The Dance

"No, she can't be," Alice uttered while tearing up. She searched for Rebecca and saw the news about her. Her mouth was wide open while looking at the information. 

"Rebecca's dead?" she said to herself while tearing up. Alice couldn't believe what she had found out. She immediately searched Shawn's account again and texted him.

"Hey... It's me, Alice. I want to say hi and ask you how you are," she sent the message to him on Instagram. Alice sighed as she puts away her phone in her pocket. 

She looked at the blue ocean while sighing. Alice was about to stand when her phone chimed. She took it out of her pocket and saw a message from Shawn. Her eyes widened as Shawn suddenly requested a video call. Alice's hands tremble while pointing at the answer button. 

She answered it and saw Shawn, "Hey, Alice," Shawn greeted her with a smile. 

"Hey, Shawn,"

-How are you-