Chapter 32: Confession

Zoe and Zack are back in town. People look at the two of them, especially at Zoe. She was looking at them, avoiding having eye contact with them.

"Kids, you have something to tell her, right?" the children immediately bowed.

"We're sorry," Zoe was shocked at what she heard. She was now looking at the children with their heads bowed.

She smiles, "That's okay,"

Because of the issue about Maya, Kevin's company was affected. He can't focus on his work.

"Do you want me to call her?" Anthon asked. He looks at Anthon and nods his head.

Maya smiles when she received a call from Kevin's secretary. Even tho she had been stressed about that issue.

She sighed, "Hello?"

"Mr. Han wants to see you,"

"Alright, I'm on my way,"

Maya was inside her van as she was thinking about Kevin. "It's all my fault," she was wearing a sunglasses and cap for her not to recognize by the paparazzi. She was checking and observing the place and was about to go inside when reporters blocked her way.

"Ms. Maya, what can you say about that issue?"

"Is that true?"

"Do you have a bad habit of drinking alcohol?" Maya just covered her face with her hand as she could see and feel every flash that came from the camera.

Anthon went inside Kevin's office as he heard the reporters blocked Maya's way in.

"Sir, the reporters surrounded Ms. Maya outside," Kevin immediately stood up and looked out from the large window in his office. All he can see is ... Maya was running away, but the reporters follow her wherever she goes.

Maya was about to run again when Kevin stops her.

"Mr. Han, are the rumors about her true?" one reporter asked while pointing the mic to Kevin.

"Did you regret marrying a woman like her?" Maya couldn't believe what she heard. She was about to talk when Kevin speaks.

"I don't regret everything. I like her just the way she is," Maya could hear the loud thump of her chest.

Kevin went closer to her, "For me, she's perfect and I didn't wish she would change that habit because of me," he utters.

"How? How can I stop myself from liking him when he does these things to me?" Maya asked while looking at him.

"So please, stop it and leave her alone. Let's go," grabbed her hands and they went inside.

"Woah, Mr. Han is so cool," employees were murmuring while looking at the interview earlier. It's on the news already.

Maya was smiling at Kevin, "Thank you for-"

"I didn't do that for you, I just did that for them to leave the company. You caused a lot of trouble Maya!"

Her eyes went teary, "What? What are you saying? Are you blaming me right now?" she asked unbelievably.

"Yes. Why? It's true, this is all your fault," Kevin said.

She scoffed, "Hey! I didn't-"

"Because of your stupidity, look what happened, Maya. You said you should protect your image but you are the only one destroying yourself because of your reckless actions,"

"Hey! I just made a mistake, Kev. I'm not stupid! Don't you ever said that I'm stupid because I'm not!"

"Then what are you? Tell me what should-"

"Sir," Anthon entered the office.

Maya looks at him, "This is funny. How can Gaia likes you when your attitude is not that attractive. You know what? Your attitude sucks!"

Kevin was surprised. Maya went out in anger. She exhales and smiles when she was looking at the employees.

Maya is already inside the van, she is crying over all the bad things Kevin said to her.

"Why do I even like him? He had bad behavior. Maybe, even dogs can't handle his behavior,"

Maya's manager went inside her van. "What are you doing here, Maya! How can-"

"Enough! I have enough! All of you! All you do is to scold me, can't you just appreciate the things I did and not my mistakes?" she said tearfully.

Her manager handed a handkerchief to her.

She smirked, "I'm canceling the wedding," her manager was surprised.

"But ... I thought you wanted this wedding too?" he asked.

"I made a mistake, I don't want this wedding anymore. I'm canceling it," she replied and left immediately.

Anthon received the message from Maya's manager. Anthon looked at Kevin who now closed his eyes as he massaged his head.


"Not now, Anthon,"

"It's about the wedding," he opens his eyes and looks at Anthon.

"What about that?" he asked.

"Ms. Maya is canceling it," he was stunned.


"She's canceling the wedding, Mr. Han," he said again.

"Call her,"

Anthon was calling her a couple of times, but she's not answering.

"Sir, her manager said she will be having a press conference. She'll be making a special announcement. What should we do?" Anthon asked.

"Let her do that," Kevin replied.


"I know she can't do that. If she will, her image and career, that's will be her end,"

Maya was inside her room when someone knocks.

"Maya? Are you okay?" she heard her mom asked. She was under her blanket and didn't want to answer all her questions.

"J-just leave me alone,"

"I want to-"

"Enough! I don't want to hear it!"

Aliah couldn't do anything but left her alone. Maya was about to sleep when her phone beeps. She then looks at her phone and it was Kevin.

"Okay, do it. Tell everyone that you're canceling the wedding. That's not my loss, Maya. You should think about yourself first before doing such a decision. You're ruining yourself, Maya. Use your head and not your emotions," she was more annoyed at what Kevin had messaged her.

She throws her phone, "Ahh! How can he threaten me like that?"

Morning came, Maya went to Kevin's office. She angrily laid her hand on Kevin's desk.

"How can you treat me like that, Kev? You can't-"

Kevin was smiling, "You can never do that, Maya. You should follow what we talked about. No emotions, no string attached, just business, remember?"

Maya scoffed, "Ah, that. Yes, I tried, but the more I tried, the more I fall. How funny right? You should be laughing at me right now, you should-"

"That's your problem and not mine. Just think about business Maya and nothing else. Set aside your emotions. It makes you weak," she folds her fists while looking at Kevin.

"Then... why did you save me back there? Why did you tell all the reporters about that?"

"It's just an act, Maya. I guess you know that too well because you're an actress. Did I act too well? Should I be an actor too? You told me that I'll be sweet towards you just to protect your image, remember?" Maya was so annoyed at him right now. She was about to teared up.

Anthon was just listening to them as he looks at Maya was already tearing up. "You insisted on this wedding, Maya. You-"

"Enough!" she shouts.

"That's enough!"

Kevin was just looking at her. His eyes narrowed, "Why? Can't you handle how I treated you, Maya? You can back off at that wedding at first, but you insisted. You wanted me so bad and announce the engagement,"

"Mr. Kevin, I'm not having any emotions about this marriage. I just want this to happen to expand both parties," she said.

"I'm glad you know it. I'm glad you know your place. You... You have no place in my heart, Maya. Remember that," Kevin said coldly.

"Yes. I know that" she responds even the aching pain she feels to what Kevin is saying.

"You can leave now," he said.

Maya went out, annoyed. "How can he be this rude?"

"Ms. Maya? Are you okay? Anthon asked her.

She scoffed, "Hey! Don't act that you look concerned because what I know, you're not,"

She walked and went out of the company.

Her manager was inside her van. "I told you not to-"

Maya cried which makes him stop talking. He wanted to comfort her, but how can he? He's just a manager to Maya.

"Maya, there's no use of crying over that guy. He's not worth it,"

She raised her head, "He is,"

Her manager, Ian frowned, "Why? He's hurting you and it makes me angry every time I saw you like this,"

Maya was looking at Ian. "Why are you so concerned about me? You're just my manager!"

"Yes, you're right. I'm just your manager, but what I know, managers are supposed to protect their actresses from anyone,"

"Then, stop it. You're not helping!"

"That! That bad temper of yours. Can't you see the people who truly care for you, Maya? Why can't you?" Maya was surprised while staring at him.

"I... I'm really concerned about you," he said.

"Why? What are you talking about?" she asked.

Ian took a deep breath and smiles at her, "I-- I have a feeling for you, Maya,"

Maya was stunned and speechless, "W-What? What did you just say?"

Ian smiles and looks at her, "I like you. I really do, Maya,"

"Stop! Don't you dare say that to me again,"

To be continued...