Ben's obsession

"You ruined everything, Anthony," Alejandro said while looking at the photos, shocked. 

Meanwhile, Nicole was with Kyle. He's worried about her and wants to look after her for tonight. Kyle was in the living room while looking at the ceiling. He sighed and started to close his eyes. 

Nicole was inside her room, unable to sleep in the thought of Kyle. She was looking at the door, still thinking about him outside her room. 

"I feel uncomfortable right now. Is it because of Kyle? I don't know what I'm feeling right now," she asked herself in confusion. Nicole then remembered about Ben. She then clenched her fists as she thought of that bastard. Nicole let out a deep sigh from her mouth. She doesn't know if Ben will come back to get revenge on her or maybe what to do with her.

After Nicole thought about what had happened before, she calmed down and knew that Ben would never return to her condo.

Early in the morning...