chapter 14

The camel-prince along with his friends walked towards the snake kingdom. After reaching there, she is roaming on the flowers near the pond and played the flute in front of her friend Bhanwari, then she came in her real form and was very happy. Then by asking them to stay, he made a way in that pond with his magic, so that all the people went inside the palace. Going there, the camel-prince played the flute in front of the king and queen, then his eyesight returned.

they hugged the camel-prince and thanked him a lot. king said to the camel-prince

"Prince, please heal our son too."

The camel-prince played the flute many times in front of the snake but it did not go well. When the snake did not recover even after many attempts of the camel-prince, he asked them

"Is there any other way to break the snake's curse?"

then he said

"We don't know but maybe his Bhanwari friend knows."

So Bhanwari was called and asked that

"Does she know anything about this?"

so she told

"The Tantrik who gave this curse. He had told the remedy on my request that if a girl sees a snake in its half form near its pearls and that girl is married to a snake, then the snake's curse will end immediately.

The camel-prince was not ready for this because the princess is only 12 years old so how can she marry him. The camel-prince wanted to cure the snake, but to do so, he did not want to marry his daughter to him, till then Ananda also came there chasing them all. she said as soon as she came

"Dad, don't you worry. I am ready for this marriage. Snake is very good. He will take care of me."

After much persuasion, finally the camel-prince also agrees to this marriage. Everyone is very happy. Snake and Ananda get married in the presence of all the family members with great pomp. As soon as the marriage was completed, the snake turned into a handsome prince in his real human form. He looked at Ananda lovingly and said

"Thank you very much princess, you have freed me from the curse."

The princess smiles hearing this. The snake's parents thanked the camel-prince very much. After living together for some time, the camel-prince asked the snake for permission to return to his kingdom. The snake did not want to, but still he sent off his friend. The snake gives a flying mat to his dear friend, which is the most precious gift and the camel-prince sits on the mat and comes to his kingdom with his companions.

He bows at the feet of his parents and Guru ji. Hugs the magician. It was because of the magician that his parents met. The witch's daughter and the camel-prince are overjoyed to see each other.