Chapter 8: S1 e4 AppleBuck Season (small edit)

First things first, Happy Late New Year's, my dear readers


{Stardust pov}

Hello, readers this is Stardust speaking, currently I am still working on a potion that can help me recover both my stamina and my physical condition without putting myself to sleep, but so far still no luck.

I was just about to go the lab and continue working, but suddenly the ground starts shaking. Imma ask Twilight.

*Uses magic sense like a radar, and finds Twilight's position*

Stardust: Twilight, what's going on?

Twilight: There's a stampede!

Pinkie: *Boucing up and down* Hey this makes my voice funny.

Twilight: Pinkie! Are you crazy!

Before I can comment further, there was a loud yee-haw, and I know just who that is. Applejack, coming in to save the day... hold on a minute, stampede, and Applejack guiding it away. Oh! Tis seems the arrival of ze apple bucking season. I'm gonna go back and grab a bottle of the 'napping potion' and preapare my speach for gaslighting later.

---[1 week later]---

{Stardust pov}

We all gathered in front of the townhall where the Mayor will give Applejack her trophy. While waiting, I am entertaining myself with Twilight's increasing fustration, due to the fact she keeps getting interrupted with the last straw being Mayor Mare, Twilight just gave up.

Mayor Mare: Ah-ahem. And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize 'Pony of Ponyville Award', to our beloved guest of honor, a pony of utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyville's most capable and dependable friend- Applejack!

Ponies: *Cheers*

Spike: Cool! Way to go Applejack, that was awesome! I mean-*realizes everyone was quiet*- heh.

Mayor: Ah-ahem.

Spike: *low whisper* Awkward.

Applejack: I'm here. I'm here.

And now this is my que to get away and wait for Applejack to return to Sweet Apple Acres.

---[S.S. Acres(still Stardust pov)]---

Hiding in an apple tree waiting for Applejack to arrive. Ah ha! there she is. *Teleports behind AJ*

Stardust: Hey Applejack, you alright? You seem out of it.

Applejack: Hm? Oh, it's just you Stardust. Yeah I'm alright, nothing to worry here. *yawns*

Stardust: Ok, if you say so. Anyway here try some of this juice, it's a new thing I'm trying out, I call it 'the Emerald Suprise'. *holds a bottle filled with lime green liquid that sparkles a little*

Applejack: I don't don't know, I'm still have 'some' apples to buck.

Stardust: Oh, don't worry it'll just be a few seconds, besides nothing wrong with a small break and you look kinda thirsty dragging that big trophy all the way here.

Applejack: Well, now that you mention it I am kind of parched and just a few second break won't hurt a pony. *drinks the juice* Mmm-mm, why this is one of the best juice I ever had, how d-. *collapses and starts snoring*

Now that Applejack is asleep, I can start doing some work. First, I levitate Applejack and her trophy to her bedroom, where in the hallway, Big Mac looks at me gratefully and goes out to do some much needed bucking. Then I went out and help Big Mac with some of the work. After 1 hour, I told Big Mac to stop, as the 'napping potion's' effect was diluted when I mixed it with the juice.

(an hour later in AJ's room)

{Stardust pov}

Applejack: *Yawn* HUH! Why am I in bed, how long was I out!

Stardust: Whao, whao, whao, calm down Applejack, you passed out when you drank the 'Emerald Surprise' which should not happen. Are you sure you are alright Applejack, cause while the drink had relaxing and sleep aiding effects, but being knocked out for a whole hour after drinking it is not normal.

That is a total lie, but Applejack does not need to know.

Applejack: Uh... Ummm... I might have worked a bit too hard.

Stardust: 'And now, time for the gaslighting' A BIT? Applejack you worked way TOO much, you need to let me and the girls help.

Applejack: I appreciate your worries but I don't need any help.

Stardust: Don't need help?! Applejack, this is no longer about 'can you harvest the apples by yourself on time' it is now 'can you stay alive'! *In a surprisingly convincing, on the verge of crying voice* Think about it Applejack, if you haven't been knocked out by the juice, you would have continued to work by yourself and you probably ran into some low branches or tripped while working, so if you keep that up, you would eventually die from exhaustion. What would happen to your family when you go, to us your friends when you go!

Applejack: Uhhh... It surely can't be that bad, right?

Stardust: *Got too into the mood and now really crying* Not to bad!? Applejack this is no time to be stubborn. If you died really bad things will happen. *Uses magic to show Applejack a vision of what would happen* In the best case scenario: Granny Smith end up in a shock induced coma, Big Mac will have to work alone, Applebloom would have help while being depressed. And this is without going into those fancy details or counting in what would happen to the others! And want to know the worst case scenario?


Stardust: I'll take that as a yes. In the worst case: Granny dies from shock, Applebloom becomes so depressed that she might do the unthinkabe, and Big Mac will do the same. And want to know what happens too the others?

Applejack: NO! Please stop, I get it, I'll let you and the others help, so please don't say anymore.

Stardust: Aaand?

Applejack: And I'll promise to take care of ma'self better.

Stardust: Alright, me and Big Mac will work around the farm, while you go freshen up and continue on with your, now less cluttered schedule.

Applejack: You got it! *Does a salute and zips off*

Ordis: [Host I think you might've traumatized her a bit]

Stardust: 'I know, I'm gonna have to work it out with her, so it doesn't affect her too much'

---{3rd pov}---

Then after Stardust's traumati- *Ahem* gaslighting session, everything went smoothly. Rainbow was able to perform the trick she wanted to, no ponies got food poisoning, and Ponyville didn't get raided by a bunny stampede. After a bit Applejack returned to the farm with the mane 5, who offered Applejack some help around the farm.

This time Stardust sent a letter, the wording was slightly different but still the same meaning in the canon.



Honestly I am much happier with how this chapter turned out, despite being shorter. Story wise could use some work like the other chapters, but this felt more like a actual fanfic, and not me copy and pasting the original story then add in some words or actions by Stardust, like chapters 5 and 6, Those chapters felt very lacking only somewhat saved by sarcasm, stupid jokes, and references.