Chapter 16 : His Fiancé

Kevin's POV

I was at the Gonzaga Corporation. I didn't come here with Ms. Tan as I know this is his stepdad's company. I was sighing as I went inside.

"Good morning, Mr. Han," the staff greeted me as I went inside.

Agad na akong napalakad patungo sa opisina ni Mr. Gonzaga. I sat down while waiting for him. The door opened and I immediately turned my attention to him. I stood up to greet him.

"Mr. Gonzaga, nice to meet you, Sir,"

"It's okay. Let's sit down," he said and we immediately sat down. He was with his wife who I knew was Ms.Tan's mother. I just stared at her as she sadly stared from afar.

"Hon, can you leave us for a second?" she immediately looked at Mr. Gonzaga and nodded. She immediately came out but the sad expression painted on her face.

"So, Mr. Gonzaga? Why did you call me here? "I asked him.

"I want you to be my daughter's husband. It's just arranged marriage. I want us to expand both of our businesses," he said.

I awkwardly laughed. "Actually, I have someone with me, Sir. I can't replace her with anything," I uttered and he chuckles.

"I know how you feel, Mr. Han. By the way, we met your mother and she agreed to this agreement. She also wanted you to marry my daughter, Maya," he said.

I stood up and said "I'm sorry, Sir. But I can't marry a person I don't love," I immediately said goodbye to him and walked outside. I was walking when I heard someone was crying.

"Gaia, my daughter. I'm so sorry," I was surprised at what I heard and peeked from the moment. And I saw Ms. Mama. Tan. She was crying while hugging Gaia's picture. I left immediately and returned to the office.

I was inside my office when I see Gaia is busy while typing on her computer. I was looking at her and looked away when she looked at me. She then walked closer towards me.

"Sir, when did you come back here?" she asked me.

"Just now," I replied and she just nodded.

She went back to her desk and Mr. Anthon went inside.

"Did something happen?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"I just found out that the woman you're looking for is Ms. Maya Gonzaga. She's the girl you've been looking for, Sir," he said and I was surprised and shocked.

"Is that true? Why and how did you know about it?" I asked him.

"I went to the place where you've been kidnapped. Some people said it was Maya. They said Maya was the one who'd been kidnapped and not Ms. Gaia," he said.

"Okay, thank you for telling me," he went out and I suddenly looked at Gaia. "I thought it was her," I uttered inside my head while looking at her. "I guess I'm wrong again," I disappointedly utter.

It was past 6 o'clock, but Ms. Tan is still busy on her computer. I shook my head and went out.

"Ms. Tan--" I stopped as I heard her snore. I thought she was working, but she was sleeping. I was looking at her. "I really feel like there's something about her," I said to myself and knock on her desk.

"Ms. Tan, time to go home," she then opens her eyes and stood.

"I guess I slept that long," she said while looking at the clock.

We walked towards the elevator. We went inside the elevator. She rubs her eyes and closes them again.

"Still sleepy?" I asked her and she opens her eyes and looked at me.

"No, I'm fine," she answered, and the elevator dings when it opens. We were inside the car, she was just silent while looking outside.

"Ms. Tan, are you okay?" Mr. Anthon asked her. She looked at Mr. Anthon and smiles.

"Yes, I am," she said and went back looking outside.

I was about to talk when my phone rings. It was Mom. "Hello? What is it this time?" I asked her.

"We're planning a gathering tomorrow. Please come on time and don't you ever go with that woman, understand?" she said.

"Mrs. Han, I have to go now," I said and ended the call.

We arrived at the mansion. I went upstairs, but before I went inside my room, I looked at her.

"Ms. Tan?"

"Yes, Sir?"

"Come with me tomorrow. My mom organizes a gathering. I want you to come with me as my Fiance," I said. She was just looking at me.

"Ms. Tan? Any problem?" I asked her. She awkwardly laughed at me. "Nothing, Sir," she said and went inside her room.

She looks so down right now. "Did something happen to her?" I asked myself and went inside my room. I was inside the bathroom when someone's calling me again.

"Hello? Is this Mr. Han's number?"

"Who is this?"

"It's me, Maya," I sighed as I heard her voice.

"What is it, Ms. Gonzaga?" I asked her.

"Don't forget to come to the gathering tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you," she said.

"I will come with my Fiance, Ms. Maya," I said and she didn't respond and ended the call.

Gaia's POV

It was 6 already when I woke up. I went out and go to the kitchen. I was preparing breakfast when I remember that surname keep rotating inside my head.

"Gonzaga? That's my mom's surname now. How can I forget about that?" I asked myself angrily every time I heard that name. I can't and I will never forget how I'm so angry at them.

I was putting the food on the table when Mr. Han went out of his room. He was wearing his suit now and he looks so fine and handsome.

"Breakfast is ready, Mr. Kevin," I said with a smile on my face.

"Don't forget the dinner later," he said while he was sitting down. I just nodded and get his medicine. I put it beside him and sat down in front of him to eat.

He was eating when I looked at him. "What? Is there something wrong with my face?" he asked me and I looked away at him.

"I think your necktie isn't right, Sir," I said and he looked at his tie.

"Oh, I see," he said.

After eating, I was washing the plates when he called me. "What is it, Sir?" I asked him.

"Tie it for me," he said to me.

"Huh?" I utter in confusion while he was looking at me.

"Ah, yes. I will," I started to tie it while I can see his adam's apple in closer. I can feel his hotness and it gives me butterflies again. I was tieing it when I noticed he was looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked me and I was surprised when he said that.

"I just--" Mr. Anthon went inside and looked at me.

"Sir, everything ready," he said and I was confused.

"Ready for what?" I asked in confusion.

Mr. Anthon smiles at me. "Your dress and Mr. Kevin's suit for the dinner later," he said and I was a bit surprised.

"I can just wear what I wan-"

"No, you have to dress formally. You're going to be my fiancee later, you have to look like one," he said teasingly and went out. Mr. Anthon was smiling while looking at me.

I narrowed my eyes while looking at him and went inside the car. "What kind of gathering are they talking about? Is it very luxurious? Why do I have to dress formally?" I asked inside my head.

We were in the company. I was still thinking about the gathering later. I think I'm a bit nervous. I'm stressed about it and I don't know why.

I was typing on my computer about the data Mr. Kevin told me to encode. It was lunchtime, I was about to go out when Mr. Kevin called me.


"Everybody knows you're my fiancee now, we should go out together," he said and we went out together as he said. I saw the employees were talking and whispering about us when we walked. I was looking down when he holds my hands suddenly.

We arrived at the car, but all the people were looking at us. I went inside the car, but I was surprised when I was in the back seat. We were at the back together. I looked at him and Mr. Anthon started to drive.

I was looking at him as he was right beside me. "What?"

"I-I... Nothing," I said and looked away.

The day passes so fast and it was already evening. We went back to the house and I was surprised when I saw the dress in the living room. There were also a stylist and make-up artists inside the mansion. I looked at him.

"What is this, Mr. Kevin? Why are so many people?" I asked him and he smiles at me.

"I called them to fixed your look," he said and walked.

I scoffed. "I'm already beautiful,"

To be continued...