Take me!

Dexter paused as he stared at her. He didn't want to see Shiela getting worst like this. He couldn't look at how she suffered. 

"This is fine. Don't worry about me," she said, and she still manages to smile despite her condition. Dexter just stared at her, but Shiela said goodbye first to go to the bathroom. She then went to the bathroom and locked herself inside. As she was inside, she then looked at herself, and a solemn tear came out from her eyes. Shiela felt sorry for herself because of her illness. She wants to get rid of this cancer so that she can relax and be with the people she wants to be with forever.

She washed her face first before she left because she knew Dexter would notice that she was crying again. She makes sure her eyes are not obvious that she is crying. Shiela then went out after she washed her face. Shiela returned to the living room with a smile as she looked at Dexter.