"Making love without love"

Kim was playing with bubbles while Kevin was just staring at her. He was smiling when he saw Kim smiling while playing the bubbles. Kim was playing when she noticed Kevin was just looking at her. Kevin stops smiling and averted his gaze at her. Kim's cheek immediately blushed and she walked closer to him.

"Are you having fun?" Kevin asked her when she went closer to him. Kim nodded and sat down beside him. They both looked around as they sat down. Kim and Kevin had a great time while in the amusement park.

Kim turned her attention to him. She can't say she no longer feels for Kevin. Kim even suppresses her feelings, but her heart doesn't lie and it always screams Kevin's name inside her chest every single day. 

Kim deeply sighs while looking at Kevin. Kevin was still looking at the surroundings when Kim suddenly leans in closer to him. She swallowed hard as she was looking at him. Kim can now closely see the flawless skin on his face.