Chapter 18 : I found her

I was in my room. I never imagine that would happen in front of my family. My mom abandoned me again and I was with Mr. Kevin. "He's playing with my feelings all along," I said and I was covering my face with my pillow.

Tears slowly dripping from my eyes. I don't know, but what I know right now is that I'm hurt. I was packing my things. I decided to quit my work now. I have to find a new job that suits me well.

It was 5 am when I went out of my room- carrying my bags and luggage. I was on the stairs when I saw Mr. Kevin was already in the living room. I continue to walk down and I saw him looking at me.

"Sir, I--"

"What are you doing? You can't leave like this," he said in anger. I looked at him and he stood walking towards me. I was staring at him as he was in front of me already.

"Why are you quitting right now?" he asked me.

"I don't want to talk about this again, Sir. I have to go now, I'm sorry. I also left some notes on the fridge. Check them when you're free," I said and walked.

"Are you really leaving me?" he asked me again.

"Yes, I can't handle someone like you. You're such a cold person. No one will dare to live with you because of you're attitude," I uttered and went out.

I know I'm a bit harsh, but I did all that I want to say. I don't want to regret it again because I don't do and say what I want. I want to live normally again I sighed and I was walking when I saw Mr. Anthon outside. I looked at him when I open the gate.

"Mr. Anthon? Why are you here this early?" I asked him.

"I heard you're quitting now that's why I'm here to assist Mr. Kevin," he said and I was a bit guilty leaving him all alone. I know he had some issues with his health, but I can't let someone plays with my feelings.

"I'm sorry for leaving like this, Mr. Anthon. I hope you'll take care of him. I have to go now," I said and I was about to walk when he speaks.

"Mr. Kevin had no idea about that announcement. He never knew his mom's plan. He will never play with your feelings, because of what I see... He likes you too," he said and I was stunned while looking at him.

"Mr. Kevin never cared a woman before, but he cares when you came into his life. He trusted you so much. He never smiles like he smiles when you're around. He always gives us cold and empty expressions, but you changed him. You give something to him, you give happiness to him, Ms. Tan. I'm not saying this to make you stay, but I just want you to know that Mr. Kevin is a good person," he said.

I was inside a condo unit. I rented this as I have enough savings to rent one. I was sitting beside the window when I remember what Mr. Anthon said to me. I know he's a good person, but why did I leave him like this? I never let him explain his side. I sighed as I felt guilt inside me, but I have to stand for my decision. I have to find a new job and forget everything about him.

I slowly closed my eyes as I was sleepy. These past few days gives me headaches. I wonder how and why Mr. Kevin cares for me.

Kevin's POV

I went out as I saw Mr. Anthon outside. I was sad about Gaia's departure, but I never blame her for making such decisions. I sighed.

"Let's go to Maya, Mr. Anthon," I said and went inside the car. I was still thinking about her. I shook my head to forget about her, but I can't. I'm too worried. "Where could she be?" I asked myself.

"We're here, Mr. Kevin," he said and we're outside Maya's condo. I went out. I called Maya and after a few minutes, she came out-- waving her hands with a broad smile on her face when she saw me.

I was staring at her, but I can't feel it. I think she's not the one I'm looking for. I guess it was a different person. "She's the one," I said and I didn't notice she was in front of me.

"Mr. Han, glad you came," she said and we went inside. We're inside her condo together with Mr. Anthon. She smiles. "I finally found you," she said and I looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

"I was looking for that boy back then. The boy who's with me. When I got kidnapped," she said and I can see the sad expression painted on her face. I continue to listen to her stories and I was surprised when all of that is true. "I think she is that girl," I said.

"I will let you see my scar today to prove to you that girl is me," she said and she slowly ties her hair and shows us her scar on her neck. I was shocked. Maya and Gaia had the same scar on their neck.

"Do you believe in me now?" she asked me and I smiled at her.

"I guess you are that girl," I said and smiles at her.

"Yes, I was happy when they arranged for us to get married. I then began to take research and I found out something that you're looking for that girl. I couldn't believe that was you back then," she said.

"I want to say thank you for all you've done to me back then. I want to pay for it. Thank you for saving me," I uttered and she smiles.

"That's not a big deal, Mr. Han. We can get to know more each other now. We're now at the perfect age to get married. Why? I thought you were looking for me because you were going to--"

"I have enough today, Ms. Gonzaga. I have to go now," I said and we went out.

"Mr. Anthon, do you think she's that girl?" I asked him.

"Why Sir? You still don't believe her? Is there something bothering you?" he asked me.

I shake my head and walked. I went back inside the car and sighed. "I guess I have to stop looking for that girl, cause I found her now," I said.

We were in the office. I was typing on my computer when I suddenly...

"Ms. Tan, can you pleas--" I sighed as I forgot she quit. I stop and massages my head.

"You okay, Mr. Kevin?" he asked. I nod my head and lean it on my swivel chair. I was looking up when I remember her again. She never gets out of my mind. "What is she doing to me?" I confusingly asked myself when I always see her every time and everywhere I go.

I closed my eyes while I was thinking about Ms. Gonzaga. "Is she the one I'm looking for?" I asked myself again. I sighed and I finally decided to meet Ms. Maya again.

Coffee Shop

We're sitting in the corner. Maya is a famous actress and she doesn't want to get caught by the paparazzi. She was wearing her shades as she was looking at me.

"What are we going to talk about, Mr. Han?" she breaks the silence that surrounds us.

"I want to get you more," I said and I can see the happiness on her face.

"I'm glad you're having an interest in me now. Thank you," she said and removes her shades.

"I'm so glad I found you now, Mr. Han," she utters with a wide smile on her face.

I smiled at her and exhales. "I still don't agree on that marriage, but I want to know more about you," I said and she nods her head.

We were talking when someone enters the coffee shop and it was Gaia. She was wearing formal attire while holding a folder. I guess she's applying for a new job now.

She was about to go out when Maya called her.

"Gaia!" she calls her and she looked at us. A surprised expression was drawn on her face. Maya went closer to her. "I guess you two broke up, right? Because Mr. Han just realizes you're just nothing," she said and I was just silent while looking at them.

She scoffed. "I don't want you're saying, but you're wrong. We have never broken up. It's just we have a little quarrel about something. Am I right, darling?" she said and I was surprised. I chuckles and looked at her.

Maya looked at me. "Is it true, Mr. Han?" she asked me surprisingly.

"Yes," I answered.

"But-- Why did you said you're going to know me more? I thought I was something special?" she asked in anger.

"I didn't mean to give motive about that. I just want to know you more and to talk about the happening in the past years," I said and she was about to talk when Gaia speaks.

"You know what, Ms. Maya. You must keep your distance from him if you don't want to regret what I'll do to you," she said bravely and all I can do is chuckles while looking at her.

"She's so cool,"

To be continued...