Chapter 22 : She's missing

We were inside the car when I hear him sighed. I looked at him and smiles. "You'll find out it soon, don't worry too much," I said to him while smiling at him. He nods and Mr. Anthon started to drive. He was looking at me when I looked at him also.

"Hmm? Is there any problem, Mr. Han?" I asked him.

"It's just--" I looked at him while frowning.

"What is it, Mr. Han?"

"You're breath-taking," he said and I was astonished.

I couldn't move because of what he said. I was shocked.

He smiled as he looked at me but I immediately averted my gaze.

I immediately got out of his car.

"Thank you for giving me a ride," I thanked him. I was about to leave when suddenly he spoke.

He said, "That's just a small thing for you my Fiance," he said which surprised me and my eyes widened. I just ignore that and went inside the condo.

I turn on the lights and I was astonished when I saw a woman inside my condo. It was Kevin's mother. I was surprised and shocked why she's here inside my house. I thought she left.

"Madam? Why are you here?" I asked her, but she grins evilly and signals someone to went closer to me.

"W-what are you doing to me. Let me go," I shouted, but he's too strong.

He started to put tape on my mouth. He then tied me with a rope. I make some noises, but I can't be heard because of the tape on my mouth. Kevin's mom then took my phone and I remember I don't have a password and she then opens it. I shook my head while looking at her.

"Get rid of her for me," my eyes widened when she said that. The man then pulled me towards the door. He then carries me towards the car and she puts something on me for me to feel sleepy.

When I woke up, I was at the end of a cliff. The wind hit my face so hard that I couldn't even see their faces because my hair keeps coming forward towards my eyes.

"What are they doing to me?" I asked myself while I was watching them. I saw Kevin's mother went inside the car and left. "What did I do to her? Why she hates me so much?" I asked again, but I went back to my senses when someone carries me to stood. I looked at him badly.

I can see the beach in front of me. The strong waves I'm seeing right now, I began to tremble.

The man looks at me and I can feel he was forced to do this. I shook my head while looking at him. "Please don't do this," I utter inside my head while looking at him. My eyes started to teared up.

He looked at me and sighed. "I'm sorry, Miss but I have to do this," he said and he pushes me towards the end of the cliff. My eyes widened while I was floating in the air.

Splash! I'm underwater now. I try to free myself, but I can't. My mouth was also taped. My hands were tied. The last thing I knew is, I'm sinking in the deep blue ocean.

Kevin's POV

I frowned while receiving a text message from her. "What is this?" I confusingly asked myself while reading the message.

"Don't ever bother me again, Mr. Kevin. Let's up what we have now," that was from her message. I didn't get it, we're fine earlier, but she's acting weird again. I dialed her number, but she hung up.

"How dare she hung up on me," I irritatedly utter while I redial her number.

"The number you dialed is unattended, please try again later," I sighed and turn off my phone.

I was inside my room while drying my hair, still, I couldn't take my mind off her. She's weird. I feel something had happened. I went to my laptop and just ignore her. I was busy typing a document for a proposal when I received a call from Ms. Gonzaga.

"Hello? Mr. Han? Are you available tonight?" she asked me over the phone.

"I'm kinda busy right now. Why?"

"Ah, I see. I just want to invite you for dinner," she said. I sighed.

"Okay, I'll come. Text me the address," I said and end the call.

I put my jacket on and went to the address she sent me. I have to go to forget about Ms. Tan. I have to take her off my mind right now. After a 20 minutes ride, I arrived at the venue.

"Mr. Han!" she happily uttered while waving her hands at me. I smiled and went closer to her.

"Is that Actress Maya?" I heard some of them said and was about to take pictures when I stopped them.

"That's invading her privacy," I said and they look at me.

"What are you saying?" they asked me.

"You're invading her privacy. You can't take photos without permission, you know that right?" I said to them.

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry," I sighed and walked towards Ms. Gonzaga. She was smiling when I sat down.

"Is there any problem, Ms. Gonzaga?" I asked her, but she shook her head.

"I'm just happy how you protect my image," she said.

"I just did what's right," I said and she then orders the food.

We were in the middle of our meal when her phone rings. She scoffed and it looks like she's annoyed. "Hello? What is it?" she asked. I was looking at her when I noticed the scar on her neck was gone. I looked closely, but she then stood.

"Excuse me for a sec," she said and walked. I was frowning while thinking about her scar. "Where is it? I'm sure it was there," I said and still thinking about the scar on her neck.

She was not back yet and I suddenly remember Ms. Tan. I looked at my phone, but there's nothing text from her. "What is she doing? What's happening to her?" I confusingly asked myself and dialed her number. She's still unreachable.

I was about to redial her number when Ms. Gonzaga was back at our table. "I'm sorry I take too long," she said and I noticed she tied her hair and I saw her scar.

"W-what? I'm sure I didn't see it earlier. How come it was there now?" I asked while looking at her.

"Is there something bothering you, Mr. Han?" she asked.

"Nothing," we continue to finish our meal.

After the meal, we parted ways. I was driving when I remember Ms. Tan again. I was thinking I should go to her condo right now to find out what really happened to her. I take a U-turn and speed up.

I was in front of the condo. I went out immediately and take the elevator to went to her condo unit. I was knocking on her door.

"Ms. Tan! Please open up! We need to talk!" I uttered while knocking on the door. I heard she was coming to the door and when it opens, I saw something else. She was smiling at me.

"Hey, handsome. You looking for me?" she asked and I looked at the room number and it was the exact number, but she's not here. "Maybe she's gone for good?" I asked myself with confusion.

"Handsome? Who are you looking for?" she asked me.

"Ah, I'm looking for the woman who lived here before. Where is she?" I asked.

"Ah, Ms. Gaia?" she said and I nodded.

"She left already. She was in a hurry when she left," she said and I was surprised.

"She left?" I asked in surprise. She nods while looking at me.

"Why are you looking for her, by the way?" she asked again.

"I just have something to tell her," I said and thanked her before I left.

I was inside the car with disappointment. "How come she's gone? Why didn't she said goodbye to us?" I annoyingly asked while folding my fists and punch the steering wheel. I sighed and looked back at the condo before I start driving.

I was in my room as I put my jacket on my bed. I'm pissed off as I wanted to see her. To hear her voice. I dialed Mr. Anthon's number.

"Mr. Anthon. I have a mission for you. Find Ms. Tan for me," I said and ended the call. I went to bed and closes my eyes. "I'll be able to find her tomorrow, I just need to rest,"

The sunlight hits my eyes causes me to wake up. I get up and went out inside my room. "Ms. Tan is the breakfast rea--" I stopped as I realized she quit her work. I went downstairs, but--



"Sir Kevin? I have news about Ms. Tan," Mr. Anthon said. I was starting to feel nervous while listening to him.

"Why? Did something happened to her?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir. We found her," my eyes widened.

"I'm coming right now,"

To be continued...