Chapter 7: S1 e3 Ticket Master (Sort of Rewrite)

{3rd pov}

On a peaceful afternoon, Twilight and Stardust is helping Applejack on the farm. Albert sleeping on top of Stardust's head and Spike on Twilight's back digging through the apples.

Applejack: Thank you kindly, you two, for helping me out. I bet Big McIntosh I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime. If I win, he's gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one of Granny's girdles. *chuckles*

Stardust: Then what is your punishment if you lost?

Applejack: Oh not much, just walk down Stirrup Street while wearing a super frilly dress. But that ain't happenin' with the two of you helping me!

Twilight: No problem at all, Applejack. I'm glad the goal is lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry.

Spike: I know, right?

Twilight: Puh-lease, Spike. You've been lounging on my back all morning while we worked.

Spike: Exactly. You three are taking so long, I missed snack-time.

Stardust: Spike didn't I give a spatial bag, so you could have your snacks at anytime?

Spike: I left it at home. I didn't think it would take this long.

Twilight: *stomach grumbles and laughs nervously* Eh, I guess we better get some food.

Spike goes back to digging through the basket until he finds the perfect apple.

Spike: Nope. Worm. A-ha!

With excitement, Spike pulls out the most delicious looking apple from the basket. Twilight who is hungry thought she and Spike could share it, only for Spike to devour the whole apple.

Twilight: *licks lips* Oh Spike, that looks delicious!

Spike: *MONCH*

Twilight: Spike!

Spike: What?

Suddenly Spike burps, spitting out green flames along with smoke that is sparkling. A sign that it is a letter from Celestia.

Twilight: It's a letter from Princess Celestia.

Spike: *clears throat* Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 21st day of, eh, yadda yadda yadda, cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle and Stardust Falls plus one guest each.

Applejack and Twilight: *gasp* The Grand Galloping Gala!

Stardust- 'I'm just gonna give my ticket away' *not wanting to go*

Spike: *burp* Look, four tickets. And another letter? Let's see: Dear, Stardust Falls, I am using my authority as your mentor and your Princess to order that you must attend the Gala and not trying to avoid it. Sincerely Princess Celestia. PS- If I had not known any better, I would've thought that you're more reclusive than Twilight. *Snickers that Celestia calling Stardust out.*

Stardust: 'Dang it. Now I have to go and must she call me out like that.'

Twilight and Applejack looks at Stardust who just turns her face away avoiding their gaze.

Twilight: Why would you want avoid the Gala! You've never even been to the Gala! Have you Spike?

Spike- "No, and I plan to keep it that way. I don't want any of that girly frilly frou-frou nonsense."

Stardust: And the fact the guests are mostly snobbish nobles. They aren't there to socialize, they're there to either make connections or rub their wealth and success in someone's face, if not then it's bussiness and politics. I've met one before, and it took everything I have in me to try and not strangle them.

Spike: Huh. Guess that's reason number 2 why I shouldn't go.

Twilight: Aw, come on Spike. A dance would be nice.

Applejack: Nice? It's a heap good more than just nice. I'd love to go. Land sakes... If I had an apple stand set up, ponies would be chowin' our tasty vittles 'til the cows came home. Do you have any idea how much business I could drum up for Sweet Apple Acres? Why, with all that money, we could do a heap of fixin' up 'round here. We could replace that saggy old roof, and Big McIntosh could replace that saggy old plow, and Granny Smith could replace that saggy old hip.

Stardust: I just got ignored didn't I.

Spike: Yep.

Applejack: Why, I'd give my left hind leg to go to that gala.

Twilight: Oh, well in that case, would you like to-

Rainbow: Whoa!" *crashes into Twilight* "Ugh. Are we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?

Applejack: Rainbow Dash. You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples. What were you busy doing? Spyin'?

Rainbow: No, I was busy napping, and I just happened to hear that you have an extra ticket?

Stardust looks up to one of the apple trees and saw on one of the branches, there is a pillow and a blanket.

Twilight: Yeah, but—"

Rainbow: YES! This is so awesome. The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year. I can see it now...

While Rainbow was spouting her delusions, which realistically could get her kicked out or arrested, Stardust got a quest.


Ordis: [Quest initiated]

[Silent walk]-by an uncreative, brain dead Author

Description: Say nothing about the solution to Twilight's ticket problem to anyone. Your pain of unable to say anything amuses me

Reward: 25 SP, 10 XP

Time limit: at the end of the day

Fail condition: Tell the solution to anyone

Penalty: Pain


Rainbow is now done with her fantasy and is arguing with AJ for who gets the ticket.

Stardust: 'Really? Can't think of a more creative punishment? Also, Author, how bored do you have to be to keep this lame quest? And you call this a rewrite!'

(A/N: Hey! I know your my female OC, but I don't need a second wall breaker! Flex tapes are getting pricey with how many wall breaks in other people's fanfics!)

Ordis: [Just to let you know, dear host, the pain will feel like someone blowing a whistle at your ear while having a severe hangover. As the humans say, 'it'll hurt like a b**ch'!]

Stardust: (*Tons of inner thought bleeps*)

The sound of Twilight's stomach, snaps Stardust out of her mental swearing session.

Twilight: Listen to that, I am starving. I don't know about you, but I can't make important decisions on an empty stomach, so I'll, uh, think about it over lunch and get back to you two, okay?

Applejack/Rainbow: Okay.

As Stardust, Twilight, and Spike goes out of Sweet Apple Acres for lunch, Rainbow and Applejack went back to their hoof-wrestling match.

-----[At Ponyville]-----

{3rd pov}

Spike: So, who you gonna give the ticket to, Twilight? Star?

Twilight: I don't know Spike, but I really can't think straight when I'm hungry, so where should we eat?

Stardust: Already sent mine juuuuust, now.

With a poof an envelope got sent to where ever and who ever it should go to.

Just as the trio continues along their way, a pink blur suddenly rams into Twilight and Spike. The pink blur was none other than the pink party pony herself, Pinkie Pie, and she started to scream about bats on her face. But upon realising it was not bats but the tickets to the Grand Galloping Galla and went of to fantasy land and spout of her (unfortunately very wrong) delusions.

While Pinkie is in her dreamland Rarity comes along and notices the tickets. She then complains (bitches) to Twilight about: how could Twilight take Pinkie and not her, preventing her from meeting 'Him'. She then proceeds to go into her dreamland and spouts off her incredible vision (a delusion sadder than a veteran having Vietnam flashbacks).

After Rarity finishes her nonsense, the little hellspaw- I mean the kind and adorable bunny, Angel, comes running along and snatches the tickets away from Spikes claws. Angel then runs back to and shows the tickets to Fluttershy. Who upon seeing the tickets, expresses her desire to go to the Galla, which surprised everypony except Stardust. Seeing everyone's suprise, Fluttershy explains more specifically her desire to go to the garden, and goes into her dreamland explaining her (realistic but sadly not happening) goal of seeing the garden and befriending the animals in said garden.

Rainbow: Wait just a minute.

Twilight: Rainbow Dash! Were you following me?

Rainbow: No. I mean, yes. I mean, maybe. Look, it doesn't matter. I couldn't risk a goody-four-shoes like you giving that ticket away to just anybody.

Applejack: Wait just another minute.

Twilight: Applejack, were you following me too?

Applejack: No. I was followin' this one to make sure she didn't try any funny business. Still trying to take mah ticket.

Rainbow: Your ticket?

Pinkie Pie: But Twilight's taking me.

Mane 6 minus Twilight: *Starts to argue*

Stardust: *turns to Spike* This is going to be a long day isn't it.

Spike: Yep.

Twilight: QUUIIIEEEET!!!

Mane 5 minus Pinkie stops arguing.

Pinkie: And I say, 'Oatmeal, are you craz-! *realizes the silence* Oh!"

Twilight: Girls! There's no use in arguing!

Rarity: But, Twilight.

Twilight: Ep! This is MY decision, and I'm going to make it on my own and I certainly can't think straight with all this noise! *stomach growls* Not to mention hunger. Now go on, shoo! And don't worry I'll figure this out. Somehow.

Stardust: 'My mlp knowledge says otherwise.' Twilight.

Twilight: Yeah?

Stardust: We're going home, I'll cook lunch.

Twilight: What, why?

Stardust: Based on how the girls acted earlier, they will definitely try to do you some extra favors to make you more inclined on giving the ticket to them.

Twilight: That, would be an issue. Alright let's go.

----[Kingu- (No! No overused Jojo references)]----

{3rd pov}

Along the way the part with Rainbow Dash happened, which confirms what Stardust said for Twilight, but other than that nothing else did thanks them going straight home. Twilight was able to have lunch in peace, allowing her to think clearly. But still panics, unable to decide who shall she give the extra ticket to. Stardust on the other hoof is getting increasingly frustrated.

Spike: Couldn't we just ask the princess for more tickets?

Twilight: No, I can't just ask for more! She is already busy as it is, I can't just bother her with something so trivial!

Whilst Twilight is still panicking, the girls arrives to once again to try and convince Twilight to give them the ticket. Stardust decided enough is enough, flaring up her magic, causing her eyes to glow white with pink flames at the edge and putting pressure on the girls.

Using her magic to up her volume, causing her voice to be similar to that of the "Royal Voice".


The 6 mare and Spike, was startled and afraid, especially Twilight and Spike. During their years together they never saw Stardust get mad at all, that was until now. The other 5 mares zipped in front of Stardust so fast, they look like they teleported.

Stardust then proceed to give a LONG sermon, with every word like arrows shooting at the girls, turning them into a pin cushion. The ones who had it easy was Applejack and Fluttershy, but not that much better.

During the entire scolding the 5 mares did not dare to move a muscle, and after Stardust was done and left the room to let them think it out. The mares collapsed from standing so long, each of them looking pale and about to faint due to the pressure. They collected themselves and apologized to Twilight, like in the canon and wrote the same letter with a little p.s. at the bottom.

Letter- "p.s. Me and the girls had learned an additionall lesson, which is, never make Stardust angry. You faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

---[With Celestia who is reading the letter and probably saw everything]---

Celestia: Goodness me. I never knew Stardust had it in her. Her words could probably make even Starswirl speechless.

---[back to mane 6]---

{3rd pov}

Spike burps and reads out Celestia's letter and held the extra tickets with a smug 'I told you' face pointed at Twilight, who rolls her eyes and admits Spike was right.

Stardust came back in the room no longer angry.

Stardust: Sorry for yelling at you girls like that, I definitely went too far.

Rarity: It's alright darling, although you did indeed went too far, but nevertheless you are right.

Everypony: *agrees*

Everyone: *Stomach growls*

Stardust: *chuckles* Let's go the dining room, while you girls were thinking thing out, I made us dinner.

Everypony went to the dining room, Spike stays behind dejected, wondering why didnt he get a ticket. Not even a second later, Spike burps out another letter and ticket for him. He excitedly holds the ticket, which was seen by Applejack.

Spike: *trying to deny his excitement* Ew gross, I have to go to! *dashes into his room*

Applejack just chuckles at Spike's antics, then joins the rest.



Not much of a rewrite. But I do have some news. The fanfic, "Endless Multiverse: Things Happen" is dropped and the panel? spot? recycled to hopefully something better as I don't know how to delete it (If it was even possible).

Also I'm going to focus on this fic and not jump around posting so many new fics before one was even half way done like a Wattpad author.