
-Sometime Ago-

Only a few days had passed since the truce between teams RNJR and the newly named CRMS were starting to get to know each other. Most of their conversations had been about their travels, and their time at Beacon before the unfortunate events. Melody, Scout were more than willing to share their likes and dislikes. Though as for personal things, Melody and Rosario were unwilling to share.

Scout on the other hand had been open to this sort of idea.

Ruby was happy that everyone was getting along so well; she was especially happy to see Melody smiling again like the good old days she remembered in Patch.

Though a certain someone wasn't joining in on the conversation.

On this day, she noticed Roman acting more differently than usual.

He had a certain look in his eye as he trailed behind the group. Not only that, over the course of a few days, he avoided all conversation, even with Cristal which had been surprising. Though it wasn't like he forced her away; she noticed that she gave her space, and didn't bother to try to interact with him or ask what was wrong.

She couldn't help but find it odd.

The group soon decided to take a break as they set up a small picnic near a meadow field, and just beside a river, where Frosty and Senka played.

They only made simple sandwiches with the supplies they had. The group continued to chat with one another, as Scout had been telling them about her home.

"No way!" Ruby said, "Your dad is a retired Huntsman?"

"Yup." Scout replied with a smile, "He has been since he found me. I live in a small town along with my mother, just north of Anima. Him and my mother taught me all that I know about combat and medical expertise. Pretty good combo, don't you think?"

"I'll say!" Nora said with a smile.

"You mentioned before that you were adopted." Jaune said, "Do you have an idea on who your real parents are?"

Scout nodded, "My real parents were a part of a bandit tribe. My father was a part of the team that drove them away before the Grimm came. They… Left me behind in the scuffle. If it wasn't for my father and mother, I wouldn't be here."

"Well, it's comforting to know that they're still good people out in the world." Ren said with a smile.

"Yeah, that there is." Scout replied.

"What about you Rosario?" Jaune asked, turning to her, "What were you doing before all of this?"

"Eh, I was mostly scraping around to get by." Rosario said as she rubbed her neck a little, "Got involved with questionable groups, but eventually turned to bounty hunting. Was the only thing I was good at, and it was a decent way to put food on the table. Been traveling through the Kingdoms since, before I found myself back in Anima again."

"Ooo! Interesting!" Nora said before looking over to Melody, "How about you? What brings you out to these parts?!"

Melody had been hesitant to answer as she gave a concerned look in Ruby's direction, which Ruby herself didn't seem to notice at first. After a moment of regaining herself, she gave her answer, "... I made a promise to Yang, and my sister before I left home. It's one I don't intend to break anytime soon. That's all there is to it."

Ruby took notice of the sound of her voice; she was about to say something when she had been interrupted by Jaune.

"And you guys, didn't even attend one of the other academies?" He said.

"Nope." Melody, Rosario, and Scout replied.

"Well…" Melody soon added, "... Technically I attended Signal Academy before I left home. Other than that, I learned how to fight on my own; with the help of dad's and uncle Tai's training."

"UNCLE QROW RULES!" Ruby cheered, making the group jump suddenly. At this Ruby blushed with embarrassment, "Oh, sorry! I got a little excited there! Uncle Qrow is still the best."

Melody couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm really glad to see you haven't changed."

Ruby smiled back at her cousin as she couldn't help but laugh too.

"Welp, hope you all got room, because I packed us some pancakes~!" Nora exclaimed with a smile. She rummaged through her bag, before she pulled out a whole plate of freshly baked pancakes, leaving everyone shocked.

"... How… Does that even work?" Rosario questioned.

"It's just Nora." Jaune and Ren replied.

"Eh, what the hell…" Cristal said with a shrug, "Pass those suckers over here!"

"You got it!" Nora said, holding her thumbs up, before she tossed a plate over in her direction. She soon handed out a plate of pancakes over to the rest as they happily ate the homemade cakes and syrup. As Ruby got her plate she looked over in Roman's direction, as he had been leaning against a tree nearby, taking a puff from his cigar.

"Hey Roman?" Ruby said, holding her plate of pancakes, "You wanna eat some with us?"

Roman looked over to her, "I'm good Red." He replied as he pushed himself up off the tree, "I think I'm gonna take a stroll. I won't be long." Taking his weapon, he walked past the group and along the stream; Ruby only looked more worried at this as she looked to the floor.

"Don't mind him, Ruby." Cristal said as she nudged her a little, "He's just… Having one of his phases. Destiny and I have seen it before."

"Phases?" Ruby asked curiously as she took her seat again.

"He does this every year whenever this day in particular comes around." Cristal soon continued, "Dad and I have our own way of coping with it."

"... What… Day is today?" Ruby asked hesitantly.

Cristal stayed silent at this as she ate her pancake; her look changed as she looked to be sad about something. "Cristal…" Ruby said, "... I know things are awkward between Roman and I… Especially since we were at each other's throats before all of this, but… I want to be able to help him, however I can. And… I'm here if you need to talk."

Cristal clenched her hand, as Ruby noticed it had been shaking a little. When she didn't answer at first, Ruby looked defeated. Just as she went about her business--

"Today's the day…" Cristal finally began making Ruby freeze, "... My mother passed on."


-Present; Somewhere in Remnant-

Within the council chamber of Salem's castle, Cinder sat at her side as she appeared to be in agony. Emerald and Mercury stood close by in case she needed them. Salem on the other hand, looked to be observing her.

"Do you feel it?" She rhetorically asked, "Don't fight it girl. It can sense your trepidation… You must make IT dread YOU."

From outside of the room, their attention was drawn to the sound of clicking. What had approached appeared to be that of Grimm, though it wasn't like the rest. It looked to have a body of a jellyfish with a set of red tentacles and looked to have a set of blades on each one. An ominous red glow, lit up within its sphere. Emerald and Mercury looked terrified at the creature's presence as it soon approached Salem.

The Grimm, only known as the Seer, approached Salem.

She turned over to Cinder after looking into the orb.

"Cinder…" She said, "... I'm going to ask you this one more time… And I expect you to answer me clearly… Did you kill Ozpin?"

Cinder looked away from Salem; How can she expect her to answer her in such a state? She turned to Emerald and signaled her to come over.

"NO!" Salem shouted as she slammed her hands on the table, making everyone in the room flinch at the sound. Emerald returned to her previous position while Cinder looked at her.

"I want to hear YOU say it." Salem merely stated.

With effort, Cinder moved her lips, before she let out an answer that sounded hoarse. "... Yes."

There was a moment of silence between them; Salem sat back in her seat before turning to the Seer.

"Search for the Sisters, and reinforce our numbers at Beacon… The Relic is there."

The Seer soon glided out of the room, drawing Emerald and Mercury further away as it passed them by. Salem had a thought come over her head as she turned her gaze to the window.

"... What are you planning?"


-Somewhere In Anima-

RNJR, CRMS along with Roman and their animal companions Frosty and Senka walked along the pathway trying to get to the next town ahead of them. She held the map in her hands as she tried to make sense of it.

"Alright guys--" She began to say, "--If we pick up the pace we can get over to the next town before sundown!"

"Assuming that it's still there." Jaune said, sounding down.

"Of course it will be." Cristal said, "This ones supposed to be better than the other towns we've been to."

"She's right, so don't look so down!" Melody said, hitting him on the shoulder, "Well, let's hear it, what's the next town's name?"

"Hmm, let me see…" Ruby said, before she started to read it aloud, doing her best to pronounce it, "... Higa--Um--Bane--ra?"

Roman leaned over her shoulder and saw the name on the map. "Red… That says Higabana." He told her.

"I knew that!" She immediately said.

"Hmm, I don't think I've been to that town before on my travels." Rosario said, "Anyone know what we can expect?"

"From what I understand it's supposed to be a well protected village with a popular inn." Ren soon said.

"Which means… No more camping out in the rain!" Nora said with a smile.

"Though I do like camping, it's nice to take a break from it all." Scout said, "Even if it is only for a night."

"Who knows?" Melody said, "Maybe the place has a hot spring. I've always wanted to try one."

"See Jaune?" Ruby said, "Everything's gonna be fine!"

"I guess." Jaune said with a shrug, "I mean it could've been worse. I honestly thought we would see more Grimm out here you know." Senka let out a growl, looking in Jaunes direction; he couldn't help but flinch.

"Well, uh--Other than you of course!" He soon added awkwardly.

"Senka, come on!" Cristal said, tapping him on the beak, "Don't be like that, you know Jaune means well!"

"Speaking of…" Ren soon said, "... We can't exactly walk through Higanbana with Senka. It would be very hard to explain that he's not gonna hurt anyone."

"Yeah, I'm with the ninja on this one." Rosario said, "Anyone got any ideas?"

"I do have one." Cristal said.

She walked in front of Senka, holding her hand up to stop him. "Listen buddy, I need you to do me a favor." Cristal said, putting her hand on his beak, "Fly to the other side of town. Find a place where no one will see you and stay there until you see me or I call for you."

Cristal's eye glowed only for a moment before the color faded again; Senka's eyes changed to the color gold, before it returned to the white color. He soon spread his wings before taking flight, as he flew ahead of the group.

"There." Cristal said with a smile, "Now we won't have any problems."

"Well… We still have the one…" Nora soon stated awkwardly.

The whole group slowly turned to Roman, as Roman himself looked to them while raising an eyebrow. "What?" He said, "You expect me to sprout a set of wings too?"

"Ridiculous idea buddy." Melody said, "Though we do need to come up with something. I mean, I know you turned a new leaf in all, but others may still have it out for you after all that's happened."

"You do make a good point." Scout added.

"Relax, it's fine." Roman said, "You can take Cristal to the inn, I'll camp outside and meet you up on the other side of town."

The group couldn't help but give a concerned look at this. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Cristal asked concerned, "There's going to be a storm tonight."

"Yeah, you might catch a cold." Ruby said, expressing the same concern.

"I appreciate you wanting me to tag along, but I'm not one to get sick so easily." Roman said, before looking to his daughter, "You of all people should know that by now Little Gem."

"Even so, some of the Grimm out here will be more active at night." Scout said, "It'll be dangerous even if you are capable of fighting them."

"Better that you're with us, than out here alone." Ren said.

Roman let out a sigh as he rolled his eyes, "Okay, what do you suggest I do?"

"I'd say we change your look." Rosario said after glancing at his outfit, "You're basically painting a target on your back if you're gonna go into town looking like that."

Roman looked insulted by this, "I'm trying to grow a beard here!"

"Emphasis on trying!" Rosario couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh, I can help out with the outfit!" Scout said, "Thanks to my mother I'm an expert in sewing!"

"Can I choose what he wears, or style his hair!?" Nora said excitedly.

"Whoa--Whoa, hang on a minute!" Roman said, "I'm not big on the whole dress up thing!"

"You're gonna have to suck it up, it's the only way your going to stay safe." Ruby said as she nudged him.

"And it's the only thing we can do right now." Jaune said.

Roman had been about to retort, but saw the look on the group's faces, or more particularly, Ruby and Cristal as they gave him a pleading look. He soon let out a groan, as he slumped over a little, "Alright fine… Just don't make me look ridiculous."

"YAY! MAKEOVER TIME!!" Nora exclaimed, breaking out a makeup kit, and hooking her arm with Roman's. Scout ultimately did the same thing as she broke out the sewing kit, "This is going to be so fun!"

"Yeah!" Nora cheered, "Our luck is finally starting to turn around!" She soon held her fist in the air, as she soon shouted to the sky, "TO HIGANBANA!"

Everyone (Excluding Roman) soon let out the same cheer however--



--Ruby nearly pronounced it wrong again as the group gave her that same awkward look. Ruby laughed nervously before she finished, "--BANA!" They gave her a funny look, which made her blush with embarrassment. Folding up the map as best as she could, she started to walk ahead at a fast pace.

Just as the group went ahead, Melody noticed something out of the corner of her eye…

She turned to look behind her as she couldn't help but give a curious look; her gaze soon looked towards the cliff.

"Melody!" Scout soon called out, making her flinch, "Come on, or you'll be left behind!"

"Kay…" Melody said softly as she looked to the cliff again.

She soon shook her head, "... I must be imagining things."

Thus, she caught up with the rest of the group.

Up on the clifftop, a Beowolf stood, baring teeth and ready to pounce on the unsuspected. Before it could, a blade pierced its chest, killing it instantly; its body disappeared. Qrow threw his blade over his shoulder as he looked to the group; a single raven flew from a tree as it let out a screech.

He soon scoffed, "... Luck."



Yang found herself standing in the middle of the courtyard of Beacon. Everything looked like the way it was when she and her sister first arrived at Beacon. She looked down and saw that her arm was back, which left her confused and shocked, as she felt her own flesh. However she soon discarded the thought when she heard a familiar voice.

"Yang! Over here!"

She looked up and saw a familiar girl with magenta and orange hair, wearing an eyepatch waving to her. She looked at her, with eyes wide.

"... Destiny?"

The child laughed with a warm smile on her face. She turned from her and started to run in the opposite direction of her.

"Hey! Wait!"

She started to run after her, going through the school grounds. Everytime she thought she lost her, she always heard her familiar laugh; as she would turn in her direction, she would disappear once more.

"Dessie! Stop! Where are you going!?"

She soon caught sight of Destiny near the cafeteria building; she entered through the large double doors as she laughed once more. Yang ran towards the building and through the doors herself. When she did, she realized she had entered a different reality entirely.

The world around her, though once lively, changed into an eerie red; flames surrounded the entire building, as the Grimm could be heard in the distance. It had been the spitting image of what happened all those months ago. Yang looked to be in shock at this, though she started to look around.

"Destiny!" She called out, "Destiny, where are you!?"

As she had gotten further into the building, she soon had been paralyzed with fear. There up ahead, she saw the man who took away her arm.

Adam Tarrus.

His hair and mask glowed red, much like the eyes of Grimm. He was walking towards her, with his sword in hand. Yang was taken back when she saw her weapons on her; out of fear she started to fire at Adam as she moved back. The bullets seemingly went through Adam; he didn't even bear a reaction.

She went to fire again, only to find that her Ember Celicas were no longer there. Instead she had been back to her condition.

She felt helpless in that moment, as she continued to back away from Adam; until she felt her back hit something. She jumped at the sight of Destiny, covered in a black substance of some sort. Her eyes bared no reflection, and her body looked pale.

"How could you?"

Yang turned and jumped at the sight of Cristal, looking to be in the same state as her sister, though the only difference had been, her body had been twitching as she moved.

"You said you would protect us… You said you'd have our backs… You promised… And look what's happened…"

Yang was about to say something, however she jumped at the sight of Adam. He held his sword high and--


"Yang! Wake up!"

Yang's eyes shot open as she found herself back in her room; Maize looked down on her as she gave a worried look in her eyes. She sat herself up as she looked to the dresser where the corgi plush and her Ember Celica.

"Are you okay?" Maize asked.

"Ye--yeah." Yang replied, "I'm alright. Just had a nightmare."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Maize asked worryingly, "You looked like you were in pain."

Yang only gave her a reassuring smile and nodded; though despite this Maize could see right through her, as she noticed the look in her eyes. She still had that look of pain… She was too familiar with.

"Yang…" Maize started to say, "I--"

Maize had been interrupted when she and Yang heard voices and laughter downstairs. The two of them looked at one another before they decided to check it out. They descended down the stairs as they realized that it had been coming from the kitchen area.

When they peeked inside, Yang saw two people she had been very familiar with; that had been Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck, her teachers.

"And then, in comes Qrow--Wearing a skirt!" Port said, "I was just a TA than! I didn't know what to do, so I just left the room to laugh!"

Taiyang, and Oobleck bursted out laughing at this, while Maize and Yang looked at each other; both of them giving each other a raised eyebrow.

"We told him it was a kilt!" Taiyang said, "He never wore a uniform before so he had no idea!"

"That is terrible!" Oobleck said with a smile, "What is wrong with you!?"

"Hey!" Taiyang said, "All the girls said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part, then we--"

Port cut him off as he placed his leg on the table.

"Like what you see?" He said as he was pretending to be Qrow.

The three of them burst out laughing, though not before Port lost his footing and fell onto the ground hard. Though Taiyang and Oobleck ended up laughing even harder at this sort of thing; even Port began to laugh along with them.

Yang and Maize couldn't help but feel compelled, as they finally laughed, drawing their attention. Port quickly scrambled up off the floor, while Oobleck stood up from his seat.

"Miss Xiao Long!" Port said awkwardly as he fixed himself, "Good evening!"

"It is uh--Very good to see you!" Oobleck said.

"Good to see you guys too." Yang said as she stepped inside.

Maize soon followed as she waved, "Hello there. You must be my cousin's professors. Thank you for looking after her and Ruby."

"Oh please, there's nothing to it!" Port said, "Though I must say, it's a pleasure to finally be introduced to one of Qrow's daughters! Very good to meet you Miss…?"

"Maize." She said as she bowed, "Maize Clementine Branwen. It's a pleasure."

"It's a pleasure as well!" Oobleck said, "Why don't you and Yang join us? Pull up a chair!"

"I'm good." Yang said, as she sat herself up on the kitchen counter.

"Same with me." Maize said, as she leaned against the counter, at Yang's side, "I prefer to stand anyway."

"What are you guys doing here?" Yang soon asked.

"Well, despite popular belief, teachers do have a life outside of the classroom." Oobleck replied as he sat back down along with Port.

"Professor Goodwitch is working around the clock to restore Beacon to its former glory!" Port added, "But… Mistral wasn't built in a day. And we all need a rest from time to time."

"Hey, let's not worry about that." Taiyang soon said, before he continued his story, "So--There we were, standing in the auditorium, looking at Qrow--Wearing a skirt! Then, Oz tells everyone, 'It's time to work on our landing strategies!'"

Everyone, including Yang and Maize, gave a laugh at the mere thought of this, before they caught their breath.

"The Branwen Twins have always been… Interesting to say the least." Oobleck commented, with Yang and Maize slightly flinching at the mention of this.

"That didn't seem to stop young Tai!" Port said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"You guys, they're right here." Taiyang said, motioning to the two girls.

"Oh please!" Port said, "They're mature young ladies! If Miss Xiao Long and Miss Branwen can handle themselves in combat, than they can handle a few jabs from her old man and uncle!"

"That's not the issue Pete." Taiyang stated, "And besides, they're also teenagers."

Maize couldn't help but feel hurt at this, "... Hey Uncle Tai… Ouch."

"They're also in the room and can be directly spoken too." Yang stated, as she jumped down from the counter, "And I think I've been through enough to be considered an adult at this point."

Taiyang sighed, "Whether you and Maize are an adult or not, you two still have a lot to learn before you're ready for the real world."

Yang rolled her eyes at this remark, "Oh my gosh! Does every father figure have the same three condescending phrases?!"

"Yeah! But we only use them when we REALLY mean it!"

"Is that so?!"

"As a matter of fact, it is so!"

"Yang, Uncle Tai please…" Maize said stepping between them, "... Not now, we have guests."

"Hang on hon, let me finish." Taiyang said before he turned back to Yang, "If you honestly think you're ready to go out there on your own… Than I guess you lost some of your brain cells along with that arm."

The room grew silent as Yang let out a gasp, while Maize, Oobleck and Port had been left speechless at this sort of thing. The only sound heard within, had been Oobleck's cup, dropping onto the table. Maize looked over to Yang, worried that she was going to get mad, though was surprised when she playfully punched him.

"You jerk!" She said with a laugh, as Taiyang started to laugh along with her.

Maize cleared her throat, "Just to check… Are we finally going to address the Goliath in the room?"

Taiyang and Yang looked at one another before they started to laugh again; Maize saw that Yang had given a genuine real smile which couldn't help but put a smile on her face as well. Though that soon came to an end.

"Miss Xiao Lo--I mean Yang." Port began to say, "If you don't mind me asking… Why haven't you tried your new arm yet?"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Oobleck said, "A piece of Atlas Technology given out like that is rare indeed! Not to mention the effort it took to deliver it here. It seems a great many people want you to return to normal."

Yang's expression changed, as she looked to her father and cousin, before she let out a sigh of her own.

Finally, she spoke, "... I'm… Scared. Everyone keeps talking about me getting back to normal. But… This is normal now… It's just taking me time to get used to it."

"Yang…" Maize said worryingly.

"... You know…" Taiyang soon started to say, "Normal… Is what you make of it."

Yang looked at him with a confused expression on her face. "What does that mean?" She asked, "Do you want me to just pretend like nothing's happened? I lost a part of me! A piece of me is gone! And it's never coming back!"

"... You're right… It's never coming back." Taiyang stated calmly, "... But that doesn't have to stop you from becoming who you want to be. You're Yang Xiao Long… My Sunny Little Dragon. You can do whatever you put your mind to. So… Whenever your ready to stop moping around and get back out there again… I'll be there for you."

"Same with me." Maize said stepping forward, "... Whether it'd be you or Ruby, my dad and sister, you can count on one thing. We're not just friends, we're family… No one gets left behind."

Yang only looked to her father and cousin, just shocked, as she wasn't sure what to say.

"I--I--" Yang started to say.

Port soon spoke up again, "Fear is like an emotion, it comes and goes as it pleases. It's all how you handle it. Why… Even I find myself wrestling with that emotion from time to time."

"Really? You?" Yang said, not really believing it herself.

"What are you afraid of?" Maize asked with a quizzical expression.

Oobleck soon leaned over and whispered, "... He's afraid of mice."


"Port I assure you… There's no mice here." Oobleck said nonchalantly.

After awhile, Yang and Maize headed back up the stairs to call it a night. They both bid their farewells to Port and Oobleck and headed to their rooms. As Yang entered her room, she noticed her Ember Celica and the corgi plush that sat on the dresser, as she couldn't help but think back to their earlier conversation.

It wasn't long before she heard familiar voices outside. She went over to the window to listen.

"Thanks again for having us over Tai." Port said.

"Anytime, you're always welcome." Taiyang said.

"It maybe awhile before we return." Oobleck said, "There's still much to be done on the school."

"...I… Hesitate to ask this but…" Port soon said, "...I understand that Miss Rose, and… Your niece has been away for sometime. Have you heard a word from either of them?"

Taiyang's expression softened at this as he gave his reply, "... Melody's messages and calls stopped coming after the CCT was destroyed… As for Ruby, I haven't heard anything from her yet."

"Have you thought about going after them?" Oobleck asked, "Try to bring them home?"

Taiyang sighed, "... I've got to… Look after some things."

Yang hid herself from the view of her window, as she took her arm as she held the look of dejection on her face. Maize soon peeked into the room, as she soon got her attention when she cleared her throat.

"Got a minute?" Maize asked Yang as she rubbed her elbow nervously.

Yang gave her a small reassuring smile as she nodded.

Maize took a deep breath, "About what I wanted to say before…" She said, "... I know you're scared right now… And I don't blame you for feeling that way. I never have. But if there's one thing I learned from my dad, it's that your never alone in anything you do. Uncle Tai and I meant what we said before, about being here for you. We can help each other. And… Just between us… If you won't do it for me, Melody, Uncle Tai, my father or even Ruby…" Maize soon took the plush that sat on the dresser and handed it over to Yang.

"Than do it for her…" Maize finished, "... For her family."

Yang took the plush from Maize as she looked at it. She soon held it close to her, as she only remained silent. Though Maize soon noticed a tear roll down her cheek.


-Somewhere in Anima-

"I hate you… I hate you all so much…"

As said before, they managed to put on a disguise for Roman. As luck would have it, Scout had extra sewing dust as well as other materials so it was pretty easy. They made him undo his hair and curl it up thanks to Nora and her curler and they kept his fedora off.

His outfit had been a green coat with a set of brown khakis and dress shoes though it was all loose and baggy, not one that was in his style, and his hair had been dyed into yellow instead of his usual orange hair, and wore a baggy looking jacket.

Honestly… He didn't look happy.

Not one bit.

"Dad, it doesn't look that bad." Cristal said.

"Yeah, so don't be so modest!" Ruby added, "You actually look pretty cool blonde!"

"Good thing I had just enough to make you this outfit!" Scout said satisfied.

"I feel like a goddamn clown…" He said as his eyes twitched.

"Oh come on, curls suit you!" Nora said.

"At least this way you won't be recognized by anyone else." Ren said.

"Yeah, you look like a completely different person." Rosario added before she snickered a little.

Roman only managed to grumble annoyingly as he slouched. "Please tell me this stuff washes off with water…" He said as he looked at Scout and Nora.

"Of course!" Scout replied.

"Maybe…?" Nora said

At this, his eyebrow twitched as he glared.

It hadn't been long before they saw the clouds start to roll in; thunder and lighting could be heard in the distance. "Come on, we better get to the inn before it pours." Jaune said to the group.

"No need to tell me twice." Melody said.

The group picked up the pace as they made their way to Higanbana, eventually they had reached the inn as it started to rain like cats and dogs outside. Though most of them had gotten wet, since they were caught in the rain just as it started.

"Whoa, look at it come down!" Melody exclaimed, "Haven't seen a storm like this since that hurricane in Patch."

"Eh, I've seen worse." Rosario said with a shrug.

"Come on!" Ruby said, "Let's go check into a room!"

Just as they went to approach the front desk, Roman noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Across the way there had been a tarven and he saw a familiar man just sitting there alone at a table, motioning him to come over. Ruby and Cristal soon noticed Roman looking off.

"Hey? You okay?" Ruby asked.

"Hm?" Roman said, snapping back to reality, "Oh, yeah, I'm alright. I'm gonna go grab a drink. I'll catch up with you later."

Cristal and Ruby looked at each other both with a quizzical expression.

"Alright, just don't drink too much." Cristal told him, "I ain't gonna carry you to Mistral, and Senka won't either."

Roman only laughed sarcastically as he waved her off playfully and exited the inn. He used his coat to keep himself from getting soaked, (Well mostly) before he exited the inn. He entered the tarven, fixing up his jacket before he looked at the man at the table. A Huntsman, to be specific.

The father of Melody, and Ruby's Uncle… Qrow Branwen.

"Sup." Qrow greeted as he held his drink.

Roman only scoffed, not even returning the greeting, "... I did have a feeling that someone was following us for awhile. Didn't think it would be you."

Qrow gestured over to the seat across from him, "Care to join me for a sip?"

He noticed the tense look on his face, as Roman stepped back a little.

"Calm done, I ain't gonna turn you in." He reassured the former thief, "I just want to have a drink with you and talk. We didn't get a chance in Vale since you got yourself separated."

Roman let out a sigh of defeat, as he sauntered over to the chair before taking a seat. A waitress soon approached the table. "Can I get you anything?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm covered." Qrow said holding his glass, before pointing over to Roman, "His drinks on me."

The waitress nodded before looking in his direction.

"Just get me some scotch if you have any." He said, "Make it a double."

"Coming right up handsome." The waitress said with a wink, before she went to get his drink.

"That's awfully nice of you." Roman said nonchalantly, "Even though I could've paid for it myself."

"Consider it thanks for what you did in Vale." Qrow said sitting back, "Protecting my niece in all, and looking out for her after all this time. You know, instead of trying to kill her."

"Are you trying to go somewhere with this?" He asked.

Qrow gave his response, "... I'm happy that you and Cristal are back together again, and that she's been helping you cope with that little girl still missing. Can't imagine how hard it must be for her though… What I'm wondering is… What are you going to do? After all of this?"

Roman stayed silent at this, as his expression changed; he looked off to the side as he adjusted himself in his chair.

"... After all is set and done, and you find the kid you can't exactly go back to your original life."

"You don't think I know that?" Roman said harshly, "I know what I did. I know that I'm partially responsible for the Fall of Beacon, since I single handedly took out the Atlas fleet--Though let's be fair they got what was coming to them, I just can't go back to stealing lien from stores and banks in some part of Remnant!"

"Than, are you planning on running with them to some far off place?"

"Normally I would go that route, but… Destiny doesn't deserve that life and Cristal's seen enough of it. I made a promise years ago, and I'd rather not go back on their word now…" He soon raised his eyebrow, "... Why are you asking me this?"

The Waitress returned with Roman's drink, after thanking her he took a sip. Qrow soon gave his answer. "... I'm only asking because after what you got yourself involved in, I can tell you a few certain people won't consider you dad of the year."

Roman clenched his glass at this, making it crack, "... Are you threatening me right now? Is that what this is?"

"Who said I was?" He said, "All I'm saying is when this is all over, they're going to be consequences. I can tell from your reaction you don't want them to be taken away."

Roman gritted his teeth, "My daughters… They're the only thing I have left in this hell of a world. When Cinder took them from me, going as far as to attack them--" At this Roman stopped for a moment before he picked his sentence back up, "--They were apart from me, for two whol years… I'm glad to have Cristal back… But… It can never be complete… Not without Destiny. Without knowing where she is, or if she's even alive has been--Driving me insane. I'm still shocked that I haven't snapped yet."

"You could've avoided it all you know?" Qrow soon pointed out, "You could've gone to the authorities, or told Ironwood when he had you on his ship about what was happening. But you just chose to keep your mouth shut, and let it run its course."

He took another sip from his glass, giving a sigh, "I don't know if you noticed… But I'm not the biggest fan of law enforcement, even before I started to lie, cheat, and steal for a living. Atlas wasn't there for me. They never have been. They weren't there for me when I was a kid, and they certainly weren't there for me, when my wife and my friends were killed in cold blood!"

"I know you have a grudge about what happened to Trinity--I would too if I was in your position. But that doesn't mean you had to be involved in the fall of Beacon."

"I had no choice! Even if I could tell them, she threatened to take away the lives of my Gem and Princess if I so much as breathed one word about their plans!"

"People always have a choice. You just made the stupid one and got your kids involved in something dangerous."

"In case you haven't noticed, I've been involved since the day I met the only person I'll ever love! I tried to keep them from all of that, even after I found out they were born with magic!"

"I can see you did a bang up job with that."

This time Roman let out a growl of anger, as he couldn't help but slam his class onto the table, "Do you know the part where I just punched you several times in the face? We're coming up to that pretty soon."

Qrow soon ran his hand through his hair, as he gave a sigh, "Look… It's no secret that I've been tailing behind you. I can see how much you've changed, and how much you love your daughters. Right now… I'm prepared to offer you a choice, that's not a stupid mind you… If you care to listen."

At this, Roman gave him a quizzical look, "... What do you have in mind?"

"... You want them to have a normal life while they still can when this is all over right?" Qrow said, "My home island, Patch, can provide that for you. But to do that, I can make you disappear, to make it seem like you never existed in the first place."

"... You can really do that?"

"Don't underestimate what a Huntsman can do."

Roman couldn't help but look skeptical at this, "... Why would you want to do that for me?"

"Who knows?" The Huntsman replied with a shrug, "Maybe it's because your watching Ruby's back… Maybe it's what you're doing now, who knows? Just be thankful for what I'm offering you now. What do you say?"

Roman gave it some thought as he ran his hand through his hair; he gave out a sigh, "... It really is an offer I can't refuse… But if it's all the same to you. I'd like to focus on finding Destiny."

Qrow gave a nod, "... I understand. Just don't forget about our talk."

Roman nodded back before he stood up from his chair, "... I should get back to them, before one of them decides to come and fetch me." He went to exit the tavern, though before he did, he gave him a wave.

"Thanks for the drink… Have a good night."

And thus, he left the tavern leaving only Qrow at the table.


-Sometime Ago; Later that Night-

The whole group traveled a bit before they found a well protected town in case the Grimm showed up. Tired from all the walking they had, they decided to rest up at the local inn. They each had their own separate rooms; one for RNJR and one for CRMS, with Roman having his own room.

After they filled their bellies, they turned in for the night.

Ruby however, didn't sleep right away, as she found herself reading a book she had packed for the journey; all while occasionally looking over to a notepad that was sitting at her bedside, as she had a nervous look on her face. For a moment she picked up her pen and went to write on the paper; only to have hesitation before setting it down again as she sighed.

"... Why can't I think of anything…?"

She soon noticed a couple of people just outside of her window; Roman had been sitting on one bench as he had taken a puff from his cigar as he looked upon the koi-fish pond. Cristal had been outside with him, with Senka drinking from the pond, as she could see a concerned look on her face as she looked to her father.

Putting the book away, she proceeded outside as she put on her hood. Despite the fact she had her hood, she shivered from the cold. She approached Roman, lightly tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention; he jumped slightly at this but calmed down when he saw it was her.

"Don't scare me like that Red." He said, "Isn't it past your bedtime?"

"If you and I were still enemies, I would have whooped your butt at that remark." She said as she took her seat beside him, "Whatcha doing out here?"

"... Just looking at the fireflies." He replied, as he looked ahead, hypnotized at the sight of it.

Ruby looked ahead and couldn't help but be in awe at the sight of it. Never before in her life had she seen so many fireflies in one place; it was almost as if the stars up in the sky decided to take a visit on Earth. A couple of fireflies landed on her hand, and one landed just on her head; her eyes practically sparkled.

"... Back where we used to live…" Roman started to say, "... I used to see this kind of thing all the time… WIth Cristal and Trinity…"

Ruby's gaze softened at this, at the mention of Cristal and Destiny's mother; she couldn't help but give a solemn look of solemn in his direction.

"... I was hoping I could show Destiny this…" He admitted, "... When she's found anyway."

Finally Ruby spoke, "... Cristal… Told me about today… About why you looked so upset."

At this, Roman stayed silent, as he took another puff from his cigar.

"You know… It's okay to miss someone you love." Ruby said, "My dad's been like that too since my mom passed away. And even Yang's mom--"

"It's… Not that." Roman said cutting her off, "... I know it's okay, but it's not what I'm thinking about right now."

Ruby looked at him with confusion; it hadn't been long before he continued, this time, being a bit hesitant in doing so.

"Everytime this day comes and goes I find myself back in that scenario." He said, "... I keep thinking over again in my head on what I should've done, and things I should've done and if things changed. The day the Grimm invaded our town, I told Trinity to stay at home with our children… Look how well that turned out. Sometimes I wonder… If things had been different."

Ruby noticed his hands started to shake at the mere thought; she placed her hand over his, causing him to flinch.

"I… Understand how you feel about it." Ruby said, "I may have been a little girl when I lost my mom, I felt the same way. Even when… Pyrrha and Penny were both taken. Every scenario I thought about what would happen if my mom was saved, or if I did get to Pyrrha and Penny in time. But… I learned a long time ago that you can't change what happened… What matters is what we do now."

"You say that, and yet I failed to protect her… I failed to protect them. I couldn't save my wife, and I was too much of a coward to save my own daughter."

"It's not your fault… You just made a mistake. My uncle Qrow told me that there's benefits to making mistakes… You can learn from them. It's okay to make them because that's what makes a person. You're not a horrible father and husband; you loved your wife and made her happy when she was alive, and you raised Cristal and Destiny all on your own. You can make things right for her… And you can make things right for Destiny, when she's found."

Roman finally looked at the young teen, before letting out a soft chuckle, "Well, look at me… I'm being comforted by a little kid. How the mighty have fallen."

Ruby only laughed, "I consider it to be an accomplishment at this point." She soon stood up from the bench, after letting out a yawn, "Welp, I think I'm gonna go and turn in! How about you?"

"I'll get some shut eye in a bit." He told her, "I'll just stay out here for a bit longer."

Ruby only nodded before she headed back towards the inn. Cristal had caught up with her, as Senka fell asleep on a fresh bed of grass, just by the pond. The two only smiled to one another in greeting, as they were beside each other.

"Thank you." Cristal mouthed to her.

Ruby gave a wink, before they proceeded back to their rooms.