Chapter 24: Her new persona

Gaia has been released from the hospital. She no longer knew where she was going but she reminded the doctor. "He said he would help me," she uttered as she nodded her head. She immediately went to the doctor's office. She knocked twice before entering the office.

The doctor was not inside when the girl entered. She roamed around but she still couldn't see the doctor. She kept looking inside as she walked slowly.

While walking inside the office she saw a picture frame with a woman. Gaia stared intently at the photo in the frame, she could see the doctor's joy while the woman was in the photo. Gaia was about to take it when the door suddenly opened.

"What are you doing here?" the doctor asked in shock and just looked at Gaia. "What are you doing here?" the doctor asked in shock and just looked at Gaia.

Gaia's eyes widened as she looked at the doctor. She immediately smiled and approached the doctor. She just stared as her eyes shone as she stared at the doctor.

"I'm looking for you and--"

"Why did you touch my things?! You shouldn't be here," he said in an angry tone which makes Gaia surprised and hurt. She was looking at the doctor when her eyes went teary.

"I'm sorry," she said and immediately run away from him. Gaia runs as tears drop in her eyes. She couldn't explain how she felt but all she knew was that she was hurt by what the doctor said. She was expecting them to be friends but she was wrong.

She stopped running and immediately sat down in a chair in the back of the hospital. She closed her eyes as she sighed.

"I thought we're friends, but we weren't," a deep breath she let out as she lay down on the chair. She was looking up and she didn't realize that she had fallen asleep.

While Gaia was sleeping in the chair, the doctor was busy looking for her. He searched everywhere, but he still could not find the girl.

"Doc, we found her," a nurse said to the doctor. Immediately and quickly he went to where the girl was. When he sees her he feels relieved.

"Thank you, you can go back inside,"

"Yes, doc,"

The doctor walks towards the woman. He was just looking at the girl as she fell asleep. Its white color and red lips caught his attention. He was still staring at the woman's face when it suddenly moved because the sunlight hit her face.

The doctor lifted his hand and puts it above her face to prevent the sunlight from hitting her face. A smile became the reaction of the sleepy Gaia. The doctor also smiled as he looked at her.

Gaia sees a man in her dream. The man frowned as he looked at her. She also frowned. "What's wrong with this guy? Why is he frowning and seems angry at me?" Gaia asked herself in astonishment.

"Why are you here!" the angry question of the man in front of her now. She shook her head. "I didn't do anything," she replied.

"What's wrong! What's this ?!" the man showed her medicine and she suddenly fell to the floor. Gaia's eyes widened as she looked at the man.

"What are you doing!" a woman she saw. The woman came close to the man's body.

"I didn't do anything," she uttered but the woman looked at her.

"You killed him!" its cry to him. Gaia immediately covered her ears so that she could not hear what the woman was saying.

"You killed him!" it echoed in every corner of that place. Gaia felt dizzy and she then woke up.

"No!" its cry and he immediately saw the doctor by his side.

"Doc? What are you doing here?" Gaia asked the doctor in shock.

"I wanted to say sorry," he said while looking at Gaia. She was surprised. "What are you saying?" she asked the doctor again.

"I'm sorry for--"

"It's okay. You don't have to say sorry. It doesn't hurt anyway," she lied to herself even though it really hurts.

The doctor smiled at what he said. "Well, I thought you were mad at me," he grinned at the woman. Gaia couldn't believe what she heard. "Yes, I'm really angry! I'm so annoyed right now! How can he be such a sweet talker?" she said in her mind as she looked at the man.

"Are we good then?" the doctor asked her as he held out his hand towards the maiden.

Gaia smiled and immediately reached for the man's hand as well.

"I'm Zack Hitler," the doctor introduced the girl. Gaia just gives him a sad expression.

"I don't remember mine," Gaia said and looked away from the doctor.

"Hey, we can make a name for you. You can forget it when you remember yours," the doctor said happily to Gaia. She nodded her head while looking at the doctor.

The doctor thinks of a name for Gaia. He smiled broadly as he looked at Gaia.

"Zoe," he said and the woman immediately looked at him.

"Zoe?" he asked and the doctor nodded.

"It means, Fighter. I thought of that name for you because you are a fighter and survivor," he said to the girl.

"The name has a good meaning and he chose that for me," she uttered in her mind. Smiling she stared at the doctor.

"Let's go," the woman stared blankly at the doctor. "Where?"

"To my house, I promised to help you right?" Gaia's cheek is red now. Her heart beats so fast while looking at him. He's too perfect. She's not Gaia anymore. She has a different persona and this is Zoe Williams.

Kevin was stressed out lately. She misses Gaia's meanness to him. He misses everything about her. The way she smiles, the way she gets annoyed and irritated. He misses it all. He sighed and looked up.

"Why do I feel like she's still alive?" he asked himself as if he was going crazy with the thought of the woman who had passed away.

"Mr. Han? You have a visitor," said Mr. Anthon and immediately admits the guest he says.

It was Maya. She looked at Kevin and smiled. They went to the sofa and sat down.

"What brings you here?" he asked Maya.

Maya sighed and gives him a sad expression. "I heard my sister--" she couldn't continue what she was going to say when she suddenly burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't do anything to save her from the one who did it to her," she cried. Kevin looked at her and pat her back.

"No one is at fault. You don't have to blame yourself," he said, and Maya grins evilly while he's not looking.

"Gaia deserves to disappear. It's the right thing that she's gone from Kevin's life. Kevin's mine," she said to herself.

She was very angry with Gaia because she knew that Gaia would have an advantage in everything. Gaia is brave unlike her, she's weak. She wanted Gaia to take down and asked for her help, but all she does is try her best not to ask for help. She's so pissed off. She just wanted Gaia to be gone forever.

"Thank you, Mr. Han. I have nothing else to tell about my griefs," she said.

"It's okay. It's no big deal, but I have to work now. You must go," he said and Maya nodded.

She left Kevin's office but Kevin is still thinking about Ms. Gaia. He had this guts that she's still alive.

He immediately admitted Mr. Anthon inside. "Mr. Anthon I want you to investigate what happened to Gaia. I don't believe she's dead," he said to Anthon's surprise.

"But Sir, we have already seen the corpse of-"

"I know and I think it wasn't her. I wanted you to investigate it secretly," he uttered and Anthon nodded.

They have reached the doctor's house. Zoe's reaction was amazed when she saw the doctor's huge condo unit.

"Do you really live here?" Zoe asked the doctor. The doctor just nodded and Zoe immediately walked around inside. The doctor's clean and tidy condo caught her attention. She didn't know that there was such a man who looked like a woman when it came to cleaning.

"How unbelievable," she utters when she looked around the house.

"What is it?" he asked. She then went to the doctor and smiled.

"You're house is so clean. I thought you never had time to clean your place because you're a doctor, but I was wrong. You're the opposite," she complimented.

"Yes, I'm not as bad as you think," he said.

They both chuckle.

"By the way, where can I sleep? I want to sleep on a soft mattress with the soft blanket on" Zoe said as if she was imagining her bed but the doctor suddenly remembered that there was only one room inside his condo unit. He gulped.

"You can sleep on the sofa," he coldly said.

Zoe pouts while looking at him. "Okay, I will," she disappointedly said and went to the sofa and lay down.

"I will buy another bed when I go shopping," he said and the girl immediately stood up.

"Shopping? Let's go," she said happily and walked towards the door but the doctor just laughed at her.

"What are you laughing at?" she asked.

"I said if I go shopping, but today, I'm exhausted. I'm not going,"

"Ah, I see,"

To be continued...

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