Chapter 10: S1 e6 Boast Busters

---[In the Golden Oak Library]---

{3rd pov}

T'was a good day, birds are chirping, Twilight is doing magic, and Stardust is at town hall. Spike is being used for target practice *cough* I mean Spike is helping Twilight with her magic.

Spike: C'mon Twilight! You can do it!

Twilight: Okay. Here goes. *Sparklz and poof*

Spike: *now having a mustache* Haha! You did it! Growing magic, that's number 25. 25 different types of tricks and counting.

Twilight: *happy and flattered*

Spike: And I think this is the best trick so far! *talks to his reflection* Hellooo Rarity? What's that? Oh it's nothing, just my awesome mustache. hehehe.

(A/N: Spike your narcissistic side is showing.)

Twilight: Sorry Romeo, as atractive and enticing as you look, its just for practice and it's gotta go.

Spike: WAIT! *poof and stache is gone* Aww, rats.

---[With Stardust]---

Stardust: Thank you Mayor, if there is nothing else I will be going now.

Mayor: Your most welcome, I'll notify you when it is done.

Stardust teleports back to the tree house/library and heard Twilight and Spike.

Spike: And I think this is the best trick so far! *talks to his reflection* Hellooo Rarity? What's that? Oh it's nothing, just my awesome mustache. hehehe.

Twilight: Sorry Romeo, as atractive and enticing as you look, its just for practice and it's gotta go.

Spike: WAIT! *poof and stache is gone* Aww, rats.

Stardust: Pfft. *Starts giggling*

Twilight: GAH! Stardust! I told you to stop teleporting into the house!

Stardust: Aww but your so adorable when your startled.

Twilight: *Pouts* I am not a little filly anymore, I am a grown mare.

Stardust: And to quote Shinning Armor, "No matter how old you get, you'll always be my darling little sister." Anyway it's a nice day outside, lets go out instead staying cooped up in here.

Spike: *Giggles*

Twilight: *Sigh* You hang out with him a little too much.

Stardust: Nah, I'm just hanging out with Cadence, Shining just so happens to be around. 'I wonder would she realize it early with me being here.'

Ordis: [Dear Host, it appears you have underestimated Twilight's black hole levels of density when it comes to love, especially this early in season 1.]

Stardust: [Oh quiet, you!]

Ordis: [Inserting appropriate response. HahahAHahahahA.]


Spike: 25! Twilight. 25 different types of tricks and counting. I thought unicorns were only suppose to have a little magic that matches their special talents.

Twilight: True, for ponies whose talents are for things like, cooking, singing, or math, but what about a unicorn's special talent IS magic.

Spike: Like you and Stardust, Twilight, and you know a ton of magic.

Stardust: Spike is right, Twilight, my talent leans towards the creation aspect of magic, whilst yours covers a broader aspect, research, creation, spellcasting, the list goes on.

Twilight: *Flattered* Oh stop you two, I'm sure there are lots of ponies right here in Ponyville that knows just as much magic as me.

Spike: Are you kiddin' I don't think there another unicorn aside from Stardust, in all of Equestria close to your kind of ability Twilight.

???: Yay way, comin' through! (Pretty sure it's "make way", but it sounds like "yay")

Spike: Agh!

In the distance, two fillies, Snips a short stubby pony and Snails a skinny pony who is taller than those his age, are in a rush passing the trio, but accidentally rammed into and kept running with Spike still on Snips.

Spike: Snips, Snails, what's going on!

The two suddenly stops running and causes Spike to be thrown off.

Spike: Woah! *crashes into something off-screan*

Snails: Haven't you heard, there's a new unicorn in town!

Snips: Yeah!They say shes got more magical powers than any other unicorn, ever!

Twilight: Really?

Spike: Aw no way! That honor goes to Twilight here.

Twilight: Where is this unicorn?

Snails: She's in the town square! C'mon!

Snips: Yeah! C'mon! *dashes away with Snails* Woooo!

---[Town Square]---

{3rd pov}

Trixie: Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the great and powerful Trrrixieee!

Trixie then with some glitter and stuff, and poofs on stage making it look like she teleported with white shining glitter slowing raining down adding to the effect. This impresses the ponies as they woah and awed.

Trixie: Watch in awe! as the great and powerful Trixie, performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!

After Trixie stops speaking, fireworks goes off. However some pony were not particularly impressed with what she said.

Rarity: My my my, what boasting.

Spike: C'mon no ponies is as magical as Twi- *Panics after seeing Rarity next to him* Mustache!

Spike then runs off leaving a visibly confused Rarity. While all the shenanigans about Trixie being a show off with Rainbow, AJ, and Rarity not realizing their criticism towards Trixies made Twilight to self doubt. Stardust, on the other hoof, is just enjoying the show, sitting on a chair with sunglasses, a parasol for shade, along with some snacks and drinks.

Trixie: Well well well, it seems there are some NEIGHsayers in the audience. Who is so IGNORANT as to challenge the magical ability of the great and powerful Trixie! Do they not know they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria!

Rarity: *Blows a light rassbery* Who does she think she is.

Spike: *After calmed from a simp panic* Yeah! Since we all know Twilight here is-

Before Spike can finish, Stardust uses her magic to shut Spike up, to which Twilight gave Stardust a grateful and relieved look.

Rainbow: *Gets in Trixies face* What makes you think your so awesome anyway!?

Trixie: Ah, why only the great and powerful Trixie, has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded, Ursa Major!

More fireworks goes off and almost every one in Ponyville stupidly believes her.

Trixie: When all hope was lost, ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to. But the great and powerful Trixie stepped in and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave! Deep within the Everfree Forest!

The events still happened just like in the show, with Trixie boasts obnoxiously and issuing a challenge. AJ, Rainbow and Raity did their thing and gets humiliated. At this point Stardust finally decides to speak up in a calm tone with a slight hint of sarcasm and mockery. Stardust is now Sitting cross legged, head rests on one hoof, the other pets Albert who was sitting on her laps, with her sunglasses tilted, eyes piercing into Trixie.

Stardust: So Ursa Major huh? That's a pretty serious threat, and the Hoofingtons really had no one else to turn to?

Trixie: Of course! Did you not hear what Trixie just said.

Stardust: So your saying, not even Princess Celestia, can beat the Ursa Major?

Trixie: What! No! Of course she can, she is an alicorn, a princess, and the ruler of Equestria. She is a busy pony.

Stardust: Then how come the Hoofingtons would need to rely on you, do you imply that the princess is so incompetent that she can't even notice a threat like a Ursa Major or that she is inferior to you?

Trixie: Hey! Stop putting words into my mouth! Trixie never said such a thing!

Stardust: Ok~ then what spells you used to stop the Ursa Major, after they are a XXXX-class threat. They not only posses immense strength and great ferocity, but also their thick and highly magic resistant hides.

Trixie- Well uh- I umm, forgot! it was such a while ago.

Stardust: Forgot? Deary, beating a Major single hoofed as a unicorn is a pretty big achievement, it isn't something you can just forget and not to mention with something like a Ursa Major attack, surely every town and city would heard of something about it. After all, such a big event would definitely attract the news ponies, but there was nothing.

Trixie: I-umm, Trixie is too tired from her great and amazing performance to continue to humor your little accusations!

Stardust: Well Trixie, maybe next time you should just come up somthing more believable. Surely you can right? Afterall your the great and powerful Trixie. The show was wonderful, would be better without your over the top and obnoxious boasting, though.

Right after shutting down Trixie, Stardust just poofs the chair and parasol away and walks away, dragging Twilight and Spike, before Trixie could even stutter another word.

---[Back at the library]---

{3rd pov}

After leaving Trixie's show, the trio spent the rest of their day in peace and now becoming night. Stardust, Twilight, and Spike was back at the library, both thankfull for what Stardust did, albeit for different reasons.

Spike: Stardust! That was amazing! You showed that Trixie who's boss with just a few words!

Stardust: Meh, just fulfilling my weekly quota of winning an argument.

Twilight: Still, thank you for intervening, I would've humiliated myself if she decided to challenge me.

Spike: What! No way! Twilight, with your magical abilities you could easily wipe the floor with Trixie!

Stardust: Yeah, Trixie isn't particularly strong, in fact her magic energy is weaker than the average unicorn mare.

Twilight: But that's the problem, even if I did win against Trixie, I would look like a show off! I don't want the other girls to see me that way.

Stadust: Twi, you wouldn't be a show off even if you won against Trixie. Being a show off would be like Rainbow if she wins.



Fluttershy: GYAH! *hides*

Rainbow: *sniffles* C'mon Fluttershy it's just a sneeze.

Fluttershy: Oh! ehehehe*nervous chuckle*

---[Back to Stardust]---

{3rd pov}

Stardust: Constant bragging and reminder that she won. Would you do that?

Twilight: No...

Stardust: Exactly! What you would be doing, would be doing us a favor, and indirectly stop the more reckless from causing harm to everypony, just because they to see Trixie subdue an Ursa in front of them.

Spike: But you said it your self, an Ursa Major is a XXXX-class threat, who would be dumb enough to go look for it.


Twilight: *concerned* Is that what I think it is?

Stardust: Whatever it is your thinking of, it does not sound happy.

Just at the end of Stardust's sentence a loud roar came from outside, a roar that resembles that of a bear. When the trio plus a less than happy Albert, due to being waken from his beauty sleep, went outside to check what was going on, they see a massive blue translucent bear the size of 2 story buildings with bits of glittering white specks across looking like stars in the night sky.

In the distance, at the town sqaure they heard the voice of two little shi- I mean Snips and Snails, trying to get Trixie to vanquish to Ursa "Major". Only for Trixie to be put in a pitiful situation as nothing she did so far has done any thing.

With another deafening roar, the whole town woke up. Once they saw the monstrosity that was rampaging in their town, the citizens ran away from the Ursa in terror.

Snips: C'mon Trixie! Where's the cool magic with the explosions and smoke n' stuff, like earlier?

Snails: Yeah!

While the two *bleep* is being absolutely unhelpful, Trixie's last move, being a thunder cloud striking the Ursa's bum. However it only angered it more, causing it to roar, obviously displeased by Trixie's action.

Upon seeing this, Trixie, Snips, and Snails, screamed and ran underneath between the Ursa's legs to escape it's wrath.

After a bit of running and dodging crowds of terrified ponies, Twilight, Stardust, Spike, and an annoyed Albert, finally shows up to the scene.

Spike: What's going on!

Snips:*proudly* We brought an Ursa to town!

Twilight: You did what!?

Stardust:*mutters* And this just proves my point.

Snips: Don't worry! We got Trixie, she'll get rid of it.

Snails: Yeah! the great and powerful Trixie, will vanquish it!

Trixie: I can't!

Dombo dou: What!?

Trixie: I can't, I never had. No one can vanquished an Ursa Major! I just made the story up, so I look better.

Dumbo dou: Made it up!?

After Trixie's confession the Ursa catches up and roars at them for about the umpteenth time. While the whole town is in shock and why no one questions the absence of the town guards, Spike elbows Twilight to do something, and something she did.

First, Twilight used her magic to control the winds and bends the nearby stalks of catail plants, somehow causing a gentle melodic tune to be played. Once the Ursa heard the tune, it was pleased, as it calms down and sways like it's an drunken teenager.

Second, Twilight than takes a nearby water tank of its tower. Pouring away the water, it floats to the barn it was next to and proceeds to collect the milk of the cows, with Twilight using her magic to milk them cowgirls, causing a series of surprise moos.

Third, while the cows are getting milked, the Ursa, finally succumbing to it's drowsiness and falls, almost crushing Trixie if not for Twilight and Stardust, who finally decides to join in to lessen the pressure Twilight is going through. The water or milk tank now floats into the Ursa's embrace and the Ursa, now sucking on the tower like a milk bottle,which somehow works, is floating back to the cave it once came out of.

Twilight and Stardust finally stopped their magic after the Ursa is now no longer rampaging. The town ponies cheered, in awe of Twilight's magical capabilities.

Rainbow: That was so awesome!

Applejack: Heavens the bessy, we knew you had ability, but not this much!

Twilight: I'm sorry. please, please, don't hate me!

Rarity, AJ, RD: Hate you!?

Rarity: Why ever do you mean darling?

Stardust: She's having self doubt because of the negative reactions you girls have when Trixie showed off her magic.

Rainbow: Woah, woah, woah! Magic has nothing to do with it, Trixie is just a loud mouth!

Rarity: Most unpleasant.

AJ: All hat and no cattle.

Twilight: Sooo, you don't mind my magic tricks?

AJ: Your magic is a part of who you are, sugar cube, and we like who you are. We're proud of havin' such a powerful and talented unicorn as our friend.

Rainbow: And after woopin that Ursa's butt, we're even prouder!

Twilight: You are!

AJ, Rarity, RD: *all agrees*

Stardust: See, Twilight, you've got nothing to worry about.

Spike: Wow Twilight, how'd you know what to do with that Ursa Major?

Twilight: Because of Trixie's bragging I did a little reading when we left her show.

Spike: So it is possible to vanquish an Ursa Major by your self!?

Stardust: Nope! That was a baby, an Ursa MINOR.

Trixie: *shocked* That was just a baby!

Twilight: Yep, and it wasn't rampaging, it was just cranky because someone woke it up. *glares at Snips and Snails*

Stardust: Speaking of which, I gotta get Albert back to bed before he decides commit arson. *Teleports away*

Spike: If that was a minor, than what does an Ursa Major like.


A scroll poofs in front of Spike, showing the size comparison between the minor and the major. The size difference causes Spike to be scared and relieved at the same time.

Trixie: Hmp! You may have stopped an Ursa Minor, but you'll never have the show stopping ability of the great and powerful Trixie! *Poofs smoke and runs away*

Rainbow: Why that little! *gets ready to chase Trixie down*

Twilight: Just let her go. Maybe someday shell learn her lesson.

After stopping Raibow from chasing down Trixie, Twilight turns her attention to the dumbo dou. Punishing them with clean up, and asking Spike should she use spell number 25 on them, which kinda scares them.

Spike: Oooh 25! Yes, and I think I deserve it too.

This confuses the two, but Twilight agrees and casts the spell, which just gave them a fabulous mustache.

Spike, Snips, and Snails: Swwweeeet!

---[Next day]---

{3rd pov}

Stardust was making breakfast, Twilight was writing a letter to Celestia, Spike came back from Rarity's a little disappointed that Rarity didn't have a thing for Spike's mustache.


A/N: Finally! I'm done with another chapter! I got distracted with a new idea for a fanfic, but Imma hold that off for a bit. Not only that, I'm always tired coming back from work that I could barely think of what to write.

Anyways, have a nice day or night, hope y'all enjoyed my shitty but readable writing.