Chapter 17: The Announcement

They were already doing my make-up. I was looking at myself in the mirror when someone speaks.

"You're so pretty, Ms. Tan," the make-up artist said while looking at me in the mirror.

"Mr. Han, you're fiancé is so pretty," he utter and Mr. Han looked at me and smiles.

"Yes, she is,"

After almost everything is done, we then head out and I saw Mr. Anthon is also dressed up. I smiled at him. "Oh, Mr. Anthon, look at you," I said and he made a turn. We both chuckled at went inside the car.

We were inside the car when he speaks. "You look beautiful today," he whispers and puts the seatbelt on me. I glanced at him as he looks outside the window.

It just took 20 minutes Mr. Anthon drives and we arrived at the place. A tall and golden gate was in front of us. "Woah," I said in amazement.

Mr. Kevin went out ad opens the door for me. I was still amazed by the place. It's very big and luxurious. We were outside the big door. I feel nervous while we were walking inside. All people's eyes were on us. I can never let go of his hands as I can my hands were trembling every time I see all the people inside the venue.

"Sir? Why are they staring at me like that?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Because you're stunning, Ms. Tan," he said and we continue to walk. We were walking when someone calls us.

"Mr. Han? You came," someone said it and I think it's a very familiar voice. We turned around and I saw Mr. Gonzaga, my mom, and my sister. I tighten my grip on Mr. Kevin. He looked at me while he was smiling. He then leans closer to me.

"Don't worry, I'm here beside you," he said.

"Oh, I thought you're alone?" Maya disappointedly asked him.

"No, I'm here with my Fiancé," he said and they were all surprised.

"Ga-" my mom was looking at me.

"Mrs. Gonzaga, by any chance, do you know my fiancé?" Mr. Kevin asked her suddenly.

I was staring at her and she said "No, I didn't know her," I was stunned when I heard it. I was bout to teared up, but Kevin looks at me.

"Let's go?" I nodded and we went inside. We saw Kevin's mother. She was walking towards us.

"Good evening, Ma'am," I greeted her, but she never gives me a response. She looked at Kevin. "Did I said to you that don't take her here," she said angrily to Mr. Kevin. I was surprised when I heard it. I never heard Mr. Kevin told me about that. He never tells me that her mom doesn't want to see me.

"Mom, didn't you remember? She's my fiancé," he said, but his mom walked away and went closer to my mom and Maya. I was looking down when I realized I didn't suit in this place. All of them are rich and I'm the only one who's not rich. "How can someone like me come here?" I asked myself and I didn't notice Mr. Kevin was staring at me.

"I'm sorry you had to hear those words," he said and I just shook my head telling him that's fine. We were at our table when Mr. Kevin's mom was holding the mic and was giving an announcement.

"Thank you everyone for coming. This is a very important day for me. Because today I have a special announcement to everyone," she said and everyone was gossiping about it. Even me, I was curious about her announcement.

"Because today, Maya and Kevin are engaged," she said and I was like... "What? I thought..." I didn't know what to do. Every person inside the venue was cheering for them to both get up on stage. "Why I am here?" I asked myself and I glanced at him.

"What does it mean, Mr. Kevin? I thought..." I stood and he does too.

"Please listen to me, I never knew that my mom will do this," he said and I suddenly teared up while staring at him.

"Who's that girl? Why is she crying in front of Mr. Han? Is she being dumped by him?" I heard other people were talking behind my back. I saw Maya was grinning while looking at me.

I was about to run when Kevin holds my hands, but Maya went closer to him, and I started to walk backward.

"You should never bring me here, Mr. Kevin," I utter and I went out while running away. The crowd was cheering as they were seen together. I was running when Mr. Anthon blocked my way.

"Ms. Tan? Are you okay?" he asked me, but I just continue to run.

Kevin's POV

Ms. Tan walked out. I was about to follow her, but Maya wrapped her hands around me. "I miss you, Kevin," she utters and all I can hear is the crowd cheering on us. I was looking around to find Gaia, but I can't see her anywhere.

"Where is she?" I asked while looking around. I looked at Maya.

"I'm sorry. Let's talk about our thing tomorrow. I have to go now," I said and went out.

"Where are you going, Kevin?" Mom asked me, but I just rolled my eyes while looking at her. I'm so angry at her right now. I went out and saw Mr. Anthon outside.

"Mr. Han? What happened back there?" he asked me and all I do is sighed. "Where is Ms. Tan?" I asked him.

"She runs away, Sir. I was about to follow her, but she wanted to be alone," he answered.

"Let's go home now," I said and went inside the car. I leaned my head in the car seat when I remember how she looked at me earlier.

"Why I'm feeling this way now? Why do I feel like-- she's something to me," I confusingly said to myself.

I went straight to my room. This day is the worst day for me. I keep sighing while looking at the ceiling. "Why she's not back yet?" I asked and looked at my phone.

It was already on the news. "Maya's engaged with me," I uttered while looking at the article written and it gone viral.

I was closing my eyes when I heard someone opens the door from downstairs. I immediately got up and went down. I saw Gaia went inside and she looked at me without any emotions. I walked closer to her, but she avoided me and walked in the opposite direction.

"Ms. Tan, we need to talk," I said.

She never looked back. "Let's not talk about it, Sir. I need to rest," she said and started to walk upstairs.

She stopped. "And by the way, I'm quitting my job tomorrow," she added and went up. I was surprised when I hear it. "Why did she have to quit?" I walked to follow her.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Are you--" she stopped and looked at me.

"You make me look like a fool, Mr. Kevin. That's my sister and my mom, but I was humiliated in front of them. How I'd wish I never go there," she said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know my mo--"

"That's enough. I'm quitting my job anyway," she said, but I hold her hands.

"You can't leave just like that," I said.

"And why?" she asked me, but I can't answer her.

"Ah, now I know. Is it because you can't use me anymore? I know you're using me for the very first time. Why are you playing with my feelings anyway? You knew I like you, but you just take advantage of that and I'm suddenly your fiancé," she said while tearing up.

I was about to touch her, but she avoided me. "You don't have to worry about me. I hope you don't give me a motive so that I don't have to hope anymore. You give those motives, but you never meant it. You're so mean, Mr. Kevin," she said while sobbing.

I fold my fists and went closer to her. I pulled her towards me. "I don't know what to say this, but I need you," I said sincerely while staring at her. She looked away and scoffed.

"You just need me, but you don't like me. You just want me because you need me," I was speechless. She's right. I have nothing special feelings towards her. It's just a relationship between employee and boss.

"Just don't quit," I said.

"I want to and you can't ever decide on what I chose," she said and I scoffed.

"Alright, fine," I said and went to my room. I don't her anymore. She can leave now. I don't want to see her face ever again. I closed my eyes as I was in my bed. I can't even imagine this thing happened because of that announcement.

I sighed when my phone rings. "Hello? Maya?"

"Mr. Han, I would like to meet you tomorrow. I have something important to say," she said.

"Okay, I'll be there,"

To be continued...

Help me to win this competition.