The Visit

Gaia and Kevin's relationship becomes better but Kevin is still unable to ask Gaia about her neck scar. He seemed to want to know the truth about her scar. He wanted to ask her but he only restrained himself because he didn't want to be uncomfortable between the two of them. He chooses to be silent so that there is no trouble.

"I'll leave when you get in," he said while smiling and waving at her. Gaia smiled and immediately went inside her house. She looks back at him and waves her hands back at him. Gaia entered her condo carrying indelible smiles on her lips. It was her happiest day because she was with the person she loved. Even though she can't tell Kevin how she really feels, she doesn't regret going with him.

She tosses herself in her bed and sighs in relief. "I will never forget this day, Kevin. Thank you very much," she said and immediately closed her eyes.