Chapter 23: New Acquaintance

Kevin was in a hurry when he drives where Mr. Anthon sends him the address. Mr. Anthon is with the search and rescue team. They have found a body and it was confirmed that it was Gaia's body.

A loud noise was heard from afar and it was Kevin. He then went out of his car and run towards Mr. Anthon.

"Where is she?" he asked worriedly while looking around. Mr. Anthon sighed and looked at him. "I'm sorry, Sir, but we found her... dead," he utters and Kevin's eyes widened. He shook his head and looked around.

"That's absurd, where is the body? I want to see it," he shouts and all people around them were looking at him. Kevin was looking at the corpse in front of him.

"What happened to her?" he asked Anthon.

He takes a deep breath while telling him. "She was raped. The rapist then burn her alive and thrown her to the ocean," he said and Kevin couldn't stop himself from tearing up.

"This can't be. This is just a dream. I knew it. This is just a dream," he utters.

"Sir, this isn't a dream, " Anthon said and he went back to his senses. He then kneeled down while looking at her. Tearing up in front of her. "Why! Why did you not tell me!" he shouted angrily as he was blaming himself for what happened.

"Find the man who did this to her," Kevin utters to Anthon. Anthon nodded and they went out. They headed back to the mansion.

After that day, Kevin went back to being cold. He never communicates with other people except for Anthon. His weird illness gets back again. The moment Gaia left, he went back to his normal life. The life he doesn't want to have.

Back then, Kevin would often say he didn't need anyone in his life but Gaia's sudden demise left him with a deep wound. He never expected things would turn out this way if he only knew, he would not have tortured the girl anymore and he would have been good to her.

He was smiling when he remembers the first time they meet. Suddenly his sweet smile was erased from his lips when he realizes the girl was gone.

Kevin let out a deep sigh as he thought of the girl.

"I would have been good to her,"

The next day, Kevin entered his office but he could hear every whisper of his employees. He stopped and looked at them who also avoided looking at him.

"Get back to work! All of you!" Kevin shouted at them.

"Yes, Sir!" his employees replied.

On the other hand, a woman was found by a male fisherman.

"Ma'am, is it okay? Ma'am, please wake up!" said the man and immediately approached the maiden to look at her wrist. He was checking her pulse, but there's none. His eyes immediately widened when he had found out the woman in front of him is dead.

The nurse was checking her vital signs and continue to save her. The fisherman was hoping they could save her. He was praying outside the Operating room. "Please save that girl," he utters while closing his eyes. He can see the nurses and doctors were coming inside the Operating room. He was nervous, knees were shaking while waiting for them to come out.

After a 3 hours operation, a doctor came out. He then stood. "How is she doc?" he asked.

"Are you her father?" the doctor asked him. The fisherman couldn't tell him directly as he just saw her on the shore without life.

"No, I'm just her uncle," the man said.

"We're so lucky we saved her, but we need to examine her for further test," the doctor said before leaving.

The fisherman enters the woman's room. He was now looking at the woman lying on the hospital bed. "What's wrong with you beautiful lady and why did you end up like that?" he asked as he was facing the woman. He sighed and was about to walk when she speaks.

"Where am I?" he was surprised and looked back at her. Her eyes were open and she looked around. "Who are you? Where am I?" she said and crosses her arms to wrap her body.

"No, I didn't do something to you, I was the--"

"Get out here!" she shouts and the nurses went inside.

"What's happening here?"

"Where am I? Who am I? Did you know where I came from?" she utters and the man was surprised.

"Amnesia, she had an amnesia," the doctor said to the fisherman who found the lady.

"We didn't found anything on her. No id for her identification, but you said you're her uncle right?" the doctor asked him.

He clears his throat as he knew he just made up that lie. "Actually, I just found her on the shore. I was about to go fishing when I found her," the doctor nodded.

"Then we have no other choice, but you will watch after her. She can't stay here for long as many people were waiting for a vacancy. I hope you'll take care of her," the doctor said and went to her room.

"Miss? Are you okay? What do you feel right now?" the doctor asked her, but she just hugged him. "You're here," she utters while hugging the doctor. Doctor Zack was shocked when she hugged him.

He smiles and taps her head. "Are you feeling okay now?" the woman nodded and looked at him. "Can you bring me home now?" she asked him.

"Huh? W-what?"

"I'll bring you home now," the fisherman said.

"W-what? Who are you?" she asked.

"She's your uncle, Miss," the doctor said to her. She shook her head. "I don't want to leave in this place. Please help me out," she said.

The girl is scared, she doesn't know who and where she is but to the doctor in front of her now she feels relaxed as if they have a connection with each other. The girl was still looking at the doctor as she blinked her eyes twice.

The doctor did not know and could not explain how he felt while looking at his female patient. As he stared at her it seemed as if someone was telling him to take care and protect her.

"I don't know why I feel this way, but I know if a heart rate is this fast, it means I have a complication or I may be sick. I'm a doctor and even once I haven't felt it, but with her. I only felt it with her. Every time she looks at me there is a strange return to my body, "said the doctor while still focusing on the girl.

"Doc? Are you all right? "The girl asked the doctor who was now immediately back to sanity. He just nodded at the woman and smiled.

"I'll take care of her," he said to the fisherman who rescued the woman. The woman thanked the fisherman who rescued her. The fisherman immediately left her room.

The doctor and the woman with amnesia were left inside. She struggles to remember who and where she came from but no information enters her mind.

A deep sigh she let out. "I feel like something is missing in my life," she said and the doctor heard it.

"Maybe it's because of the memories you lost so you feel that way. It will come back soon, don't worry. You will remember everything soon. I have to go now, take some rest," he said and was immediately let out of the room.

The woman's head rested on her bed as she watched the doctor leave.

"He's handsome," she said and restrained herself because she knew her cheeks were already red by that time.

Since Gaia's memory fades she has become more cheerful and she can show her true self. She can't even remember who and where she came from but she knows and she feels that she is happy with her new self.

The girl was very anxious while waiting for the doctor arrived. She was already smiling as she straightened her hair and even put a hairpin on the side,

"Doc? What do you want to call me?" she yielded in a seductive tone and grinned. She was looking at the mirror when the door suddenly opens. She quickly went towards the door and grinned.

"Doc? I'm okay, you don't need to check me anymore," she said happily while smiling broadly in front of the doctor.

The doctor just laughed at her behavior. "Do you feel pain? Like headaches?" the doctor asked and she shook her head.

The doctor just nodded while looking at the paper he was holding. He was about to leave when Gaia suddenly spoke.

"Doc, didn't you notice?" she asked the doctor in frustration. The doctor looked at her with a frown.

"What do you mean?" she immediately pouts and turns around. "No, I don't-"

The doctor leans towards her and whispers "You look beautiful," he said before leaving. When Gaia heard the door close, she was holding her cheeks as she can feel that it was hot and it turns red.

"He said, I'm beautiful,"

To be continued...