Time goes by, but memories remains...

Maya and Aliah are preparing to go to Gaia's grave. They were packing their things and immediately headed to the car. Maya was nervous because she knew she had never visited her sister. She started the engine and started to drive. She was sighing while holding the steering wheel. 

"Are you okay?" she looks at her mom and nods. All she can do is nod because she felt guilty about not visiting her even once. They arrived at Gaia's grave after a forty-minute drive. Aliah went out, but Maya looks outside as she was nervous about stepping out. As if she was faceless to face her dead sister. 

"Maya, come on,"

"Yes, coming," 

Maya got out of the car and immediately walked while carrying the fruits and flowers they were carrying for her sister. A deep sigh he let out and continue to walked again.