Filler 3- Game night (small edit)

(A/N: I will stick as close to DnD rules as I can, but it will be more like homebrew, so some bits might not make sense to the veteran DnD players if there is any.

To those who don't know, homebrew is when you make or add your own ideas to the game. For example a sword that stops time for 10 seconds when fully drawn; or a kingdom of bipedal giraffes.)


{MC pov}

Stardust: Alright boys, ready for our session zero oneshot of Ogres and Ogliets!

Big Mac: Eyup.

Spike: Yes!

------[Stardust GM'ing]------

You 2 are in the Rumblehoof Tavern, in Bushle Town, to get celebrate the both of you passing the promotion exam of the adventurers guild, making the both of you official adventurers at D-rank. You 2 became friends during the survival exam, but due to the situation, couldn't properly introduce yourselves, but now you can.

(this (name: blah) means the characters speaking to each other out of the game)

(Stardust: Now you may introduce your characters).

Sprig(Spike): Hi there, names Sprig Tyke. I'm a level 3 ranger.

Strone(Big Mac): Howdy, names Strone Hofles, and I am a level 3 palidin

Before the two of you could say anything else, the tavern door suddenly slams open. At the entrence stood a old mare, frantically shouting for help.

Old lady: Somepony! Please help me! My granddaughter went to the forest outside of town and she hasn't returned in days!

Many others just ignored her, saying her granddaughter is probably gone for good, most likely eaten by some wild beast or monsters.

(Stardust: What will you 2 do?)

(Spike: Help her of course!)

(Big Mac: Eyup)

Sprig(Spike): Fear not, dear old lady! For I, Sprig Tyke, along with Strone Hofles, is here to help you!

Strone(Big Mac): Eyup

Old lady: Ohhh, thank you dearies! Please find her fast, the Black Thorn Forest is not a pleasant place to be in alone.

---[Skip. At the forest entrance]---

Following the old lady's directions, you two arrived at the entrance of the Black Thorn Forest! The forest got its name due to the leaves of every plant has black thorns on it.

Sprig: Alright let's go in, and find that little girl.

Strone: Eyup

You two went in the forest and started your search, however after a few hours your search was fruitless and uneventful. The two of you searched around the many safe zones around the forest that was set up by past adventurers to help the rookies or lost townsfolk, but you found no one.

Sprig: It seems that the girl is deeper within the forest.

Strone: Lets take a short rest before we go in.

Sprig: I agree, But we shouldn't rest for too long. The longer we take, the more danger the girl is in.

---[One 15 minute rest later]---

You two are now somewhat rested and fully ready to continue. You went deeper and deeper into the forest, until suddenly 5 goblins jumped out from the bushes. Both of you are surrounded.

The goblins have adapted to the Black Thorn Forest, so rather than the usual green skin, they have rough grey skin, glowing yellow eyes, with black spikes coming out of their back like porcupines, with sharp claws and fangs.

Roll initiative!

(Spike: 13)

(Big Mac: 9)

(Stardust: The goblins got 3,3,15,10,7)

---[Time skip, after the battle]---

(A/N: I haven't played enough dnd to write a proper battle. My session 0 was a disaster.)

Surprisingly the both of you did not take much damage, only some minor cuts here and there.

(Stardust: Would you guys like to take a rest?)

(Spike: Yeah, a short one. I need to get my arrows back and sort through my stuff.)

(Big Mac: Eyup.)

An hour later, you two continue one your search for the missing girl. Sprig went up on the trees, while Strone stayed low.

(Stardust: Roll for perception.)

(Spike: Ah nuts! I got a 5)

(Big Mac: 18)

Due to how to large amounts of foliage Sprig couldn't see much of anything resembling pony, Strone on the other hoof saw a small clearing in the distance with a little filly seemingly shaking and crying.

Strone: Sprig! I think I found who we're lookin for!

Sprig: Alright! Let's get her home!

Sprig gets down from the tree and follows Strone into the clearing where the little girl is.

*Big Mac's brotherly instincts kicked in*

(Big Mac: I go to her and try to comfort her.)

Strone: Hey there, little one. I'm Strone Hofles.

Sprig: And I'm Sprig Tyke.

Strone: We got a request from your granny to find you.

The little girl stops crying for a moment and loois at the two of you, before rushing to Strone and hugs him tight. The little girl starts crying again, but this time from relief.

Girl: I was so sc-scare-scARRRed *Boom*

Suddenly the little girl explodes, but thanks to Strone's armour, he takes half the damage.

(Spike: What the heck Stardust!)

(Big Mac: Noooooo!)

(Stardust: Guys! I wasn't done yet!)

After the explosion somepony came out from the bushes.

Old lady: Oh dear me, your still alive. *sighs* I guess as the saying goes, "if you want something, you gotta do it yourself."

The old lady's mane falls off, her skin cracks and falls apart, revealing a unicorn skeleton in a fancy robe that wasn't there before. It was not an old lady, it wasn't even living. It was an undead, an lesser lich.

Lich: Hahaha! When I'm through with you two, I become more powerful than ever!

Sprig: As if that is going to happen!

Strone: REVENGE!

---[Skip, after the fight]---

Filled with anger and the desire for revenge, Strone, with all his might and as much holy magic as he can output, he vaporizes the lich.

While the lich is gone, the poison is still in effect, Sprig has some resistance so he can last till he get back to town, but Strone no longer has the energy to heal himself adding to the fact he only has 3 hp left-

(Stardust: Alright Big Mac, roll the dice.)

(Big Mac: 15)

Strone dies from the poison. Even though he had a great resistance like Sprig, but with all the previous damage, the poison was too much for the brave palidin, Strone Hofles.

---{3rd pov}--- (Stardust no longer narrating)

Stardust: So how was to session.

Big Mac: Nooooooo!

Spike: It was great, but you are no longer allowed to be the game master. I don't think Big Mac can handle another twist from you.


Stardust: Fair enough. Sooo, want some snacks before we end the day?

Spike & Big Mac: Yes!


A/N: next chapter Bridle Gossip!