Chapter 15 : His Offer

"Where am I?" I asked myself and looked around. "I'm at a hospital?" I surprisingly asked myself. I continue to look around and saw a man on the chair beside me.

It was Mr. Kevin. He was here all night long? He wrapped his arms in front of him while he was asleep.

"Did he wait for me?" I whisper at myself, but suddenly he speaks.

"Yes, I really waited for you," he utters and I was surprised. I averted my gaze at him and acted like I'm asleep. I can feel he stood and went closer to me.

"Do you really like me?" he asked which surprises me more.

"W-what?" I said and open my eyes. He then chuckles while messing with my hair.

"You said you like me, right? Do you remember that?" he said while grinning. I gulped while looking at him as I can remember it clearly. I was so stupid when I said that. I thought that was my last day at this place that's why I said that to him.

I laughed at him. "Why would I say that, Mr. Kevin? Hahaha" I awkwardly laugh, but he was serious while looking at me.

"Are you serious right now, Ms. Tan?" he asked me with disappointment on his face.

"Yes, I am," I answered.

We were silent inside the room, but he suddenly went closer to me. I can see his face closer and he was very serious while looking at me.

"Now, tell me if you didn't feel anything," he said and I gulped. I can feel my heartbeat raced while he was in front of me. I was looking at him and he does too. He was staring at me and I was like melting with every gaze he gives me. He gives me butterflies inside. I was speechless while looking at him.

"Why can't you talk now, Ms. tan? Are you afraid to fall for me for real?" he whispers at me teasingly when the door suddenly opens and it was Mr. Anthon.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I'll just go back later--"

"What is it, Mr. Anthon?" he said and stood. He then went closer to Mr. Anthon and I can see that Mr. Anthon is laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Mr. Anthon, I have to go now," he said and went out. I was pouting my lips as Mr. Anthon went closer to me.

"Ms. Tan, do you really meant what you said to him?" he asked me suddenly. I was confused. "About what?" I say.

He chuckles. "You said you like him when you got hit on the bullet," he said and my eyes widened and I awkwardly laugh.

"How can I say that? I didn't remember anything," I said, but he was looking at me and it looks like he wants me to admit that and tell the truth.

I exhaled. "Yes. I like him. I really do. I really like, Mr. Kevin," I said and he smiles.

"I already know it from the start," I looked in surprise when Mr. Kevin was inside my room.

"Did I just confess my feeling for him? I must be dead by now," I utter inside my head. I looked at him.

"H-How did you get here, Mr. Kevin? I thought--"

"Can you leave us for a moment, Mr. Anthon?"

"Yes, Sir," Mr. Anthon then went out and only the two of us are inside the room.

I was looking down when he walked closer to me. "Don't go you near me," I said and looked at him.

"Why? You just said that you like me," he said.

"How can he said this thing to me?"

"Ms.Tan, I have some offer to you," he says.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Let's date." he directly said without having second thoughts. He's so straightforward.


"Let's try dating for a week, a month?" he said and I scoffed.

"You want us to date for--"

"I'm just looking for someone, I want you to be my first subject," he said and it breaks my heart. He's playing with my feelings. He's taking advantage of my feeling to him.

"What do you want, Mr. Kevin?" I asked him and he took out a paper from his suit.

"What's that?"

"A contract," he said. I frowned while looking at him.

I looked at the paper and it was a "Dating contract?" I uttered while I was looking at the paper. I turned my gaze at him.

"Are you in? Do you accept my offer?" he asked me. I smiled and scoffed at him. "No, I don't want to," I said and torn the paper into pieces.

He was shocked at what I did. "Hey, why did you do that?" he angrily asked me, but I smiled at him.

"I don't to date you and sign that contract," I said.

"Then, why did you said you like me?" he asked me.

"I don't know. I just feel it like lighting. It was sudden when I felt it," I said.

After 3 days.

I was out of the hospital. I walking to go back to the mansion when I saw a car stopped in front of me. A woman with long high-heels went out and looked at me.

I gasped as I saw it was my mom. I looked away and I continue to walk, but she speaks.

"Gaia? Is it you, Gaia?" she asked me, but I just ignore her.

"Honey, what are you doing?" I heard a man called her and I looked back at her and saw them together. The two people who caused our family to be broken.

They looked so happy. I was folding my fists as I was looking at them. My tears suddenly fell from my eyes. I wiped them off and suddenly my phone rang.

"Yes, Hello, Mr. Kevin?"

"Where are you?" he asked from the phone.

"I'm on my way now, Sir," I said and ended the call.

I was at the mansion when I saw Mr. Kevin was eating his breakfast. I was on the stairs when he called me.

"Let's eat together, Ms. Tan. I don't want to be alone," he said and I nod my head. I went to the kitchen and sat down. I was looking at the food in front of me when I suddenly remember my mom and that man.

"Ms. Tan, are you okay?"

"Why did I saw her there? Why it has to be her? Why they were coming back to my life after they hurt and leave me?" I asked myself.

"Ms. Tan?" I went back to my senses and looked at Mr. Kevin.

"Yes? Did you say something, Sir?" I asked.

"Nevermind, after you finish that. Let's go to the company," he said and I just nod my head.

Just like he said after I finish my meal I went inside the car. I was looking outside as I was sighing. "Why did she has to be here?"

"Yes, Mr. Gonzaga? Are you there already? Okay, we're on our way," Mr. Kevin said and I looked at him.

"Mr. Anthon, let's go straight to Gonzaga's corporation," he said and I think I heard that surname. I was thinking where did I hear it. We were outside the building. I was about to go out when Mr.Kevin stopped me. I was frowning while looking at him.

"Why? I'm not allowed to go?" I asked him.

"Just go to the office and can you please find these documents for me? I need that for a meeting," he said and I nodded. He was walking when I went closer to him.

"Mr. Kevin,"

"What is it?" he asked.

"Your medicine," I said and handed him the medicine. He just gives me a cold expression.

"Okay, thank you," he said and went inside. I went back to the car and sigh again.

"Why do you keep sighing all day?" Mr. Anthon asked me.

"I'm just not in the mood, Mr. Anthon," I answered.

"Why? Did something happen between the two of you?" he asked. I shook my head and sigh again.

"I just-- I saw my mom earlier," I said and looked at him.

"Your mom? What about that? I think everybody except for Mr. Kevin wants and loves to see their mom," he said and I scoffed.

"And me too. My mom and I were not on good terms. I was abandoned by my own mother," I utter.

I smiled. "Nevermind what I said, Mr. Anthon," I said and went out of the car. I went inside the building.

"Ms. Tan?" The staff greeted me while bowing her head. I was surprised why she did that?

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiles.

"I heard you're the CEO's Fiancée," she said and I was surprised. Later on, I remember Kevin said that on the vent where Maya humiliates me.

I smile at her. "You don't have to do that," I said.

"Just tell me what you need, Ms. Tan," she said and went back to her desk.

All people inside the office were acting weird. They were all good to me after they know about the lie Kevin made up.

I sighed. "I think, he did it on purpose. I guess I have to sign that damn contract,"

To be continued...