Don't judge a book by it's cover

Kim was at her dad's company while waiting for her father to return from the meeting. She was sitting down on the sofa while waiting for him. Kim was sighing as she clearly remembers what happened yesterday. 

"How I wish it was a dream," she said with a sigh. 

The door suddenly opened so Kim suddenly stood up to greet her father but its secretary entered. Kim was surprised and looked around for her father.

"Where's my dad?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kim, your dad couldn't come due to his busy schedule. He asked me to drive you home," his secretary said.

"No. I'm fine. I can go home myself," she said and went out.

Kim reached the bottom of the stairs while her father's employees were looking at her. They were chattering about her. All about her. 

"She's so pretty. Is she the CEO's daughter?"

"Yes, she is,"

"How pretty of her,"