Chapter 4 Small time skips (Re-written)

[5 years after Twilight's birth]

{MC pov}

First off let me say, I am very surprised that no quests were given to me for 5 whole years after Twilight's birth. Second, I am currently 6 years old. Third I CAN FINALLY USE MAGIC SPELLS yay. The moment I hit age 3, I channeled magic through my horn and it immediately started to glow.

For 2 years I did nothing but train my magic control, and as a reincarnator it would be disgraceful to the fanfic army if I don't get some kind of ability. So with my knowledge from those mangas, manhuas, manwhas, and my 2 years of training, I closed my eyes and guide my mana to them, which isn't hard with all the training I've done.

Then as I opened my eyes, I heard a notification from the system.

*ding* Ordis: [Host has learned 'magic sight'. Host can now see magic within others or objects, better eyesight, and able to see in the dark, also SEE YOUR ENEMY- ahem there was a little bug in the system. Will fix now.]

Ignoring that, let's talk about Twilight. We are best friends, and let me tell you, baby Twilight is so much easier to befriend then future Twilight. During one of my visits to Twilight's house, I got to meet Princess Mi Amoura Cadenza, or simply Cadence.

Also I have been secretly brewing potions, but unfortunately, I was found out. While it did impress my parents, I was still in trouble saying that it is very dangerous without adult supervision.

-------------{1 year later}--------------

[MC pov]

Alright good news, I learned 'magic sense', a combination of 'magic radar' and 'magic sight', basically a weak magic rip off version of observation haki from one piece.

Anyway bad news, Im still not allowed potion brewing. For now. Bad news number 2, right now I am going to the 'Summer Sun Celebration' that is held in Canterlot this year, which means Twilight is gonna go full on 'egghead'. Bad news number 3, a quest just popped up, which means the 'they' are active again.


[Go to school]- by R.O.B.(John)

Description: it is almost time for Twilight to go to school and as her first true friend, you shall attend with her.

Bonus: Become Sun Butt's personal protege like Twilight

Reward: John's gift, your cutie mark Bonus: 50 SP, 20 bits

Fail condition: Fail the entrance exam

Penalty: ??? [R.O.B.- depends on how much you screw up]


Wait John's gift? Oh yeah, he did say he would give me a gift, I have completely forgotten about it after so long. But the condition is that I have to get enrolled into Celestia's school.

*sigh* horse apples, guess it is time to do some preparations. After the 'Summer Sun Celebration' Twilight and I, went to her house to do some studying, and thanks to 'Greater Comprehension' I was able to understand things better and faster then Twilight, which strangely gave me a sense of achievement.

----------------[1 week later]---------------

{Still MC pov}

It's time, to du-du-du-duel. JK, It's time for the entrance exam. I am in the exam hall with Twilight and our parents, I walk to the center and next to me was a white egg that is slightly bigger than a normal egg with some gold swirly flame patterns. So based on the show, I guess I just have to hatch it if I want to impress Celestia.

Stardust: 'Hey, Ordis, what kind of egg is this? Seems kind of small for a dragon's.'

Ordis: [Hosy is correct it isn't a dragon egg, but it is some kind of a bird.]

Hmmm, interesting, since it is not a dragon egg guess I can't put it under extreme heat. My horn starts to shine a pinkish red as I start to use my magic to stimulate the egg and manipulate its surroundings for optimal conditions for a bird egg. After a while, a cracking sound was heard. Then followed by some chirping. It hatched, the little chick grey fluffy feathers, a long neck, webbed feet, and its head (A/N: basically my profile pic, but smaller)

*ding* Ordis: [you have found the gift.]

Studust: 'Ordis, what is going on?'

Ordis: [According to my creator, the egg was actually suppose to be pure phoenix egg, but somehow he grabbed a hybrid egg.]

Stardust- 'Meaning?'

Ordis: [Meaning now host has a hybrid phoenix that looks like a gooseling and has the temperment of a goose, with its head on fire.]

Ya know what, I'm not even gonna question that. I see the examiners scribble something down. Celestia also came just in time to see me hatch the egg, hopefully this impresses her enough.

Next is Twilight's turn, so with little goose-phoenix on my head now named, Albert, I walk to the side and stand with my parents.

Stardust: Good luck Twilight, don't be nervous.

Twilight: *Very nervous* Thanks. I'll try not to be?

And everything is the same as the canon: Twilight is a nervous wreck, almost failing, aaand *BOOM* right on time the rainboom came. With the rainboom, it game me and Twilight a magic overload, but I didn't train my magic control for 2 straight years for nothing. I was able to calm down my magic just in time to use block the very beam of magic from Twilight that will turn me into a potted plant like her parents just now.

------------------{Sunbutt pov}-----------------

(finally a different pov)

As I finally finished some of my duties, I headed over to the exam hall number 3. Just in time to see the 'hatching' test. The common misconception about this test was that they think they have to hatch it, however it is only for me the gauge their abilities, hence why I overlook the exams every year.

The little filly on stage right now, I believe her name was Stardust Falls. The amount of magic power she holds is about average, but her control with it, is very impressive. Able to do multiple spells and with much speed and precision too. *crack* *chirp* The egg hatches, and what surprises me the most was the creature that came out of the egg. A goose with its head on fire, and here I thought I've seen everything.

Now it is the other filly's turn, I believe her name is Twilight Sparkle, she seems quite nervous, she tries to hatch the egg but fails to do so. Though, I must say her magic power is much more than what a filly should normally have, easily being on par with all the other geniuses I've seen. However her control seems to be lacking.

Suddenly a loud boom occurs and follow by a dense wave of pure magic. It was able to stimulate my own magic power, but it was not much. However, the 2 fillies are having a magic overload. What surprises me this time was the amount of raw magic power Twilight possesses, it was far beyond what I have initially thought, and how much control Stardust truly has over magic. She was able to calm her magic down quickly and use a shield spell to fend off a stray beam of magic. I quickly walk over to Twilight, tap her on the shoulder and calmed her down.

Celestia-: Stardust Falls and Twilight Sparkle, you two have shown me the most surprises this year, how would you two like to be my personal protege here at the School for gifted unicorns?

------------------{MC pov}-----------------

Celestia: Stardust Falls and Twilight Sparkle, you two have shown me the biggest surprise this year, how would you two like to be my personal protege here at the School for gifted unicorns?

Looks like I made it.

Me and Twilight: YES! (both excited for different reasons)

Celestia: And one more thing.

She points to our flanks, and there it was, our cutie Mark. Also, in the future if anyone asks, Stardust will absolutely deny that she jumped around Celestia with Twilight chanting yes.


*ding* Ordis- "Quest completed"

[Go to school]- by R.O.B.

Description: it is almost time for Twilight to go to school and as her first true friend, you shall attend with her.

Bonus: Become Sun Butt's personal protege like Twilight

Reward: R.O.B.'s gift, your cutie mark Bonus: 50 SP, 20 bits

Fail condition: Fail the entrance exam

Penalty: ??? [R.O.B.- depends on how much you screw up]

