Without hesitation you threw an axe?

Lin Chen stared at Lin Yu, horrified. He couldn't believe what had just happened. For Lin Chen, everything happened in a blur. He turned around to talk to Shen Junxi while still thinking of a proper excuse to avoid his wrath. Then out of nowhere - whoosh - a cold air buzzed past him, carrying an axe that planted itself in a tree.

Lin Chen was stunned, and so was Lin Jing. He didn't know what had happened. All he saw was Lin Yu tugging the axe out of a tree stump and throwing it at Shen Junxi, or at the very least the roof behind him.

Lin Jing blinked while Shen Junxi simply looked over his shoulder, like the thing that was thrown in his direction wasn't an axe, but a fluffy bunny. He didn't even flinch, and when he looked back at Lin Yu, he nodded his head admiringly. "You got guts, brat! That was some throw."