Chapter 11: S1 e7 and 8 (typo fixes)

'Dragonshy' and 'Look Before You Sleep'



{MC pov}

It was a wonderful day, just some good tea, a nice book, a cozy blanket that I was napping in. Today is a good relaxing day... SIKE! It WAS a good day, until an overgrown lizard with wings and a hoarding tendency decided to sleep in a cave on a mountian near Ponyville, but the dragon being there isn't the problem, the problem is that whenever the bastard snores, thick black smoke is released into the air, covering the sky.

Worse part is, not only does the smoke contain a bit of magic energy, it was released in large quantities. Making it so that the Pegasi ponies can't disperse it fast enough before more appears.

Ponyville will be covered in darkness without the sun for 100 years according to Twilight if nothing is done about it, and that means the Elements of Harmony plus one annoyed Stardust Falls by the order of her royal highness, sun butt Clelestia, have to go and convince the giant winged gecko to leave peacefully.

With that being said I dragged myself out my bed and get myself ready to climb a mountain. Hear is what I packed: a suit of Armour, a buster blade that look like Cloud's from Final Fantasy, a saddle bag, a map, some herb and veggie filled croquettes, and finally orange juice. After checking a few times to see if everything is there, I went out to see everyone else there, all ready to go.

Twilight: Alright girls! Before we go, any questions?

Rainbow: Yeah, why does Stardust look like she is about to go to war?

Twilight: What!? *Looks to Stardust*

Stardust: What?

Twilight: Why DO you have all that?

Stardust: Extra persuasion and protection.

Twilight: I get the protection, but-

Stardust: Extra! Persuasion!

Twilight: Who is going to be persuaded by a sword?

Stardust: Oh Twilight, my sweet summer child-

Twilight: I'm not-

Stardust: It's an expression, and there is a thing called 'aggressive persuasion', which is what I am going to do should the dragon ignore all your reasoning.

Twilight: Isn't that just threatening the dragon.

Stardust: I wouldn't go that far, but yes, in crude terms it is called threatening

Applejack: Alright sugarcubes, as much as I would love to see a debate between y'all, we got more pressin' matters to attend to, like ahem, the dragon?

Rainbow: One last question, WHY are we bringing Fluttershy along? I mean look at her! She is afraid of her own shadow!

Right on que, an adorable yelp was heard. The girls all look towards the source to see Fluttershy hiding in a bush, eyes looking from side to side as if there is something out to get her.

Twilight: Fluttershy may be a little skittish, but I'm sure given the chance she will pull through, now let's go girls!

Flutterhy: *being dragged along* Eep!

After that whole debacle, me and the mane 6 left for the mountain, and they leave Spike to look after their pets while we are gone, and said pets are already causing issues with Spike. Except for Albert, Albert just watches Spike's annoyance in amusement.

---[at the mountain]---

{3rd pov}

Our heroes are at the foot of the mountain, and of course Fluttershy shaking the entire way there. As the girls starts to go up the mountain path, Rainbow noticed Fluttershy isn't moving.

Rainbow: C'mon Fluttershy, what are you waiting for? An invitation?

Pinkie: Oh! I think I have one in my bag!

Pinkie being Pinkie, pulls out an invitation card and as she does, some confetti spews out of saddle bag.

Fluttershy: But the mountain is so, so, so... steep. Maybe I should just stay in Ponyville.

Twilight: What, no! Fluttershy we need you, your way with wild animals can help us a lot.

Fluttershy: But- but-

Twilight: But what?

Fluttershy: The mountain is, just so scary. And there is also a big scary dragon in it.

Rainbow: Ugh! Really! I've seen you talk with Spike just fine!

Twilight: Rainbow is right. Spike is also a dragon, and you don't seem scared of him.

Fluttershy: Spike is a BABY dragon. Not a big fully grown, can fly, with sharp fangs and claws, fire breathing, and could eat you up in one gulp, dragon.

Right one que, the dragon snored loudly causing the ground to shake a bit, and Fluttershy immediately hides behind Stardust.

Stardust: Don't worry Fluttershy, you can stay next to me. If the dragon dares to do anything to you, I'll show em who's boss.

Fluttershy: I appreciate the offer, but-

Rainbow: Ugh! We don't have all day!

Rainbow Dash goes behind Fluttershy and pushes her up, who obviously is resisting but to now avail. Rest of the girls follows along, with Twilight taking the lead. Through the entire way, the group face some obstacles, from an avalanche to jumping over a gap, to Rainbow Dash needing to drag Fluttershy the long way up the final stretch. But alas, they have all finally arrived in front of the big cave where the dragon rests within.

Stardust pulls out the buster blade with impatience and murderous intent, wanting to end the insufferable creature for putting her through that hike, but was barely held back by rest of the girls except for Fluttershy.

Stardust: Let me have at the dragon! Then we can all go home early, and I get to have a TROPHY mounted on my wall!

Applejack: how is she so strong!

Rarity: Twilight, darling. Why is Stardust so aggressive and unlike her usual elegant self.

Twilight: She dislikes her sleep being interrupted, and she hasn't slept for a few days!

Stardust: Let go of me girls! I'll skin and scale that oversized gecko alive! feed it, it's own innards, turn its flesh into jerky, mix its blood into my wine-

Twilight: You don't even drink! And what happened to threatening after our reasoning fails

Stardust: ... My juice! And I'm going to do most of what I said with a rusty *natural censor* spoon! *ignores the second question*

Fluttershy: Girls.

Stardust: Yes Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: *suprised being heard on first try* Oh... um, the dragon left.

Everyone else: Huh!?

Pinkie: Awww, whaaaat! I didn't even get to give them a present.

Twilight: Why did the dragon just leave? *visibly confused*

Fluttershy: I just asked him.

Everyone else: HUH!? *double confused*

Rainbow: *Rainbow Dash.exe. crashed... rebooting... reboot successful.* How?!

Fluttershy: I just went in the cave asked him.

---[Ze Flashubacku!]---

{Fluttershy narrating}

While you girls are holding Stardust back from her... "aggressive" promises, I went into the cave not wanting Stardust to actually fulfill her "promises", and I just saw the dragon awake and all curled up, scared.

Fluttershy: Um... hello Mr. Dragon, are you ok?

Dragon: I'm scared. That pony outside is scary.

Fluttershy: Maybe you can move and take a nap somewhere else, where she can't get you?

Dragon: *Nods, packs and leaves*

---[Endo ofu ze flashubacku]---

Fluttershy: I have never seen anypony- er... dragon pack so fast in my entire life, it is like watching Pinkie Pie when she is found a new pony to make a party for.

Stardust: Aww, I didn't even get to get a sample.

Rainbow: Yeah, that's probably for the best. Who knows what your going to do.

Stardust: And you never will. But that being said, Fluttershy! I am so proud of you, you went in there on your own and TALKED to a full grown dragon!

Pinkie: She's right! We should celebrate with a party!

All: Yeah!

After a while of going back down the mountain, with Fluttershy being that tiny bit more confident. A little while later, they finally returned, much to Spike's relief. Twilight then wrote what she learned and sent it to Celestia. Stardust on the other hoof, finally got her desired nap

[End of dragonshy]


---[Canterlot, 3 days after Dragonshy]---

{MC pov}

Tonight was a nice rainy night, me and Spike it at Canterlot for some duties, leaving Twilight and Albert alone at the tree house. I was about to sleep until.*Ding*


[Hidden mission complete]

Achievement gained: Not here, yet everywhere!

Description: Somehow mess with at least one of the mane 6 without being there.

Mission reward: 30 SP, 100exp, +2 into stat

Achvmnt. reward: 200exp

*ding* Level up


Name: Stardust Falls

Age: 17 years

Level: 4 Xp: 110/250

HP: 440/440

MP: 400/400

MP regen: 40 per minute

Condition: Healthy, tired

[Avg stat is 20 and 30 STR is avg. for earth ponies]

STR: 40






Stat points: 6

SP: 230

Inventory: 31.050 bits, flash-bangs, Sheild medallion, Albert's food, snacks


Oh wow, haven't seen either of those two screens in a while! I even forgot about most of the stuff in my inventory. When was DEX and MP regen a thing?

Ordis: [There was a slight gli-i-i-itch in the system *cough* author forgot *cough*]

Stardust: [By the way Ordis, what are the levels for? While I gain stat points, I don't get stronger through level ups.]

Ordis: [This isn't a gamer system so therefore you don't gain stats when leveling up, only stat points.]

Stardust: [Then what is the level even for?]

Ordis: [It is for the system. Every 10 level, the system upgrades.]

Stardust: I see. Oh well, I deal with the mechanics later, right now i need my sleep. Goodnight Ordis.

Ordis: [I do not require sleep, but goodnight none the less, dear host.]

---[Next morning in Ponyville]---

---{MC pov}---

Spike and I have finally returned from our business in Canterlot. As we get close to the tree house, we hear faint sobbing noises.

Stardust: Spike, you hear that?

Spike: The sound of some ponies crying? Yes.

I open the the door and see Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack huddled together crying, eyes slightly puffy. And as soon as Twilight saw Spike, she used her magic and pulled Spike into her embrace, completely unaware of Stardust's presence.

Spike: Oof! Too! Tight!

Stardust: Girls, what's going? Why are you all crying and Twilight could you let go off Spike?

Finally noticing Stardust, the Three crying mares gave her an upset look. As Twilight releases Spike from his near death experience, Rarity spoke in an upset but half crying tone.

Rarity: Star-*interrupted*

Spike: *GAASSSPP* Oh sweet, delicious air!

Rarity: *continues* -dust Falls, how could you write such a thing!

Stardust: What?

Applejack: Sugar cube, are you alright up there? Do you need help?

Stardust: Did you just call me crazy?

Twilight: *hugging Spike again, but lighter* Mmmmn.

Stardust: I just got back, I have no idea why are you all like this nor do I have any clue of what is going on.

Rarity: Perhaps these would job some memories! * shows a bunch of papers*

Stardust: *mentaly* 'Oh... oh no.'

Applejack: Judgin' by your face, I'd say you do know what these are.

Stardust: *internal panicking* 'Ah crap, they found the scp files. at least they thought i wrote them.' Yes i do know what these are, but my question is why do you have them?

Twilight: *still hugging Spike* Do you want the long or short explanation.

Stardust: Well I got time, so might as well go for the long one.

---[Abbachio! Use Moody Blues and recount the flashback!]---

(A/N: All the text in parenthesis like (name: blah) will be the characters talking outside the flashback.)

{Twilight narrating}

It was after a while you and Spike left for Canterlot, I invited Rarity and Applejack in so they can hide from the storm, and since it is going to last the whole night I proposed a sleepover. Since, you know.

(Stardust: Yes, you alway wanted a slumber party. Pinkie will be sad you didn't invite her.)

(Twilight: Yes, but we could invite her next time, *gasp* we could invite all the girls!)

*Ahem* Anyway back to the story, so I decdied to do it by the book, "Slumber Party 101". We did make overs, ghost stories, a few games, but due to some disagreements between Rarity and Applejack we had to end it early.

(Stardust: But they made up, right?)

(Rarity/AJ: Absolutely darling/ Yep)

(Stardust: Ok? So far everything sounds bright and happy. Still doesn't explain why you all are crying.)

(Twilight: I'm getting there.)

After they made up, we decided to pick up were we left off and suddenly Albert came in threw a bunch of neatly stapled bundles of papers at us and went back to your room. So out of curiosity we read them.

(FB means flashback)

FB Twilight: Let's see what these are.

FB Rarity: *picks up one bunble and reads title* SCP-999. Note all things written in here are works of fiction.

FB Applejack: Huh. Why would Albert throw these at us?

(Stardust: Well similar to me, Albert dislike having his sleep disturbed.)

FB Twilight: I don't know. But since its here might as well read some. *reads the one she has* SCP's are objects or entities that holds some anomalous powers. these can range from harmless to deadly, and it is the duty of the Scp Foundation to secure and contain these SCP's or anomalies to protect the public. We dies in the dark, so you may live in the light.

FB Rarity: Yeesh seems a little extreme, who wrote this anyway.

FB Twilight: Maybe it is Stardust, afterall, Albert did come out of her room.

FB Applejack: Never took her the type to be writing books, guess ya learn somethin' new everyday.

Then we continued reading, through the introduction of the classifications and then finally to the scp.

FB Twilight: Scp-999/ Object class: Safe.

---[Haha timeskip within a flashback! KINGU KRIMSON!]---

[After Twilight read the entire 999 file]

FB Rarity: Awww! Look at the picture, it is adorable!

FB Applejack: Why I would love to meet 999 and give it a big ole hug.

FB Twilight: It is quite similar to Pinkie Pie, they both want to spread laughter and cheer.

FB Applejack: And loving sweets.

FB Rarity: Oooh! Let's read this one. Let's see, Scp-166/ Object class: Euclid.

(teenage succubus or Gaea as it was rewritten)

---[Skip to end of flashback, after reading 166, 053 little girl, 106 old man, 1762 there were dragons]---

{3rd pov}

Twilight: After reading all of what Albert threw at us we cried for the rest of the night until you came back

Rarity: Now answer my question!

Stardust: 'Think Stardust, Think.' I... was in the mood for some horror and tragedy.

Twilight: But don't we already have those genres in the library.

Stardust: Yes, but I already read those and they start feeling the same after the third book, so I decided to write some.

Twilight: That. *dramatic pause*

Stardust: *internally panics, thinking the excuse didn't work*

Twilight: Actually makes sense.

Stardust: *relieved* Yep. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to talk with Albert about throwing things at ponies.

Twilight: Speaking of which, I have a friendship letter to write. Spike!

Spike: Way ahead of ya! *pulls out pen and paper out of seemingly nowhere*

Applejack: So Stardust. This may be a bit of a weird question after our interrogation, but do you got more stories that you wrote?

Stardust: Yes, why?

Applejack: Well I was hoping to barrow one and read it for bed time.

Stardust: Sure! Come to my room. We can discuss which one you want specifically.

Rarity: May come too? I could use a happy story after all that cry.

Stardust: Sure. Also when did you fix your make up? I don't remember you doing so during my interrogation.

Rarity: Darling, a lady needs to be prepared! Most of my make up is waterproof, so all I needed was just some quick touch ups.


A/N: Finally! I got this done. Anyway a big thank you to everyone that has the patience of Master Oogway or just so bored that they have no choice.