Filler 1- potion vision (small edit)

a/n: Those who read this before will know the title is slightly diferent. That's cause I finally decided to use my one brain cell and call it what it is suppose to be, a filler.

To any new readers, these fillers only help to explain how Stardust get certain items or abilities so that I won't create an info dump in the main chapters. That or just to give this fic a splash of uniqueness by showing what happens between episodes. These fillers do not affect the canon of the story much.


[Tree house basement lab]

{MC pov}

3 days have passed since the ticket incident, currently now I am trying to make a potion that hastens the body's regeneration while also refilling my stamina, so I can train more, but so far no luck. I did accidentally make 1 new potion, but it's not the one I wanted.

I call it the 'Napping Potion', the effect is: upon consumption, the consumer will fall asleep for 3 hours and when the user wakes up, they will be rejuvenated as if they slept for 10 hours. Great for insomniacs or ponies with little sleep time, though side affects are, a messed up sleep schedule if used too much.

As great as that new potion is, it is not what I wanted, so let's try again. I threw coffee beans, mandrake leaves, and some lavender petals into a cauldron of boiling rain water extracted from a rain cloud. Then mix it for a bit and added a 'dash' of 'rainbow', which made the mixture turn pink with what looks like blue electric sparks swirling around.

Due to my potioneering being part of my talent, I can apparently tell what mixture is harmful or not. This one is seems safe . Welp since it didn't trigger my danger sense, down the hatch.

---{3rd pov}---

Stardust drinks the whole vial of the pink potion and just as the the last drop went in, her eyes widen, pupils dilate, then fell into Rom sort of a trance. From the outside Stardust looks like she is high on drugs, which she technically is, inside her head, she is experiencing a multiverse vision. As Stardust was tripping balls, Spike came down to the basement lab.

Spike: Hey, Stardust you there? *Walks down stairs and sees Stardust* Oh there you are, Twilight wanted to asked if you want to go out for lunch. *notices no response* Uhhh, Stardust? You ok? Helloooo?

Stardust: *Came back from vision* I have seen da wey.

Spike: Uhhh, what?

Stardust: No time to, MUST TEST OUT NEW IDEAS!

And with that, Stardust ran out to the Everfree Forest with Pinkie Pie levels of speed, busting through the door creating a pony shaped hole.

Twilight: *looks at Spike confused* What happened to her?

Spike: *shrugs and just as confused*

---[Everfree Forest]---

{3rd pov}

After potion effects wore off, Stardust: The heck was that?

Ordis: [Host the potion you drank seems to give you greatly enhanced speed and Multiverse vision] (A/N: refernce- Nora from RWBY chibi drinks coffee)

Stardust: Not only was it an unpleasant experience, still failed to make what I wanted. Welp, time to try what I saw in my vision, it seems interesting enough.

Stardust first conjured a small bubble shield spell, and tries to change its shape. After an hour of trying, Stardust succeeded in shaping the barrier to look vaguely like a dragon. Feeling satisfied, Stardust went back to the tree house.

[3 days later]

For 3 days, Stardust improved dragon, now it is more detailed and it can do simple movements before being dispelled as maintaining an oddly shaped barrier that moves requires A LOT of focus.

*Ding*[New spell created: Magic Avatar]

*Ding*[Skill learned: Magic construct]

Stardust: Kukuku, it is only a matter of time before I master my STANDO POWA. *ahem* *ahem* Now now, calm down Stardust your old otaku side is showing.

Ordis: [Host, may I ask what is the point of this? From my analysis, this Magic Avatar is not only pointless but also very energy consuming.]

Stardust: To look cool Ordis. Once I get the hang of this Avatar, I can have it fight alongside me in the future.

Ordis:[I will never understand the thought process of you organics. Besides won't that just a greater burden on you mentally, as a reference from your old world, it is like trying to pilot a Yeager with one person (Pacific Rim). Also it would be better to make the barrier thinner and increase the size Avatar, for the same amount of magic consumption, you get an Avatar to size of a medium dragon, which at least looks more intimidating than your currently pony sized Avatar.]

Stardust: I could try to make it bigger and have act like susanoo from Naruto instead.

Ordis: [Host. If I have a physical body I would slap you right now. With how big susanoo is, you can only manifest half a skeletal arm before you pass out from magic exhaustion.]

Stardust: Aha! I just thought of an counter argument!

Ordis: [I'm listening]

Stardust: By mastering my proficiency in Magic Avatar, I can do this!

Stardust then covers one of her hoof in a dense magic barrier and have magic course through her muscles.

Stardust: Lo and behold, mlp version of armament haki. By using the basic magic into muscle trick used by the military, it allows me to hit harder and by covering my hoof with a thick barrier, having it act like brass knuckles, I can not only hit harder but also causing more damage as the joint around the base of my hoof won't be absorbing any shock, thus lessening the damage caused by the punch.

Ordis: [😐...I swear by my codes, you are stubborn in the wrong places sometimes.]



so now Stardust has a Stand(fake) and armament haki(desperate imitation of one just to win the argument against Ordis)