Chapter 7: His weird Illness

Dexter and Gaia are together. Gaia didn't know where they were going. Dexter was driving happily while looking at the road.

"Where are we going, Sir Dexter? Maybe Sir Kevin is looking for me and he needs me at home," Gaia told him. He just smiled at her.

"Don't worry, we'll go back in a minute," he said and focused on driving.

They arrived at a place unfamiliar to Gaia. She immediately rolled her eyes around. Dexter went out of the car and so she did. She follows Dexter without even knowing what they're doing in that place.

"Why are we here?" Gaia asked him. He smiles.

"Get all your anger out of here," She immediately fell silent as she was listening to him.

"This place is the only place where I cried all the times when I'm in pain. Don't worry, I'm covering my eyes and ears," he said and cover his ears and closed his eyes. Her eyes started to get teary as she was looking at him.

"How did he know that--" Gaia sobs as she started to shout to let her anger all out.

"Why! Why this is happening to me! Why my life turns out to be like this! Why! Why can't you answer me!" she shouts. She was in pain and couldn't hold back her tears as she shouting. She then felt weak, she was sitting on the bermudagrass where the wind hits her face. They were near the shore. It was a calm place and a peaceful one. She was still sobbing so hard as Dexter uncover his ears and opens his eyes. He was looking at the woman who's crying. He wanted to go near her, but he promised not to interfere. He sighs.

A few minutes had passed Gaia went back to the car. Dexter was looking at her and she smiles. "thank you for taking me here," she utters with a smile.

"My pleasure," they then headed back to the mansion.

Kevin was in his room, he was reading a document when Gaia went inside his mind. He shakes his head. He remembers how terrified she was inside the building. He was there, but he didn't do anything as Dexter came into the scene.


Kevin was about to went inside the car when it blackout suddenly. He then looks back at the building and remembers that Gaia was still inside. He walked back towards the building.

"Sir, where are you going?" asked his driver, but he went inside hurriedly. He uses the stairs as the elevator isn't working. He was in the place where Gaia is. He was panting. He was about to walk towards her when he heard her shouting.

"Please, let me go!" Gaia was crying. He was about to walk towards her when Dexter came towards her.

"Dexter?" he heard Gaia utter his name. Kevin was looking at both of them as he decided to left them alone.

"Sir, what happened?" he ignores that question and went inside the car. He was inside the car when Dexter and Gaia went out of the building. He averted his gaze from her and looked into another place.

Gaia was about to went inside when Dexter calls her. Kevin looks at her, but she averted her gaze at him.

"Kev, let me borrow her for a minute," and they left.

"She's supposed to be here by now," he utters as he was looking outside the house.

Kevin was restless as he waited for Gaia to arrive. "Where is that woman now?" he asked himself irritatedly. He was playing with his pen on his desk as he heard the gate opens. He stood up and quickly he headed down. He then sat on the sofa in the living room, turning in the TV. He was watching a football game when the door opens and he then saw Gaia. He looked away at her and focused on the game. Gaia was about to went up when he talks.

"Where did you go?" he asked her. Gaia then looked at him.

"We just get some air," she answered.

"Really? Okay," he utters sarcastically. Gaia then went up and change her clothes.

"Why is he so rude to me? What did I do to him?" she asked while looking at the mirror inside the bathroom. She went out and was combing her hair when she heard a loud noise from downstairs. She looked around and looked down. She was surprised to see Kevin laying on the floor. She quickly went down and went towards Kevin.

"Sir, Kevin? Hey, wake up!" she shouts as she patted his face. He looks so pale. Gaia remembers that she didn't give his medicine on time again. She punches her head. "Why so careless, Gaia."

She carried Kevin went back to the sofa. He was attacked again by his weird illness. He collapses in no time and everywhere. "I wonder what is the cause of this," she asked herself and looked at Kevin. She then checks his pulse and there was none.

Gaia no longer knew what she was going to do. She had to do everything no matter what and she will blame herself if anything will happen to Kevin. "I'm sorry, Sir. But I have to do this," she said and she was about to perform mouth-to-mouth when Kevin's eyes open. She gasped and walked back.

"What are you doing?" he asked her as he was massaging his head.

"I-I... did no-nothing, Sir," she said as her voice trembles.

"Are you going to kiss me?" he asked suddenly which causes Gaia surprised.

"Ah, yes. No. I-I mean.. No," she answered panickily.

"What happened to me?" he asked her.

"Ah, you collapsed again, Sir," Gaia answered.

"You know about my illness, right?" Gaia nodded.

"But... why I am fine now without having or taking any medicine?" he asked himself and checks his body and his arms. There are no signs or symptoms.

He was smiling. He can't believe that he's cured already. "I'm cured," he utter happily. Gaia was looking at him. "He's weird," she uttered inside her mind but smiles when he looked at her.

Kevin was in his room while looking at the mirror. He's topless as he was looking at his body. "Is this real? I'm cured?" he utters unbelievably. He then took his phone out of his pocket and call his doctor.

Kevin calling...

"Yes, Kevin?"

"I'm cured," he utters happily.

"What? What are you talking about?" his doctor asked him in confusion.

"I was having an attack earlier, but... I didn't take any medication, but... when I wake up, I was okay. I'm cured, Doctor," he said.

"I would love to meet you, Kevin. But, I'm abroad. I have a meeting with my patient and I will come to you once I finish this," his doctor said.


"By the way, is there, anyone, with you right now? Is that because of Mrs. Vaness?" his doctor asked him. He then thinks of someone who's with him at that time.

He was thinking when he thinks about Gaia. "Yes, there is," he utters while smirking.

"I guess that person is the reason. Are you feeling comfortable when that person is around you?"

"What do you mean, doc?" he asked while confusion surrounds him.

"We meet a patient just like your case, Kevin. And what we found out is... He was with someone who he trusts and who he is comfortable with," he said and Kevin was surprised about it.

"Do I trust her?" he asked inside his mind.

"Alright, Doctor. I'll meet you soon as you get here," the call ended and Kevin was still thinking about what his Doctor said to him.

"The one who I trust?" he keeps uttering inside his mind.

Gaia was taking his food and medicine to his room. She knocks at his door. "Come in," he answers.

Unexpectedly, Gaia accidentally sees Kevin's body. "Ahh!" Gaia shouted and immediately closed her eyes.

Kevin looked at her and realizes he was topless. He immediately put on his shirt. "I'm all dressed now," he said and Gaia opens her eyes immediately.

"Here's your food and medicine, Sir," she said and she was about to leave when Kevin suddenly pulled her closer to him.

"Sir? Is there anything else you need?" she asked.

"You...Do I look like I trust you?" Gaia scoffed.


"I don't trust you that much, but why is this happening to me?" Gaia was confused about what he was talking about.

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about. Can you please let go of me?" Kevin then let her go and stood properly.

"Alright, you can leave now," he utters and Gaia walked towards the door and left.

"What was that?" she asked herself and she began to walk again back to her room.

"What happened to him?" Kevin's Doctor, Mark asked the other doctors.

"He was attacked again," Mark was surprised.

"I thought he was already cured?"

"Yes, we also thought of that too. But, they broke up, her girlfriend broke up with her and that is the cause this is happening to him.

Mark was looking at the patient and all he can see is Kevin.

"This isn't good at all,"

To be continued...

Please give this book support. Help me guys to win the contest. I hope you love this new chapter that I have written. Enjoy reading.