Pact again

"I'm sorry. It was so childish of me. I'm so sorry,"

"But, I would like to say sorry, Kyle. It's my fault why you got shot. I'm sorry,"

"No. It's not your fault. It's Ben's. So, stop blaming yourself, okay?" Nicole was still stunned while looking at Kyle. They were inches apart, and it made her chest throb fast. Nicole also immediately backed away from Kyle. Kyle swallowed while looking at her, and he knew Nicole was feeling awkward in their position, so he let go of his grip on her hand.

"I'm sorry," he says. 

"It's okay," 

On the other hand, Gaia feels regretful about the things she did to Kevin. She was discharged and went home. Gaia's with Alice, she then noticed Gaia's thought was somewhere else. 

"Ms. Gaia? Are you okay?" she asked her. Gaia looked at her with a smile. She then took a deep sigh before talking, "I don't know. I want to talk to him about us, but I'm afraid,"

"What are you afraid to, Ms. Gaia?"