
Gaia was nervous when she was inside Kevin's car. They are going to their house in the province where Anthon finds out that Maya and her mother live. She was restless inside the car and Kevin can sense it.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm afraid. What if-" she couldn't even continue and Kevin held her hand while smiling at her.

"I'm here, don't worry about anything," she nods and Kevin immediately started the car. 

Maya was outside the house hanging up their clothes when suddenly someone rang the doorbell. She looks at the gate and wonders, "Why are so many looking for me now? What is there? " she asked herself a confusing question. She went to the gate and opened who was the person outside. She was shocked to see Kevin outside their gate.

"Kevin? What-" she couldn't continue what she was going to say when Gaia suddenly got out of Kevin's car.

"Oh, you have someone with you," Kevin then looks at Gaia and smiles at Maya.