chapter 13

camel-prince spoke

"It was very easy. First, the way you both talk, second, the difference in clothes and third, I had seen that you have a mole on your right cheek and it was on her left."

Hearing this, the river was greatly impressed by the camel-prince and, giving way to them, said

"Yeah she's my twin sister. These gems are very important for our state, so she wanted to get them."

When everyone moves forward, they find a crocodile. he asks them

"Did you bring the breath of my ancestors?"

After this the camel-prince gives the crocodile the breath of his ancestors. The crocodile was very happy and gave him a wonderful necklace and said

"Its specialty will be known in time."

On moving forward, he meets the same old lady who told him to bring his soul. The camel-prince gives the beautiful girl to them but he asks them

"How can this be your soul? How young is this."

old lady said smiling

"This is my daughter and daughters are souls."

Then the tree-king goes ahead and asks old lady for the hand of that beautiful girl and the old lady also happily makes him her son-in-law.

Everyone else moved on. They all returned to their kingdom. Everyone was very happy. The snake was also very happy. After returning there, the camel-prince's parents asked him to marry the witch's daughter because the witch's daughter is very good in nature and these days she and the queen have become a good pair. He put the snake in the basket. For some days, everyone took great care of him, but then with time everyone forgot that he had kept his friend snake in the basket.

Here the daughter of the witch and camel-prince had two twin daughters. They were named Ananda and Sunanda in a very grand birth anniversary. The beauty of both was discussed. Both were also very intelligent. Sunanda was very much, while Ananda was a little simple.

One day Princess Ananda also went to where that basket was. When he opened that basket and saw, among the many pearls in it, a snake appeared from it, whose face was becoming like a human, but then it became a complete snake. At first she was a little scared, then after a while she started talking to the snake. The snake also liked it, after so many days someone has come to talk to him. Princess Ananda asked him

"What are you doing here and who are you?"

So the snake told him the whole thing about himself and the camel-prince and then said that

"The Camel-Prince had promised me that he would help me, but now he himself has forgotten."

then he said

"How do you talk like a human?"

to which he told

"He has become a snake because of the curse. He does not know the means of liberation from the curse, so he can talk like a human but cannot remain a human being.

Ananda said

"I'll talk to dad about you."

She took leave from the snake and went to her father and told him the whole thing. The camel-prince also remembered that he had promised the snake that he would go to his kingdom with a flute. He immediately approached the snake and started apologizing to him. The snake forgave him and said

"Do not delay now. Quickly take me to my parents. My parents will be waiting for me."