Take Care

"Ouch go slower you brat. A bit softly like you do it for Wan Wan." when Lin Chen gave Shen Junxi a dead fish look the latter smacked him on the back of his head and chided him loudly. "What? What was that look like right now? You are not going to treat me nicely, because I am not Wan Wan is that right?"

Lin Chen rubbed the back of his head and scrunched up his brows. "That's not what I meant, I have treated you three times and I even applied for the medicine on your butt four times but you always complain that I am being too rough with you. It's not me who is being rough but the bite on your butt is too severe." and he was tired of seeing Shen Junxi's butt. 

If he had to take off the latter's blanket once again and wipe the medicine and reapply it again he might go mad. Why was it that the best day of his life was degraded in such a way? Being attacked by cats then being betrayed by his Eldest Brother and now this -was this world really against him?