Chapter 31: Looks like her

Maya felt a headache when she opened her eyes. As she was opening her eyes she sees an unfamiliar room.

She rolled her eyes, surveying the room, and immediately looked at herself.

Her clothes didn't change, she feels relieved while looking at herself. She can smell she stinks, the alcohol smell was still on her body. She went to the bathroom and looked at herself.

"Gosh, I look so terrible,"

She was out of the bathroom when she saw Kevin. She's stunned while looking at him. She gulped twice, she can't let Kevin see her like this. She turned around and fixed herself.

"Kev? W-what are you doing here?" she asked.

Kevin was looking at her, frowning, "Didn't you remember what happened last night?"

Maya then remembers what she did last night, she's embarrassed in front of him. She was covering her face while turning her back at him.

"It's alright, you don't have to cover your face. Let's go down and eat breakfast," he said before he left the room. Maya was touched by what Kevin had done to her. She was smiling while looking at his back.

"He's too sweet, how can I not fall for him?"

She then heads down with a smile on her face.

A paparazzi caught Maya at the bar. She was typing at her laptop to spread rumors about her. She had been a supporter and fan of Maya, she wanted Maya to be the top searched every day. She wanted to see her idol's name on top searches.

She smirked evilly, "I'm about to upload it, Ms. Maya. Wait for it and you'll be the top searched again. I love you a lot,"

People were shocked by what they discovered.

The article that Maya was mention is about her bad habit of drinking alcohol.

Comments like 'How can an actress be like this? "

"I'm so annoyed why I stan and support this kind of woman,"

"Maybe, Mr. Kevin didn't really know about this," they murmur as they were reading the article.

It went trending on that day, Maya had no clue until she took her phone and turn it on.

"70 missed calls?" she was surprised when she opens it.

Ring ...

"Excuse me, I have to take this,"

"Hello? Where are you?" her manager asked.

"Ah, yes. I'm at Kevin's house," she replied.

"Didn't you know you've gone viral again because someone saw you at the bar? What were you thinking, Maya? Have you gone mad?" she was speechless and clueless.

After finding out about that article, she was annoyed and mad at the same time.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked her.

She looked at Kevin, "Yes. I am. I have to go now, thank you for-"

"Don't mention it. Next time, you didn't want to get caught, you better protect your image and stay at home," Kevin said coldly at her.

She was at her car, feeling annoyed at Kevin. "How can she say that to me? I thought he's worried at me?"

Aliah was looking at the news about her daughter.

"They didn't know what really happens. How could they say that to her?" Aliah said as she was worried about her daughter.

"Sir? The company had been affected because of Ms. Maya's issue," Anthon said.

"I know," he replied and sighed.

It was about a month when Zoe haven't seen Kevin. She was happy with Zack, but she feels empty. Someone keeps saying to her that she should go and talk to Kevin. There's a desire that she wanted to see him.

"Zoe? Are you coming?" the doctor asked her and she nods.

They were going to a place where the hospital is unreachable. To the provinces. Zoe was leaning her head at the seat she was sitting in when she keeps seeing Kevin's face in front of her.

"What do you want!" she shouted.

Zack looks at her, "Why? What did you say?"

"No, nothing,"

When they arrived at the place, the smiling children immediately greeted the doctor as they ran towards them.

"Welcome back, Doctor Zack," they utter.

Smiling, Zoe watched the children as Zack stroked her hair.

"Doc? Who is she?" one of the children asked him.

Zack looked at Zoe, "She's-"

'Doctor Zack, welcome back!" a woman hugged Zack. She was happy as she hugged the doctor.

"Aunty, how have you been?" Zack asked.

"I'm fine and healthy right now. But I have-"

The woman gasped while looking at Zoe. Zoe was frowning while looking at her.

"You! You look exactly like her," she utters. Zoe was confused.

"Who? Who are you talking to, Ma'am?"

"Doctor Zack's girlfriend," she said.

Zoe was surprised. She even blinks her eyes as she heard it.

"Ah, I remember. She's right, you look exactly like her, but you will never replace her," someone said which causes Zoe to get hurt.

She still smiles, "I didn't come here to-"

"Kids, you can go back now. We will be going to rest for a bit," Zack said.

Zoe couldn't believe what she just heard. She looked at the doctor and rolled her eyes. She started to walk, as the doctor follows.

"Why! Why didn't you tell me? Do I look like her?" she asked.

"Yes, you do, but I didn't-"

"Stop! I don't want to hear your explanation. I know, I know I can't replace her place, but why? Why did you bring me here? Why!"

It was evening, but Zoe didn't talk to him. She's mad and decided to ignore him. Zack was looking at her as she was eating the food that was prepared by the people around the place.

After the meal, Zoe decided to go to her room. She opens the wooden window for the wind to come in. She looks at the stars as it shines so bright at the sky.

"Did you see her?"


"The woman who's with Doc,"

"Ah, yes I saw her. She looks exactly like her right?"

"Yeah, so maybe Doc liked her because of their resemblance in faces, but the character, they really differ on that. Doc brought here was very different,"

"Yeah, she's not socializing with the people around her,"

"How rude of her,"

That's what the women outside were talking about as they didn't notice that Zoe heard it all.

Unstoppable tears trickled down Zoe's eyes. She didn't know what to do at that minute. All she wanted was for her to get out of this place. She wanted to go to a place where she can relax and not hear people's false rumors about her.

Sunlight caused Zoe to open her eyes.

She was yawning while she was getting up. She heard someone laughing. She opens her eyes slowly and she then saw children were looking at her.

She smiles, "Good morning, children,"

"Hahaha," they all laughed.

Zoe had no clue that the children draws something on her face, a beard indeed.

"Is there something on my face?" she asked.

"Yes, there is a beard on your face and you didn't look like her anymore. That suited you well," the kid replied and they all laughed.

Zoe didn't know why she was in tears at what the child said. She couldn't stop herself from crying. She wiped her tears and Zack came inside.

"What are you-" he stopped when he sees Zoe crying while the kids laughed.

"What did you do to him?" Zack asked.

"We just want to change her face. We don't want them to look alike. It's better for her to have a mustache," he replied.

She's just looking down while the kid and Zack are talking. Zack was about to touch her. She looked at him, "Don't come near me,"


Zoe runs away. She was running, didn't know where her feet would be bound to go. She's just following her feet, where it leads. She was in tears while running. Her chest hurts and so does her head.

She stops running as she feels she was out of breath. She was panting and sat down on the green grass. "Why would they be so rude to me? Is it my fault that I look like that woman? Is it my fault that-" she could not continue what she was going to say when her tears suddenly flowed. Every drop of it had a corresponding painful word that the children said to him.

She was about to walk when she saw Zack was in front of her already. She looked at him, "I want to go home, Doc,"

Zack was surprised, "Why? I thought you like to-"

"I thought of that too. I thought that I was special to you, Zack. It turns out, I'm just a rebound for that girl,"

"I didn't-"

"I hate it,"


"I hate it when I can't explain why I'm feeling this way for you even if, I'm not important to you," tears drips from her eyes.

"You don't understand, Zoe,"

"Then, why? Why did you bring me here? For me to recognize me as your girlfriend even tho, I'm not,"

"What I meant to you, Doc?" she added while looking directly into his eyes.

The doctor was speechless.

"I know, I know I didn't mean to you at all. Thank you for helping me. I... I promise not to bother you anymore,"

Zoe was about to walk when Zack pulls her towards him.

He kissed her.

To be continued...