You're not the father!

"I'll go straight to the point, Mr. Han. I'm daughter is having a hard time. She's pregnant," 

"What? Maya's pregnant?" Anthon's eyes widen as he heard it. He bowed his head and went out. The two of them were inside the office. 

"Ma'am, are you saying... Maya's pregnant?"


"What are you talking about, Ma'am?"

"It's not Maya. It's Gaia," his eyes widen as he heard Gaia's name. 

"Ma'am? Did you say, Gaia?" Kevin asked her surprisingly. Aliah nodded her head while looking at him. 

"Where is she?" 

"She needs you, Mr. Han. I may not know what you've been through, but I don't my daughter to carry and take care of that kid by herself. She needs your help and assistance. Not only in financial, but in physical," Aliah said. 

"Ma'am, I was looking for her for about a week, but I can't see her. Where is she?" he asked again. 

"She's here," Aliah then handed Kevin a paper, and the address was written on it.