Looking for an important person

"Your dance..." Nicole's chest started to throb fasts as she heard those words coming from him. She was frozen as she decided to look onto him and, "Don't you even think about-"

"I love how the way you dance. It was graceful and elegant," Nicole pauses and looks at Kyle. He was smiling at her as he uttered those words. It was genuine and sincere. Nicole was frowning while looking at him. Something is going on between them, but they are both in the denial stage. Kyle wanted to tell Nicole about what he feels, and so does Nicole, but something is blocking them from doing it.

Both of them don't want to get hurt and go into a relationship. For Nicole, relationships are sh**tty things in life. She looked at him with a long face. Nicole wanted to end things in a good way. She wanted to tell Kyle that she didn't want to end their friendship.