Chapter 5 Load the 'Canon' (Re-written)

Readers- "About dang time."


{MC pov}

Many years had passed since the entrance exam, I'm now 19 years old and Twilight is 18. Many things has happened, such as: doing a few minor quests here and there, 'invented' some stuff, and finally being allowed to do potions at age 10. Oh yeah I became level 3 as well.

Now, I may say invent, but it is more of me re-creating things that already exists, but just not in the MLP world. I made made a few of them, but among all of them, 3 items stood out the most.

First item, is spacial storage item. Thought the storage space is limited, unlike my inventory, it is still very well received. What made it truly popular was that it could be in many shapes, either as jewelry or a saddle bag. It took me a total of 7 years of suffering and explosions from failed pieces to finally make one. 5 years for a working prototype and another 2 years to refine and add security features. Personally I don't need it, but it allows me to use my inventory in public.

Second item was a AC unit. This is VERY popular in hot places like Saddle Arabia. The amount of bits(mlp money) I got from it along with the spacial items, made my parents faint, when I told them.

Lastly and oddly enough, the third item was a fountain pen. For some reason I have yet to figure out, the fountain was one of the 3 re-created items that really impressed the ponies, and from what I've heard, it became a way of showing off. This confused me a lot.

Also before I forget, due to how popular the items are getting, I have to get a fake name so I don't get bothered during my daily life. Behold my alter ego, the genius inventor, Xena Pendelton. Other than me, only Celestia knows about this.

Anyway, enough about my achievements. After me and Twilight became students of Celestia, the Princess arranged for the both of us to live together for convenience. Currently I am in my room wraping a gift for Moon Dancer, that was until I heard a smacking sound and Twilight's voice calling for Spike. Poor Spike.

But oh boy, it's time huh. With a sigh I got a pen and paper, wrote a letter to Moon Dancer about getting a task from Celestia, so me and Twilight can't come to her party. I attached it to my gift and teleports it to Moon Dancer's location. A few seconds later I heard a knock and in comes Twilight.

Twilight: Stardust there you are, we got a task from the Princess to oversee the preparations for this years Summer Sun Celebration.

Stardust: Alright, let me go get Albert

Oh yeah, Albert also changed as he grew up. Now his feathers are white instead of grey, and at the tip of his wing and tail feathers there is red coloring with gold coloring at the end. The only thing stat stayed to same, was the ever present flames on his head.

----------[Time skip an hour later]-----------

{MC pov, at Ponyville}

Finally! After an hour of flying we arrived at Ponyville. After thanking the two pegasi stallions that drove? us here, we got off the flying chariot. I stayed silent letting Twilight and Spike continue their conversation from earlier.

Twilight: Look, Spike, she 'said' to check on preparations. Stardust and I are her star pupils, and we'll do our royal duty, but the fate of Equestia does not rest on me making friends.

Despite knowing it won't do anything, I chip into the conversation anyway.

Stardust: Oh come on, Twilight, making some new friends can't hurt anypony.

Albert: *honk!*

Stardust: See, even Albert agrees.

Spike: Yeah! Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about. Come on, Twilight, just give it a try!

A wild pink mare (we all know who) approaches and stops in front of us.

Twilight: Ummm... hello?

Pinkie: *prolonged gasping* *then dashes away*

Twilight: Well, that was interseting all right.

Spike: *sigh*

Stardust: How about we worry about making friends at a later time. Spike, what do we got?

Out of a storage bag, Spike took out a scroll and reads.

Spike: Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's check list. Number one, banquet preparations: Sweet Apple Acres.

-------------[30 minutes later]------------

{MC pov}

Arriving at the lovely apple farm, a voice attracted our attention. A mare with an orange coat, golden blonde mane, wearing a cowboy hat, with three apples as her cutie mark, charges towards an apple tree and kicks it, making the apples fall off from the branches.

Applejack- "Yeehaw!"

Twilight- *sigh* "Let's get this over with... Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkl-"

Unable to finish the last bit of her introduction, due to Applejack shaking Twilight's hoof with a little too enthusiastically.

Applejack- "Well, howdy-doo Ms.Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acacquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do love makin' new friends! And who are you miss?"

Even after Applejack stopped, Twilight's hoof still shaking up and down, which Spike helps her stop. Spike then snickers a bit, but stops when Twilight glares at him.

Stradust: Name's Stardust, Stardust Falls. *shakes Applejack's hoof*

Applejack: It's a pleasure meetin' cha. So, what can I do you for?

Twilight: *clears throat* Well, in fact we are here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food?

Applejack: We sure as sugar are! Would you care to sample some?

Twilight: Well, as long as it doesn't take too long."

With that Applejack zips away and rings a idiophone or the triangle.

Applejack: Soup's on, everypony!

The ground starts to shake from how many ponies are running towards us. Then the next moment we are seated at a table.

Applejack: Now, why don't I introduce y'all to the Apple family?

Twilight: Thanks, but I really need to hurry-

Stardust: Yes!

Twilight gives me a "wtf" look. Sorry not sorry Twi, this is the inevitable, might as well be polite and give the Apple a response.

(A/N: oh boy here we go with the names)

Applejack: This here is Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Studel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp.

With every name the table is piled with apple related foods in correspondence to the names.

Applejack: *takes deep breath* " Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith. Up'n'attem, Granny Smith, we got guests.

Granny Smith: *snorts awake* "Wha...? Soup's on? I'm up, here I come, ahm comin'.

Applejack: Why, I'd say y'all already part of the family. *proceeds to shove an apple in our mouths*

Stardust: *Chews And swallows* Mmm, this is good.

Twilight: *Spits it out* Ahehe-he. Okay, well, I can see the food situation. is handled, so we'll be on our way.

Apple Bloom: *uses baby doll eyes* Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?

Stardust: Yeah, c'mon Twilight, a little bite wouldn't hurt. And you can't possible say no to that adorable face.

Twilight: *Hesitates* Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do.

Apple family: *uses disappointed sighs*

Twilight: *gives in* "...fine.

Apple family: *Cheers*


{3rd pov}

Twilight: *looks like she is pregnant* Ugh... I ate to much pie...

Stardust: Aww, come on Twilight, it's not that bad.

Twilight: Ugh I don't even know how are you fine! You literally ate double the amount I ate!

Stardust: Metabolism spell.

Twilight: A what?

Stardust: Metabolism spell, it allows me to speed up or slow down my digestion. We learned it in history class. Come to think of it, didn't you learn the spell with me?

Twilight *facepalms*: Now I feel stupid.

Stardust: Anywho. Spike, what do we got next.

Spike: Well, food's all taken care of, next is weather. *looks around* Hmmm, there's suppose to be a pegasus named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.

Twilight: Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?

Stardust steps back.

Twilight: Stardust where are you- *wham* "oof" *splat*

Twilight: *looks visibly annoyed* Nng.

Crashing into Twilight, is none other than a skyblue pegasus mare with a rainbow mane, Rainbow Cras-, I mean Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow: Eh-hehehehe. Uh, 'scuse me?

Twilight: Nnnn.

Rainbow: *more sheepish laughter* Lemme help you.

Rainbow Dash then flies off and comes back with a cloud. Then she hops on it, causing the cloud to rain on Twilight, effectively washing off the mud but also make Twilight soaking wet.

Rainbow: Eeeh, oops, guess I overdid it. Um, uh, how about this? *flies around Twilight at a high speed drying up all the water* My very own patented Rain-Blow Dry! No no. Don't need to thank me. Your quite welcome.

Rainbow Dash then looks at her handy work and bursts into laughter on the ground and Spike joins in on the laughing.

Stardust: Hmmm, poofy.

Rainbow and Spike: *wheezes*

Twilight: *tired sigh* Let me guess. You're Rainbow Dash.

Hearing her name, Ranbow instantly gets back up, sending Spike flying a meter or two away.

Spike: Woah!

Rainbow: The one and only. Why, you heard of me?.

Twilight: I HEARD you were suppose to keep the sky clear. *sighs again* I'm Twilight Sparkle and the one on your left is Stardust Falls, and the Princess sent us to check on the weather.

Rainbow: Yeah, yeah, that'll be a snap. I'll do it in a jiffy. Just as soon as I'm done practicing.

Twilight: Practicing for what?

Rainbow: The Wonderbolts! They're gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow, and I'm gonna show 'em my stuff!

Twilight: THE Wonderbolts?

Rainbow: Yep!

Twilight: The most talented flyers in ALL of Eqeustria?

Rainbow: That's them!

-------------{MC pov}-------------

Everything happened just happened like in the canon. Twilight provokes Rainbow's pride, who clears the sky in 10 seconds to prove Twilight wrong. Later Twilight gets dragged off by Rarity, when we went to check on the decor. Then we met Fluttershy who is very curious about Spike and Albert.

After a long way with a lot of honks and Spike talking to Fluttershy about themselves we arrived at the library, with Twilight coming up with an excuse to be left alone, then pulls me with Albert still on my head and Spike into the library, and slamming the door close.

Spike: Huh, rude much?

Albert: honks in agreement*

Twilight: Sorry, guys, but I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time! I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of CRAZY ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now, where's the light?

The light then flicks on, revealing a bunch of ponies, startling Twilight, Spike, and Albert.

Twilight, Spike, Albert: Ahhh/Honk!

Ponies: Suprise!

Twilight proceeds to groans in annoyance.

Pinkie: Suprise! Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you guys! Were you all surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?

Twilight: Very surprised. Libraries are suppose to be quiet.

Pinkie: Well, that's silly! What kind of party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh bo-ring! Y'see, I saw you all first got here, remember? You were all 'hello' and I was all *deep gasp*, remember? Y'see I've never saw you all before and if I've never saw you before that mean you're new, cause I know everypony, and I mean EVERYPONY in Ponyville!

Stardust: Really?

Pinkie: Yep.

Twilight groans some more. While all that is happening I'm just went off to the side watching the catastrophe that is about to unfold. While Pinkie is talking, Twilight poured some 'juice' into the cup and drank it, then her face became red with her eyes teary, and suddenly smoke shoots out of her ears and her mane sets ablaze.

I try my best to hold in my laughter, but thankfully Twilight didn't hear me, cause I was doing a pretty bad job at holding it in.

As Twilight goes up to her room, I continue to party and hanging out with the mane 6, until it is time to go to the celebration.


End of part 1.


Name: Stardust Falls

Age: 17 years

Level: 3 Xp: 10/200

HP: 400/400

MP: 350/350

Condition: Healthy, Fit

[Avg stat is 20 and 30 STR is avg. for earth ponies]

STR: 38





Stat points: 4

SP: 200

Inventory: 25.000 bits, flash-bangs, Sheild medallion, luggage, Albert's food, snacks