Chapter 13: Don't worry, no one will hurt you when I'm around.

We went back to the mansion. I noticed Mr. Kevin was silent while looking outside the window. He was sighing all the time he looks outside. I was looking at him when it suddenly rains.

I looked at the window and saw the raindrops from the window. Every time I saw raindrops, I feel amazed. I don't know, but it makes me feel calm and relax. I was closing my eyes while I was leaning my head on the window.

I open my eyes as the car stopped. We're already here. I looked out and open the door. The rain poured heavily. I ran towards the gate to open it. I was about to open it when I stamp on a slippery part of the road.

"Ahh!" I shouted as I was on the ground sitting while I sprain my ankle. I saw Mr. Kevin went closer to me, I was about to stand, but I can't.

"You should be careful," he utters and carry me. Mr. Anthon opens the gate for us and he walked towards the front door. He was carrying me while we were in the rain. It was like a dream for me while he was carrying me. My heartbeat races while he was carrying me. His face, his gesture, he was everything. He's perfect, indeed.

He then opens the door and he was about to put me on the sofa. "Sir, I'm wet, my dress is. I can't--" he didn't listen to me and put me down. He then walked. I scoffed. "He just leaves me like this, huh?" I asked myself and I was about to stand when he came back while he was carrying a first aid kit.

"What are you doing? Go back there," he said and I went back. I was sitting down when he was preparing and getting something from the first aid kit. I was looking at him as he was applying an ointment on my ankle. I was closing my eyes while he was putting it on my ankle.

"How was it?" he asked me and I open my eyes as we met each other's eyes. I was stunned while looking at him.

"Ms. Tan? How was it?" he asked me and I went back to my senses.

"Hmm. Ah, Yes. I'm fine," I uttered and he then stood. I was looking down when he was about to carry me when I stop him.

"Sir, what are you doing?" I asked him, but he just gives me a blank expression.

"What are you talking about? I'm going to carry you to your room, but if you don't want to. I can leave right now," he said. I gulped while looking at him. "How can he be this so kind and considerate?"

He was walking slowly while carrying me. I can feel he was cold. I can feel his warm breath. I can see his face closely. I want to hold his face. I want to hug him. I want to do things that I shouldn't. He's the first person who did this to me. He's the first man I fall in love. I couldn't deny it. I'm falling for him already.

He then put me on my bed slowly. "Just be careful next time, Ms. Tan. I don't want to get bothered carrying you again," he said coldly.

"yes, Sir. I'm so sorry," he then left and I slowly stood.

I went to the bathroom and took a bath. I was about to get out, I tried to land my sprain ankle on the floor when I suddenly fall.

"Ugh, help. Anyone there? Help me!" I shouted. I heard someone went inside.

"Where are you?" I heard Mr. Kevin asked. I saw his shadow was about to open the door when I stopped him.

"Stop, Sir. I'm naked," I uttered.

"Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm on the floor right now," I said.

"Okay, I'm coming in," he utters.


"Don't worry. I'm closing my eyes," he said and the door suddenly opens and I saw him. He was closing his eyes at what he says.

"Where are you?" he asked while finding me using his hands. I was looking at him as my eyes went teary.

"I-I'm here," I uttered and I reached out his hands. He then handed me a towel and I wrapped myself.

"Are you done?" he asked while bending down his knees towards me.

"Yes," I answered and he opens his eyes and looked at me. I was looking down and he then carries me.

"Are you okay, now?" he asked me and I nod my head.

"Just stay here, don't come to work. Just rest for today," he said and leave. I began to put a dress on myself and went to the window. I looked outside and saw he was leaving. I took my phone and texted him.

"I put your medicine on your bag, Mr. Kevin. I'm sorry and thank you for helping me,"

Kevin's POV

We were leaving when my phone vibrates. I took it out of my pocket and saw a message from her.

"I put your medicine on your bag, Mr. Kevin. I'm sorry and thank you for helping me,"

I was smiling while reading the text message.

"Sir, did something happen? You look in a good mood today," Mr. Anthon said and I went back to being cold. He laughed at me.

We were at the office. I was busy on my laptop when Mom is calling me.

"Hello? Mom, what is it?"

"My son, Is it true that you have a fiance?" she asked me and I didn't get surprised. I know she would know everything about me.

"Did you sent someone to look after me, again, Mom?" I asked her and I just heard her scoffed.

"That's not important right now, just answer me. How did you get a fiance? I thought you still love Venus?" she said.

"Mom, can you please not interfere with my life. I'm okay now, and I'm happy with her," I said and I was about to end the call when she said something.

"I'm at your house right now. I'm with the woman you're talking about," my eyes widened when I heard it. She's unstoppable.

I was about to talk when she ended the call. "This isn't good," I said and went out of my office in a hurry.

"Sir, what happened?"

"Let's go back to my house,"

"Why, Sir? Did something happened to Ms. Tan?"

"No, there's a crazy woman inside my house,"

I told Mr. Anthon to speed up. I was calling Ms. Tan, but she's not picking up. "Damn, what's happening to her, now. I hope my mom wouldn't do anything to her," I said inside my head.

We were outside the house. I hurriedly went inside and run towards the door. As I open it, I saw my mom and Ms. Tan together. I walked towards them.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked her while she was sipping her coffee.

"I just came here to visit you, Kevin, my dear. But, Instead, I saw her," she said and looked at Ms.Tan.

"Uh, I-I," I looked at Ms. Tan and I can feel she was nervous with my mom. I went closer to her.

"Hey, I said you should rest now. Why did you go down here?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Mom, you should go now. My Fiance is going to rest now. Please, Mom, you're disturbing her," I uttered.

"It's okay," she said.

"Kevin, I don't know how and when did you get a girlfriend. Last time I knew, you were not over with Venus," Mom said.

"Mom, stop it. I'm over with her now. I'm happy with Gaia right now," I said and smiles at her. She also smiles back at me. I hold her hands and kissed them. She was surprised when I did that. I just do that for my mom wouldn't get suspicious between us.

"Alright, if you're really over with her. I'm waiting for your marriage, I would be happy to see you both in your wedding dress and suit," she said.

"What?" Gaia and I were surprised to hear it.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"I want you and Venus back! I just don't like that woman for you. She's too old-fashioned and just an ordinary girl, Kevin," she said.

"How can you date someone like her? She looks so--"

"Mom! Get out of my house now!" I shouted at her. She's crossing the limits. She's too much.

"Kevin, how can you shout at me?"

"I can, Mom. I will protect and love her no matter what you said, Mom,"

"Kevin, I'm doing this for your own good," she said.

I scoffed. "No, Mom. You're doing that for yourself. You want me to marry Venus to expand your business. How can you do that to me? You look like selling me, Mom," I said.

"You'll regret it soon, Kevin. I'm sure you two couldn't have a happy ending. I will make sure Gaia will suffer the consequences of the decision you chose," she said and leave.

I exhale as she went out. I sighed in relief and looked at Ms. Tan.

"Mr. Kevin, are you okay?" she asked me. I was out of my mind when I pulled her towards me and said...

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you when I'm around,"

To be continued...