Farewell, my friends

"Do I still have a chance?" Dexter asked her. 

"Mister... I don't want to hurt Shawn's feelings. He's good to me, and he takes care of me. I don't want to hurt him, I'm sorry,"

"Do you still like me?"

"What? What did you say?"

"Do you still like me?"

Alice sighed, "No. I don't like you anymore," Alice replied to Dexter, who immediately stopped her. Dexter was tearing up because he knew he had made a mistake and lacked appreciation for Alice.

"I'm sorry, Alice. Only now have I seen your importance," Dexter said in a quavering voice. Alice couldn't stop the tears from falling in her eyes. She didn't want to hurt Dexter, but she also couldn't afford to hurt Shawn, who already loves her truly. Shawn had been there for her on her worsts days, ups and downs.