She went viral again!

"Why? I looked so ill because of this. I don't want to be like this. I'm strong, and I wanted to stay like that. I have not yet completed what is on my wishlist. Take me after I complete the things on my wishlist," Shiela uttered as she prayed to the heavens above her. 

If she could just stop the time, so she could be with Dexter longer she would have done it, but she can't. Shiela's time in the world is unstoppable. If it's her time, it's her time, and Shiela can't avoid it anymore. She had to face the reality that she was going to disappear from the world one day. Shiela get herself together and fixed herself. 

Shiela immediately texts Dexter not to go to her place. She wanted to rest, and she didn't want Dexter to see her hair falling out so much.