Kidnapped ? Again ?

Su Wan woke up around the evening all her muscles were deliciously used and her entire body felt soft and languid. 

She wanted to sleep some more but then the grumbling of her stomach told her that it was a bit too late. She sheepishly poked out her tongue at the hoarse caws of the crows and as well as the orange hue of the sky it was evening yet she was still in her bed.

If she did something like this back when she was still married to that bastard, he would have lifted up the sky on his head calling her lazy and what not for being too much, blah, blah, blah - such small things made her feel even more fortunate than she was Su Wan.

She smiled with glee as she rolled on the bed from this point to that, before getting out in the most unladylike way and crossed the room to the laundry basket where Lin Jing had put her clothes.