-hand glow red as he slashed up with it. The wind coming at him split open. The people behind felt the fierce wind mess up their clothes, As for Noah, he stood perfectly fine.


Noah then turned and left. There was no point in continuing the fight, it was obvious he had won. Vince was tired as he lay on the ground. Everyone else was fervently talking about what just happened.

Kira ran to Vince to help him up while Alice walked out with Noah.

She helped Vince sit up. Then seeing the crowd around she helped him stand then dragged him out.

"Come with me."

She dragged him out until she was able to find a secluded spot to privately talk.

"Why did you challenge Noah?"

Vince looked away as he answered, "I wanted to impress you... You like guys stronger than you, so I wanted to show that I could beat him using my talent."

"Are you dumb? I don't like guys stronger than me. If I did why would I ever accept your confession?"

"Ah... wasn't it because you saw some type of potential in me?" Vince asked.

Kira heaved out as she said, "I didn't see any potential. I just like who you are. I'm sorry for making you feel insecure."

Vince didn't know how to feel, one way she was calling him weak another she said she liked him. He decided to take the positive. "You really like me?"

Kira moved in she pressed her lips onto Vince's they stayed close for a while then separated.

Vince looked at Kira and saw her face flushed red.

"I'm leaving n-now," Kira said as she stood up, she then quickly walked away. She was embarrassed by how red her face had gotten.

Vince was just left in a daze.