chapter 12

All of them agreed to this. The crocodile let them go. On going further, everyone found a river. He started trying to cross her. Then a wave came and threw them out. Then a goddess came out of it and stopped them. When he narrated all his story to the goddess, the goddess said

"I will let you go but I have to do one thing. Have to bring my seven gems."

The camel prince agreed. The river gave way to them. On moving forward, he saw that a tree was walking along with him for a long time. The camel-prince gestured and asked the monkey about him. The monkey jumped up on that tree and started roaming on the tree. Then he sees the head of a demon there. monkey starts talking to the demon

"Who are you and why are you following us?"

the demon spoke in a humble voice

"O monkey, I am a king. Due to the curse of a Tantrik, I have become a tree. My treatment is also possible with red gem among those stars, but till date I have not found the way there. When I heard that all of you are also going in the same direction, then a hope arose in my mind, so I started walking with you.

Everyone went towards the hill. Now he started seeing seven stars among the many clouds there. Everyone started going there quickly and looking for their things, the camel-prince gets the flute. He keeps it in his bag. Then he starts searching for the soul of old lady. When they find it, they come to know that old lady's soul is a beautiful girl. Meanwhile, the tree sees a red gem and goes to it. When he takes the red gem in his hand, he comes to his original form and becomes the king. Then he starts looking for the breath of the ancestors of the crocodile. He saw small crocodiles playing some distance away. The camel-prince told him

"Your descendants are waiting for you. You have to go with us."

All of them also agreed and came in the camel-prince's bag. After this, everyone together found the gems of the river and kept it with them. Then everyone happily came back. First he reached near the river. Then the goddess came out of it and said

"Give me my gems."

The camel-prince suspects something and asks the river goddess

"You, tell me the identity of the gems, only then I can give them to you."

The goddess who came out of the river started making excuses.

camel-prince spoke

"I came to know that you are not her because you have a mole on your left cheek, she had a mole on her right cheek, I will not give you a gem."

Hearing this, goddess gets angry and starts attacking them. Everyone starts defending themself. Before he can snatch the gems, the goddess who had spoken to him comes before and the prince gives the gem to the other goddess. Goddess asks happily

"But prince, how did you know that the goddess who appeared before you is not me."