Chapter 9: S1 e5 Griffin the Brush-Off

{MC poc}

Ahhh, a nice day to take a break from training, gonna go on a walk with Albert... was what I intended to do until I bumped into Rarity and she asked me to help her with something, and since I got nothing else to do, I agreed. And boy did I regret that.

So 10 minutes in becoming a live mannequin- I mean- a model, for Rarity, Spike, being in his Rarity-simp phase, tagged along.

While looking like barbie, I overheard Spike and Albert's, not so quiet conversation about how our friends are unable to help, and how Rainbow Dash was probably hiding, causing me to be the only one to help Rarity... Oh boy if only this little simp knows, that Rainbow isn't hiding, she is going around pranking with Pinkie and that he is going to be their victim later.

---[3 hour later, still MC pov]---

After 3 hour of torture- *cough* I mean helping a friend out, I was on my way back to the tree house, but my magic sense went off. I sense Rainbow and Pinkie following me, time to mess with THEM.

---{3rd pov}---

Right now our prankster duo is hiding on tree waiting for Stardust to stop so they can prank her.

Rainbow: Pinkie, you sure this will work? She doesn't seem like the type to take a joke.

Pinkie: Oh Dashie, don't worry, I asked Twilight beforehoof and she said Stardust can totally take it, no problemo.

Rainbow: If you say so. *looks out the leaves towards Stardust* Hey, c'mon Pinkie she's changing directions.

Stardust, deciding the best place to mess with the two, is far in Everfree Forest, her training spot.

Pinkie: Ummm... Is it me, or is Stardust going towards the Everfree Forest?Rainbow: She is! This might just make the scare even better!

---[At Stardust's train ground]---

Stardust stood in the middle, then fired a small beam to cut the rope in front of her and said rope is connected to many traps. The traps are activated, coming towards her in every direction, paint dipped blunt arrows, fast swinging logs, and even landmines that releases sneezing powder. All of that going towards Stardust, but she just closes her eyes and starts dodging, not even using any sensory magic. Occasionally hitting a few logs changing their trajectory and increasing their swing speed, making them less predictable. In the midst of that chaos, Stardust teleported right in front of the two.

Stardst: Boo.

Rainbow and Pinkie: GYAAHH!/AAAHH!

Startled, Rainbow and Pinkie, fell from their hiding spot, onto a powder filled landmine. *Boom* Goes the trap, and now the two is sneezing like crazy, fortunately for them, it only lasts for a minute. After the sneeze fest, the 3 of them starts laughing, overall having a good time.

---[Next day]---

{Stardust pov}

After yesterday's shenanigans, I decided to go out for a walk, hopefully without interruptions this time. I even dragged a certain purple book horse out.

Twilight: Haaa, thanks for getting me out Stardust, albeit it was a bit forcefully.

Stardust: No problem Twi. That said you really need to stop pull so many all nighters just because you want to finish reading a book.

Twilight: But I was just finishing one book.

Stardust: Twi, when you say finish one book, you actually mean continuously reading even after the initial book was done and me, Spike, or Albert have to make you sleep.

Albert: *Honks in agreement*

Twilight: It's not THAT bad.*Looks away in embarrasment*

Stardust:😑Suuuure, whatever you say.

Just before Twilight could change the subject, a pink blur crashed in to her, and said blur was the lovable party pony, Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie: *Gasp* Twilight, Stardust! Just the ponies I was hoping to find! Oh hey Albert! Hey Spike!

Spike: Hey!

Albert: honk (hello there)

Twilight: Oww.

Pinkie: Oh! Sorry Twilight.*helps her up*

Stardust: Pinkie, what's going on? Why are you in such a rush?

Pinkie: There is a teensy problem that I need help on.

Twilight: What is it?

---[Start of Pinkie's explaination]---

I was just going over to Rainbow's to see if she would like to hang out again today, but then I met Gilda the Griffin, I tried to be friendly with her, but she keeps taking Rainbow Dash away from me and she even popped by balloons and told me to buzz off!

I have never met a Griffin so mean like her, well I never met any Griffin really, but if I do, I bet none of them are like Gilda!

---[End of Pinkie's explanation]---

{3rd pov}

Twilight: Well Pinkie, sounds to me that your jealous.

Pinkie: JEALOUS!

Spike: Ah, green with envy. Well, in your case, pink with envy.

Twilight: Yes jealous, listen Pinkie, I don't want to upset you, but just because Rainbow has another friend, doesn't mean Gilda is a grump.

Stardust: Actually I think I now what is going on.

Twilight/ Pinkie: Really?/ You do!?

Stardust: Yes from what I've been hearing, it was Gilda who is jealous, not Pinkie.

Twilight: You sure about that?

Stardust: Yes, I did some light reading on Griffins once, it was said that Griffins are as greedy as dragons, they were never nice to anyone or eachother and they only stopped due to some treasure so great, that no other treasures could compare.

Twilight: While I appreciate the history lesson, but what does this have to do with anything? At most it proves that not all Griffins are very kind.

Stardust: Well based on what Pinkie said, Gilda obviously values Rainbow Dash very much, "treasures" her even, Gilda is afraid that Pinkie will take Rainbow away from HER.

Pinkie: That... makes sense.

Stardust: C'mon let's go find Gilda and give her a chat.

Twilight: Wait, you not going to do what you did to Applejack last time right.

Stardust: *just stares at Twilight with a poker face*

Twilight: *Gets concerned* right?

Stardust: *continues to stare while slowly walking away, dragging Pinkie along*

---[At the marketplace]---

{3rd pov}

Arriving at the market place Stardust and Pinkie found Gilda immediately, being the only Griffin in town and standing next to the only pony with a rainbow colored mane in town. Approaching the duo, Stardust was prepared to do some... lighter gaslighting.

Stardust: Hello Rainbow.

Rainbow: Oh hey! Gilda, meet Stardust, Stardust meet Gilda.

Stardust offers a hoofshake and speaks in a eerie calm tone: Hello there Gilda, just the Griffin I need to talk to.

Gilda shakes claw? hand? back, but concerned: Hi... Rainbow told me about you, what do you want to talk about?

Stardust: Nothing to worry about, as a friend of Rainbow, that makes you my friend as well, and I sense that you are afraid, worried about something. So as your friend I wish to help you resolve your worries.

Rainbow: Uhhh, Stardust, why are you talking like that? Should I be concerned? Also what is this about Gilda being afraid?

Gilda: What are you talking about! I'm not afraid of anything!

Stardust: It is fine, no need to hide it like Rainbow(hey!) it is not healthy, but if you don't want to talk about it, it is fine. I will be waiting and you can find me quite easily if you fly and look around. Good day.

And with that Stardust walks way, leaving the 2 ponies and a griffin very confused. Everything happened like the original except for scaring Granny Smith, as the brief but strange interaction has left Gilda thinking and fustrated, killing Gilda's mood for jokes.

---[A while later]---

Stardust sat under the gazebo reading a book on magical tea brewing she bought from the system shop.

Stardust: Step 1, if you already know how to make potion, stop wasting time on steps and start reading page 1 already. Huh, this is one sassy book.

As Stardust was reading, A wild Pinkie Pie appears and she looks like she has something to say! press A or X to speak.

Pinkie: Hey Stardust, I here to invite you to a party I set up for Gilda!

Stardust: No thanks, I'm still waiting for Gilda when she is ready to speak.

Pinkie: You sure she'll come?

Stardust: Yes I'm quite sure, after all, by speaking about anyone's insecurities in a all-knowing and cryptic tone will make them curious and make them come to you for answers.

Pinkie: Wow, that sounds shady, are you sure you're not an undercover agent working for some secret organization in Canterlot?

Stardust: That would be someone else.

Pinkie: Okie dokie lokie, I'll go and get Gilda now, also do you happen to have a potion for relieving back pain.

Stardust: I do. *poof, teleporting a vial filled with sparkling pink liquid to Pinkie*

Pinkie: Thanks, lalalala.*put vial in her hair and went away*

---[Much much later]---

It is now the afternoons, Stardust, now have a cup of magic herbal tea, is now reading a book on rune crafts. Halfway through the book, a roar was heard and a few minutes later, an angry Gilda comes flying in her direction.

Gilda: You!

Stardust:* look up from book* Yes?

Gilda:*in a gentler tone* Does your offer still stand?

Stardust: Yes. Any questions first?

Gilda: Yeah, what do mean I was afraid?

Stardust: Gilda, you should know this better than I do, you are afraid of losing Rainbow Dash, are you not?

Gilda: Yeah, but it's not like she is gonna ditch me with her new friends... except she did.

Stardust: She didn't ditch you Gilda, she cares for you, she wanted for you to meet her other friends.

Gilda: If she didn't ditch me, then what about the party when she sided the that pink loser!

Stardust: Gilda, you are blinded by your own jealousy and greed, that you just couldn't see the whole picture.

Gilda: Jealousy! Never. Greed, maybe. After all, that's how most griffins are.

Stardust: Gilda. From what amount of greed you have, you wanted Rainbow's attention all to yourself, since she was probably your first and only friend. And you became jealous that Rainbow has new friends, and from that greed and jealousy, to became anxious, and that anxiety becomes agrression. Agrression and someone trying to act tough usually don't mix well, especially when that aggression is pointed towards the wrong crowd. Also tea?

Gilda: Only friend!? I let you know I have other griffin friends!

Stardust: Do you?

Gilda: Yes

Stardust: *gives the "you sure?" face*

Gilda: Okay you win, she was my only friend. *sighs* So does it mean everything was my fault? And yes, tea sounds nice.

Stardust: Not EVERYTHING, just most of it.

Gilda:*sips tea* Well, what do suggest that could have been done differently?

Stardust: Communication.

Gilda: Just talk?

Stardust: Well yes and no. Don't talk just about anything, talk about your worries, your problems. After all I said it before, holding it in isn't healthy. Go for the small issues first.

Gilda: But, I can't go back now, Rainbow probably hates my guts right now.

Stardust: Not really, I'm sure she still cares for you. But you don't need to do it now, after all, the first step is always the hardest, you can do it when you are ready to talk to Rainbow. However, be sure not to drag it out too long, as the saying goes, "the longer you leave a problem, the harder it will get."

Gilda: I see, thanks, I never really realized how much I needed this talk, also this tea is really good, where did you get it?

Stardust: A little blend from a book, here, take some home with you.

Gilda: Thanks. *Gives a hug*

Stardust: Your welcome *hugs back*

Gilda: Welp, I guess this is goodbye for now.

Stardust: Indeed, do visit when you feel like it.

Gilda: *smiles* Again, thanks. *flies away*

Stardust: So, Rainbow, have you heard enough?

Being called out, Rainbow slowly comes out of her hiding place.

Rainbow: How did you know-

Stardust: Magic sense, the same reason you and Pinkie couldn't prank me.

Rainbow: Oh yeah, so when do think she is ready to talk?

Stardust: In the foreseeable future.

Rainbow: Okaayyy... Do you really have to speak like that? It's so, mysterious.

Stardust: Of course, the calm and mysterious voice it the best voice when you are trying to give emotional advices or exploiting the emotions of others before getting emotional yourself to drag your victims along that rollercoaster.

Rainbow: Wait, what?

Stardust: What?

Rainbow: What was that last part?

Stardust: I didn't say anything. *teleports away*

Stardust: Whoops, can't forget these.*teleports away again, with book and tea pot this time*


Gilda you lucky griffin, you're lucky I'm not smort enough to gaslight you hardcore like I did AJ!

Anyway finally got another proper chapter out, was gonna do 2 episodes in one, but I delayed my updates enough.