Better pray for your life

"Brother, are you okay?" Lin Jing didn't know how long he was passed out. When he woke up, his surrounding was lit, and dawn seemed to be approaching. Surprised, he sat up straight, rubbing the back of his neck. What just happened? Why was he sleeping in his daily clothes and not in his nightdress? And why was his forehead throbbing like it was smashed with a hard rock? 

He looked around, and it took a while to regain his bearings. He was in his room. Lin Chen squeezed the water from a small cloth that he wanted to put on Lin Jing's forehead. He pushed his brother back on the bed to lie back down. "Elder brother lay still, last night you caught a chill and passed out. Are you feeling okay?"

Chill? When did he catch a cold? That was when Lin Jing remembered what happened yesterday night. Lin Yu threw an axe at an assassin, and Lin Chen stomped on said axe, making the already injured assassin bleed even more.