Chapter 14: Confession

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you when I'm around," he said while hugging me. I admit it, I was surprised and shocked earlier, but I'm more surprised right now. He's been so caring to me lately, he's been all around when I'm in trouble. He's the first person always there for me.

He then let me go and I looked at him.

"M-Mr. Kevin? Are you alright?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"I should be asking you that. Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Did she says something bad about you?" he asked me worriedly.

"Ah. I'm fine," I answered.

He sighs in relief. "How did she get here?" he asked himself. I now knew what Aunt Vaness was talking about between him and his mom. I can understand what he's feeling. I and my mom are like them. We always fought even in little things.

"I should go back now. Don't open the door when someone rang the bell. Just wait for my call, okay?" I don't know what to say. I just nod my head. He then left and I can feel my heartbeat race.

"Why did he said that? Why is he too caring right now?" I confusingly asked myself. I don't know Mr. Kevin had a soft side with him, all we know is his cold and rude attitude towards us.

I was inside my room all day long. I was doing some research. I found out that Mr. Kevin's mom is an actress. She was known for her famous and incomparable acting skills. I was amazed at how she maintained her perfect body figure. She's a goddamn goddess for me. "Why did Kevin and her didn't end up on good terms?" I was asking myself.

I was looking at my phone and I heard a loud noise coming from downstairs. I just ignore it as I know it was Mr. Kevin. I continued looking at my laptop when someone's calling me and my eyes widened when I saw it was him.

"Why? I heard him just now. How can he called me right now?"

"Yes, What is it, Mr. Kevin? You should have com-"

"I will be home late, just keep the door locked and also check the windows," he said and I began to have goosebumps.

"I thought--" I was stopped when I heard loud noises from the kitchen. The pan and pots were making some noises. I gasped and I didn't know that the call wasn't ended yet.

"Ms. tan, what's happening there? Is someone inside the house?" I heard him asking me, but I can't open my mouth. I wanted to close the door, but I was too late. A man went inside my room.

My hands were trembling as I saw the man was carrying a knife. "W-who are you?" I asked him, but he just smirks.

"Ms. Tan, what's going on there?"

"Help me,"

Kevin's POV

"Help me," that's the last word I heard from her. The phone dropped on the floor and the call ended. My chest started to pounds so fast as I heard her voice and it was like she was very scared.

"Mr. Anthon, Let's go back, she's in danger. Someone went inside the house," I said and we then take a U-turn. We were so fast, but at the wrong timing, the traffic is so long. I was looking outside when I couldn't stop my legs from moving.

"I have to go, Mr. Anthon. Call the police for me," I said and went out of the car. I run instead of riding a taxi. I ran as fast as I could. I can I'm panting and sweating, but I keep running towards my house.

After running for about 25 minutes, I was outside my house. I went inside the house and open the door immediately. I saw then Gaia was tied up in a chair. There was a man with her. A man was beside her.

"You're here, perfect," he said with a very strange voice coming out from his mouth. I looked at him and opens the lights. He was wearing a mask on his face.

"What do you want? Who are you?! Did she send you here? Did my mom sent you here?" I asked in a shouting manner. He smirked.

"I don't even know who's your mom is. All I want is your money. Just give me what I want and I will release this girl," he said.

"How much do you need?" I asked.

"10 million and a helicopter," he said. I was thinking what would be his motive.

"Why do you need a helicopter?" I asked in curiosity.

He just gives me a strange smile. "Just give me what I want or else... I will shot the head of this woman," he said and pointed the gun at Gaia. Gaia was sleeping, but when the moment the gun was pointed at her, she slowly opens her eyes.

She then looked at me and shook her head. She's telling me to leave, but I can't. This man is following me for the past years and I know Gaia has nothing to do with him.

"Let her go and I'll give you what you want," I said.

"You can never trick me, Mr. Kevin. Just give me what I want!" he shouted, but he was too focused on me while Gaia was untying herself.

"Can't you just give me what I want?" he said and was tearing up. I don't know, but he's familiar. I think he's one of my employees.

"Are you Mr. Miller?" I asked while looking at him. He then took out his mask and it was him. I was right. I was surprised while looking at him. "Why are you doing this? How can you--" he then pointed me the gun.

"You never give me a compliment even I finish my job before the time. I never get any good deeds from you. You're always like a monster who never communicates and rude to us. Yo never treat us your employees. You're a selfish jerk!" he shouted and I was surprised to hear it from him.

"I never delay your salary, Mr. Miller. I never thought of myself like that, I just think right now that you deserve that," I uttered and it makes him angrier.

"You never admit your wrongdoings, Mr. Kevin. Even if you're wrong, you never admit it. You keep always looking at yourself and you thought you're always right, even if you're not," he shouted angrily.

"I have never done anything wrong in my life, Mr. Miller. But I do, I will make sure to let you know," I said teasingly.

"And now is your time, Mr. Kevin. My co-workers will never see your beast face and they will never suffer from the pain I've been suffering," he said and plug the gun.

He then shot me. I was about to get hit, but someone blocked it for me. I was surprised when I saw Gaia was on the floor. She was bleeding as she was hit in her back.

"You were wrong, Mr. Miller. Mr. Kevin is a good person. You will never see it for yourself, but right now. You're the bad person and the monster you're talking about earlier," she said and I went closer to her.

"Ms. Tan, why did you blocked it for me? Why did you save me?" I asked her as I was looking at her. She was smiling and holds my hands.

"You're a good person, Mr. Kevin. I just wanted to protect you and I just wanted you to know that I like you. I have f-feelings for you," she then loses her consciousness.

"What have you done, Mr. Miller?" I asked him and saw him bend down his knees while looking at Gaia.

After that day, the police arrested Mr. Miller and we were still waiting for Gaia's doctor to come out.

"Sir, I know she will be fine," Anthon said while we were sitting outside the operating room. I looked at him.

"Am I really a bad person, Mr. Anthon?" I asked him. He then looked at me.

"Why did you ask in a sudden?" he answered in an asking manner.

"That man said I'm a terrible and bad person towards my employees. Do you think I am too bossy? Should I take a step to change?" I asked again.

"You know what, Sir. I can say that you really have a bad temper and a cold attitude towards us, but I know you're still a good person. And maybe that's what Ms. Tan also saw from you," he said and I remember what she tells me earlier.

"She said she likes me, right?" I asked myself while looking at myself from the glass in front of me.

"Why did she tell me that? Did she really mean that? Is that for me?" I was asking myself when the doctor come out.

"Doc, how is she?" I asked worriedly.

"She's fine now, but she still needs an observation," I nod my head.

"Can we see her now?"

"Yes, you can,"

We went inside her room. Mr. Anthon was with the police, the police need his statement about the incident that happened.

I was looking at her and walked closer to her. I hold her hands and kissed them.

"Do you really like ne, Gaia?"

To be continued...